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Public-images-osm logo.svg cadet = police
Student Police Cadet-Kerala.jpg
A facility where Police Cadet groups meet
Group: clubs
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)should not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Status: approvedPage for proposal

This tag is to be used to map the locations where Police cadet groups meet .

How to map

Actual mapping would be as either an area or a node, depending on where the group is located.

Where the group occupies it's own exclusive building, draw an area around that building, and tag it as:
building=yes + club=cadet + cadet=police.

Separate cadet buildings are not to be tagged as Police Stations i.e. amenity=police.

If the group shares space in a multi-use building e.g. an operational Police Station, School or Community Centre, map the building itself appropriately (if it's not already mapped), then add a node to that building as: club=cadet + cadet=police.

Common tags


name=* = the name of each individual Cadet Group


operator=*, including the full name e.g. operator=Norfolk Police

If you know the Wikidata code for that operator, that can also be included as: operator:wikidata=*


Use the normal opening_hours=* tag to show what time/s the Group meets i.e. the time that the Cadets are usually there, not permanent staff / instructors e.g. opening_hours=Tu 18:00-21:00