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Lubumbashi, Haut-Katanga, Congo-Kinshasa, Africa

latitude: -11.67, longitude: 27.47
Browse map of Lubumbashi 11°40′12.00″ S, 27°28′12.00″ E
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Lubumbashi is a city in Haut-Katanga, Congo-Kinshasa, Africa at latitude 11°40′12.00″ South, longitude 27°28′12.00″ East.

Map of Lubumbashi

X (Twitter) user @OSM_LX (Twitter) user

HOT and MSF UK in Lubumbashi

Hot logo with text.svg

In conjunction with Doctors Without Borders UK (MSF-UK) and the department of geography of the University of Lubumbashi, the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) have been organising mapping of Lubumbashi. Detailed map data here is helping MSF to understand disease outbreaks and coordinate vaccinations.


In Oct 2015 we're mapping buildings: Project 1228 - Missing Maps: Lubumbashi (north), Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

2014 field papers / remote mapping exercise

In 2014 a ground-breaking approach was pioneered in Lubumbashi, involving a combination of remote mapping efforts using aerial imagery, surveying by the local community using Field Papers, and digitisation of the field papers data by remote volunteers again.

In preparation for a week of data collection in the field, a mapping party in Berlin took place to map the main road network (MSF Congo Mapping Party, Berlin). In the field the main tools to collect data were Field Papers and OsmAnd because of their important offline capabilities. Read a blog post about the project: A week in Lubumbashi. If you want some more information you can always contact Jorieke

We used the wiki page here to coordinate the field papers digitisation work. We listed download links for the field paper scans, and put our names alongside the one we were working on (see old version from Oct 2014)