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Public-images-osm logo.svg waterbody:name
Name of the water body enclosing a waterway
Used on these elements
should not be used on nodesmay be used on waysshould not be used on areasshould not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)


Status: in use

The waterbody:name=* tag is used on waterway=* features to indicate the name of the body of water they are flowing through.


Waterway features often flow through water bodies such as ponds, lakes, and reservoirs. Tagging the names of these on waterway segments enables a few use cases. Water-based routers can give instructions like "paddle 400 meters down Trout Brook through Mill Pond." Renderers can create label center lines for water bodies using the geometry of the waterways.

How to map

The tagging for waterbody:name=* tags follows the same pattern as for name=* tags. For example, you can tag a French name as waterbody:name:fr=*.

The content of waterbody:name=* tags should match the name=* tags of the referenced water body. If there are multiple waterways contained in the same water body, give them all the same waterbody:name=* values. If a waterway flows through a named bay, split the waterway at the bay's mouth and use the bay's name for waterbody:name=*.


  • way 1254358763 – Curlis Lake centerline
  • way 809693785 – Raystown Branch Juniata River through Raystown Lake
  • way 37788881 – Hudson River through the Tappan Zee
  • way 1237364974 – Hyde Bay centerline in Otsego Lake

See also

  • waterway:name=* – used on water bodies to indicate the name of the enclosed waterway