Mechanical Edits/Captaininler/add wikidata to highways in basel

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Page content created as advised on Automated_Edits_code_of_conduct#Document_and_discuss_your_plans.

This edit will add wikidata=* tags to highway=* and place=square in the Canton Basel-Stadt (Switzerland).


I, Captaininler. Contact via OpenStreetMap


Adding wikidata=* tags to highway=* and place=square in Canton Basel-Stadt

Editing is restricted to the Boundaries of Canton Basel-Stadt.


For the Equalstreetnames-Project adding name:etymology:wikidata=* or wikidata=* to highway=* will make it possible to visualize street names by gender on a map.

As there are already all Streets of the official Street name directory of Canton Basel-Stadt available from wikidata (query to get all Streets) the JOSM-Wikipedia-Plugin makes it very easy to link all Streets from wikidata with the corresponding object of OpenStreetMap.

To have the same representation of object's from OpenStreetMap and wikidata makes it also easier for


The Street name directory lists 1'441 Streets in Basel-Stadt. A street consists of one or several Openstreetmap-geometries mostly depending on their length.


With the help of JOSM-Wikipedia-Plugin.

Changesets will be tagged with:

The Changesets created in this mechanical edit are:


Is posted on the swiss mailinglist. Weblink to the discussion


This work will be done once. No Repetition is planed.


Please respond on the discussion on the swiss mailinglist.