Lithuania/idiosyncratic mapping

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Imports and automated edits should only be carried out by those with experience and understanding of the way the OpenStreetMap community creates maps, and only with careful planning and consultation with the local community.
See Import/Guidelines and Automated Edits code of conduct for more information. Imports/automated edits which do not follow these guidelines might be reverted!
Translate to Lithuanian

This page, as well as the other pages in the category "Translate to Lithuanian", are wanted to be translated into Lithuanian.
You can use a Google machine translation to understand the content of this page roughly if you cannot read English.

Some mapping practices in Lithuania are unusual by worldwide standards.

Highway classification

The highway=* tag for roads may vary erratically where there are short stretches of paving on an otherwise unpaved road (for instance bridges). For more info see [1][2][3][4]

  • As of 6 June 2022 these discrepancies have disappeared from the map.

Search in Osmose





Street names

Names of streets may be abbreviated contrary to usual OSM practice.

Overpass queries


Sidewalks near a road may not be mapped with separate ways [1]

Wikipedia links

The tag wikipedia=* may be used where subject:wikipedia=* would be expected elsewhere[2].


  1. Changeset comments by user Tomas Straupis[5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12]
  2. Changeset comment, forum post