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Public-images-osm logo.svg drinking_straw
Brazilian drinking straws.jpg
Describes whether this feature offers drinking straws and the material of them.
Group: food and beverages
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesmay be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)may be used on relations
Useful combination
See also
Status: in use

drinking_straw=* can be used to define whether an amenity that serves drinks also offers drinking straws, and if so, the material of the straws they offer.


Here are some well-defined values for the most common types of drinking straws.

Tag Photo Note
drinking_straw=yes Drinking straws are offered here, but the exact type is not known. Use a more specific value when possible.
drinking_straw=no Drinking straws are not offered here.
drinking_straw=plastic A collection of coloured plastic straws.jpg
drinking_straw=paper Verde Flavors of Mexico Ironworks - June 2022 - Sarah Stierch 04.jpg
drinking_straw=bioplastic These can often be indistinguishable from normal plastic straws, but they are usually advertised as bioplastic or "compostable" on the wrapper. They also usually have a more matte feel and translucent appearance (as opposed to entirely transparent). If you are unsure, it's OK to use drinking_straw=plastic instead.
drinking_straw=metal Metal straw.jpg
user-defined All commonly used values according to Taginfo.