Microgrants/Microgrants 2020/Proposal/Water and Sanitation mapping in Nairobi's informal settlements

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Community Mapping of Water and Sanitation in Nairobi's Informal Settlements
Mapping in four settlements to complete and update data on public toilets, water points, sanitation facilities.
budget (Euro)4700
grant_typeOrganization (registered as a charitable trust in Kenya)
location(s)Nairobi, Kenya
contact(s)• Zacharia Wambua• Erica Hagen
organization (if applicable)• Map Kibera. Twitter: @mapkibera. www.openschoolskenya.org
links• www.mapkibera.org

About your Mapping Community

Tell us a little bit about your mapping community at the moment, some examples of details to include are below, but please provide us with any information you think is relevant. Please write 100-200 words Map Kibera has produced the first complete free and open map of Kibera. In November 2009, local motivated young people learned to create maps using OpenStreetMap tools. This included surveying with GPS, and digitization of satellite imagery and paper based annotation with Walking Papers, as well as using JOSM. In April 2010, Map Kibera started two media and local news reporting groups formed to elaborate on information in Kibera.

Map Kibera has scaled their work to other informal settlements of Nairobi, such as Mathare, Mukuru, and recently Kangemi. In these areas we have built a strong and versatile team of community mappers. The team comprises more than 50+ youths and we ensure that there is a strong gender balance, as we have seen more women and girls showing interest in the field of mapping.

We're working for a world in which all people have equal ability to create and share information to influence their future.

What do you need the grant money for?

We want to understand what you plan to buy, how much you plan to buy, and why this will help you to scale your community mapping efforts. There are two tables for you to fill in your response, and you may add more rows as needed. Some examples are in the table for your reference. You are welcome to use a different format in your response, but please make sure to include these details.

The project is aimed at mapping out water and sanitation points in Kibera, Mukuru, Mathare and Kangemi.  A lot has changed in these areas since the last time we worked there. There are a number of initiatives that have been undertaken by both the government and local NGOs to build new sanitation facilities and water services, while some of these facilities got destroyed as a result of fire outbreaks in these communities. We plan to map the new facilities and at the same time update the ones that have already been mapped (to check if they still exist and add any additional details). With all this new development around water and sanitation, we would also want to find out:

  • What and where are the biggest problems regarding water and sanitation in the community?
  • Which water points and toilets would you say are the worst and why?
  • Are there many people who use public spaces for toilets?

The approach we intend to take is to first conduct a series of webinar trainings to a group of approximately 20 volunteers that we have worked with in the past in Kibera, Mukuru, Mathare and Kangemi. This will be followed by two mapathons where the team will be able to remotely update already existing data on water and sanitation in these four areas on OpenStreetMap. Later we will have the team go to the field to verify and add any new data. The team will map on their own within their neighborhood, and they will not be meeting or moving as a group as we intend not to have any group gathering or personal meetings. They will be equipped with face masks and will be observing all necessary precautions.

We will also be engaging the OSM community in Kenya and some of the Youth Mappers chapters to assist with the remote mapping, and this they can do at their homes.

  1. To cover (map) water points, public toilets, and sanitation facilities in Kibera, Mukuru, Mathare and Kangemi.
  2. To hold remote training on data collection and mapping using OSM, Maps.Me, JOSM, iD editor and Kobo and how to update already existing data by adding additional data that is missing.

The data collection will focus on:

  • Where do people collect water from?
  • Where do they use the toilet?
  • Where do they dump their trash?
  1. To update the data on OpenSchoolsKenya and highlighting issues of access to clean water in the school and proper sanitation.
  2. To generate print maps showing the distributions of water points and toilets in Kibera, Mukuru, Mathare and Kangemi and  share with the relevant government officials, stakeholders and the communities.
  3. To create an infographic dashboard to display the findings.
  4. Our media team, KNN, will further share the results of this mapping effort and the identified needs with the communities.

