Locus Map

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Locus Map
Locus screenshot01.png
Author: menion.asamm
License: Proprietary (free, paid)
Platform: Android
Version: v4.11.0 (2022-07-26)
English, Arabic, Czech, Danish, German, Greek, Spanish, Finnish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, and Slovak

Online/Offline map viewer (MapsForge vector map, area downloader, tile cache), support slippy (non-free too) and vector maps (MapsForge library), guiding, routing and basic navigation (online/offline), track recording with detailed POIs (including photos/videos/audio) and elevation correction, extensive geocaching support, WMS maps and more

Feature Value
Map Display
Display map yes
Map data raster, vector
Source online, offline
Rotate map yes
3D view no
Shows website
Shows phone number
Shows operation hours
Routing yes
Create route manually yes
Calculate route yes
Create route via Waypoints
Routing profiles car;bike;foot
Turn restrictions yes
Calculate route without Internet (Offline routing) with co-app
Routing providers GraphHopper;BRouter
Avoid traffic
Traffic Provider
Navigate yes
Find location yes
Find nearby POIs yes
Navigate to point yes
Navigation with voice / Voice guidance yes
Keep on road yes
Lane guidance
Works without GPS yes
Navigate along predefined route yes
Make track yes
Customizable log interval yes
Track formats
Geotagging photo;video;audio
Fast POI buttons yes
Upload GPX to OSM yes
Monitoring yes
Show current track yes
Open existing track yes
Altitude diagram yes
Show POD value yes
Satellite view yes
Show live NMEA data record
Show speed
Send current position sms;www
Add POIs
Edit / Delete POIs
Add way
Edit geometries
Edit arbitrary tags of existing OSM objects
Edit relations
View notes yes
Create notes yes
Edit notes
Work offline
Support imagery offset DB
Upload to OSM

Locus Map is a multi-functional Android navigation app adding advanced online and offline GPS capabilities to Android devices. Primarily it is designed and used for leisure time outdoor activities like hiking, biking, geocaching. Besides its leisure time utilization the app is also used by professionals e.g. for collecting geospatial data, by rescue squad teams, aerial reconnaissance teams etc.

The app was developed in 2009 by Czech developer Jiří Mlavec, founder of Asamm Software company, based in Prague, Czech Republic. Locus Map development is carried out in cooperation with the community of its users-contributors and as such is partially crowd-sourced.

The application has registered almost 3 million installations and has been reviewed in professional media (e.g. Computer Bild or AndroidPIT). It received awards in several app competitions and polls.


Locus Map offers many useful features such as:

  • Vast range of online maps (both OSM based and from other providers) - tiles are cached automatically or can be downloaded for offline use (depending on map licence)
  • LoMaps (Mapsforge vector maps based on OSM data) supporting on-the-fly change between multiple rendering themes (city, road, hiking/biking, skiing)
  • Offline maps provided by commercial cartography publishers
  • Navigation with spoken (TTS) directions, calculation online (via GraphHopper) or offline (via BRouter)
  • Guiding along a track or to a point, with spoken (TTS) directions
  • Hill shading and elevation auto-fill for points & tracks based on altitude database (online and offline)
  • WMS service
  • Track recorder supporting multiple recording profiles and NMEA raw data recording
  • Track management including folders, static & dynamic styles (e.g. elevation dependent track color), track statistics with zoomable elevation & velocity charts
  • POI management including folders, filters, icons, attachments like photos, videos & sound recordings
  • Limited support of displaying maps in .img format (only one map at a given time, so maps split in multiple layers work poorly)
  • Integration of GPSies, Street View and track export to many online services (Strava, Runkeeper, OSM...)
  • wide range of Geocaching functions
  • Parking assistant (reminds of time limits and helps to find the car)
  • Weather forecast service (only online)
  • POI alert
  • Search by address (online/offline), coordinates, contact, POI name part
  • Dashboard - can be created/edited by the user with an integrated dashboard editor
  • Map overlays enabling multiple maps over each other
  • Image overlays & calibration, e.g. to take a photo of a special map of an information board and use it for orientation in the field
  • Several map projections and grids
  • Export and import in several formats like KML and GPX (supporting Garmin icon names), TCX, DXF, CSV
  • Support of internal (integrated) and Bluetooth GPS, Zephyr and Polar sensors (heart rate etc)
  • Customization options, e.g. completely hiding certain features, or changing icon orders
  • Locus Store - integrated shop with third party maps, dashboards, icon packs, graphics and features
  • Integration with co-apps, e.g. GPS averaging for more precise POI coordinates
  • API for developers

Some of the more advanced features like Dashboard or map overlays or NFC and ANT+ support are only available in the paid version of the app - Locus Map Pro.


The features of Locus Map can be extended via add-ons.[1] Some notable add-ons are:


Hiking view of the OpenAndroMaps Elevate map style in Locus Map 4

Locus Map can display offline maps from OpenAndroMaps, a map optimized for hiking, cycling and mountain biking. To do this users need to install the Elevate map style and download a map region from the OpenAndroMaps website. Both, OpenAndroMaps and using Locus Map for downloading and displaying the map is free of charge.


OpenSeaMap on an android device

Locus is compatible OpenSeaMap.
OpenSeaMap can be viewed on Android devices.

Cached charts

Locus automatically saves OpenSeaMap maps that have been viewed online in the device cache. All saved maps are then available offline.

In Locus, OpenSeaMaps can be found in the "Maps" menu (the Map-Icon at the top-right):

Maps > Online > OSM World > OpenSeaMap

This function well in the Heimat-Revier (home-area?). However, because the saved zoom level available offline is only equal to that previously viewed online, it is slightly laborious to save 'foreign regions', if the user wishes to save everything from the large-scale 'overview map' to the Harbour / Port Plan.

Look and Feel

Offline charts

OpenSeaMap on a Samsung android device

This charts are available in MBTiles-format :

Area Download Size Coverage
Adriatic Sea Adriatic Sea 1,6 GB The area covered by the OpenSeaMap chart bundle 'Adriatic Sea' as of may 2016.
Bay of Biscay Bay of Biscay 0,5 GB The area covered by the OpenSeaMap chart bundle 'Gulf of Biscay' as of may 2016.
English Channel English Channel 0,5 GB The area covered by the OpenSeaMap chart bundle 'British Channel' as of june 2016.
Strait of Magellan Strait of Magellan 0,1 GB The area covered by the OpenSeaMap chart bundle 'Magellan Strait' as of june 2016.
Eastern Mediterranean Eastern Mediterranean 1,4 GB The area covered by the OpenSeaMap chart bundle 'Mediterranean Sea East' as of may 2016.
Western Mediterranean Western Mediterranean 1,2 GB The area covered by the OpenSeaMap chart bundle 'Mediterranean Sea West' as of may 2016.
North Sea North Sea 1,5 GB The area covered by the OpenSeaMap chart bundle 'NorthSea' as of may 2016.
Baltic Sea Baltic Sea 1,4 GB The area covered by the OpenSeaMap chart bundle 'Baltic Sea' as of june 2016.