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Public-images-osm logo.svg routing:entrance
Access point for an area without a physical entrance, used to send routing engine there instead of to the centroid, which is often ambiguous or far from a highway node.
Group: routes
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysshould not be used on areasshould not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
See also
Status: in use

Use routing:entrance=* for marking the most common access point for an area (e.g. a park, a sport field or a quarry) or a building with multiple main entrances:

Examples: routing:entrance=main or routing:entrance=yes.

This is mostly used on large areas where using the centroid as the origin or destination for a routing would be unrealistic (especially for very large building like large schools or large factories) and would potentially snap to an incorrect nearest highway node, which could mean long detours in some instances. It also simplifies POIs (points of interest/trip generators) analysis since they can be easily converted to points instead of polygons.

For buildings or amenities with multiple main entrances (like large schools with distinct main entrances for students, for the cafeteria and for the employees), adding a routing:entrance=main to one of the main entrance will make sure that routing to this amenity will be focused on a single point instead of the centroid or random selection of one of the main entrances.

This tag was coined in 2021. As of March 2024, it is almost exclusively used in Québec. A common alternative is to add a node to a type=site relation with the role Role entrance. This node can be any physical feature or entrance=* node along a routable way.

See also

  • entrance=* to specify the physical entrance to a building.