Budget breakdown

Give your budget breakdown here. If you would like to present your budget in a tabular format, you can use this tool to convert your spreadsheet into a wikitable and paste the code below here

1 Wifi internet access €100 12 months €1,200 We will need to purchase and share internet hotspots within each slum for the mappers to use.
3 Laptops €302 4 €1,208 The laptops will be made available to some of the team members who don’t have a laptop to be able to use them during the mapathons. This will be done in rotation to ensure everyone gets a chance to contribute.
4 Mobile phones €129 4 €516 The mobile phones will be distributed among the 4 locations, hence each location will have at least 1 phone for data collection. Will plan it in a way that only one person is in the field within a specific moment to minimize personal meetings.
3 Mapper stipend €20 80 €1,600 Given their low income status of the volunteers we will be providing a small stipend to them.
4 Administration €176 1 €176 To cover costs such as home electricity for the users of the laptops, chargers and extra batteries, identification badges.
5 TOTAL 4700

If you receive a grant, what do you aim to achieve?

It is recommended that this supports mission of the OSM Foundation and your local community. Please provide us with any information you think is relevant including the metrics you expect to achieve. Please write 100-200 words.

Through the project, we plan to train youths who we have worked with in these areas and have them to continuously keep contributing to OSM.  The participants will be able to learn new skills in data collection using mobile apps (as most of them were trained initially on using GPS), learn new skills on how to map in OSM using iD, Map with AI, HOT tasking manager, advance their skills in using JOSM editor and many other OSM tools.

Involving the youths will see a robust team of community  mappers who will continue to engage beyond the project. Involving the OSM community and the youthmappers will also provide a good networking opportunity to learn and share skills.

Working with the youths will make it easy to cover the most  parts of this area as we plan to at least have a youth from each of the villages of those areas. Their knowledge of their neighborhood will make it easy for the remote mapping and updates as they are aware of the changes that have occured in their area.

We will create important open data on water and sanitation in the slums which we can keep updating. Through this we will be able to also track issues of illegal dumping sites, waste disposal into the stream hence polluting the water, illegal connection of water and the risk of the water being contaminated as most of the water pipelines run through the ground and open drainages.

Our media team can help publicize the findings and the maps, and draw government attention to the scope of the needs in this area. NGOs and organizations that focus on water and sanitation and other health topics are always in need of this data as well, to plan their work.

Do you receive funding from any other sources at the moment?

If you receive funding from other organisations currently, please state how much this is, whether the donations are regular or one off, and how these funds have been raised. Please write no more than 300 words. If you have any sources of co-funding for this grant application, please provide details. Examples of this might be if you have any partners who would be willing to match grant funding if you receive it, or if your project has existing funding. Please provide as much detail as possible.

Currently we have a one-off grant from Open Society Foundation, but that is primarily to support the media team KNN. We have no water and sanitation mapping funding.

Is there anything you would like OSMF to support you with?

If there is anything which you would like OSMF to support you with in order to strengthen your project, please let us know. For example, this could include building relationships with OSM communities, sourcing updated imagery for mapping projects, or guidance on how to use some of the tools we have created. We want to do our best to support OSM communities, so please let us know what you need. Please write no more than 150 words.


By submitting this form to the OpenStreetMap Foundation, you certify the information contained in this application is correct, and that if you are awarded a grant, you will use it only for the purposes described above. You will provide written documentation and receipts for all of your expenses to the OSM Foundation to demonstrate this. You understand that the decisions made by the OSM Foundation Microgrants committee are final.

Zacharia Wambua


Community members are encouraged to endorse your project request here!

  • I endorse this proposal. – Craig Allan This proposal has strong OSM community development elements built around the provision of essential services. The expensive equipment is clearly meant to be shared (a community resource). The budget is reasonable. The organising group 'Map Kibera' has a long and good track record.
  • I endorse this proposal. I heard a good things about 'Map Kibera' group, there is a good looking plan for usage of the equipment (with one question asked in talk). My main worry is that some data that will be collected is on edge of what is mappable in OpenStreetMap like "Where do they use the toilet?" It reminds me about some projects that were mapping details of private toilets. Mateusz Konieczny (talk) 20:51, 15 May 2020 (UTC)