New York (state)/County Route Relations/Broome

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County Route Relations in Broome County

Route number Relation Progress Notes
5 relation 17866205
8 relation 17866205
13 relation 17921005
16 relation 17896397
20 relation 17869780 I did not add the segment on US 7; the NYSDOT inventory does not include this segment, but it does leave a gap in the route. (there is also no sign for CR20 on this segment)
21 relation 6126996
24 relation 17882111
28 relation 6287718
29 relation 17923570
32 relation 17891998
33 relation 17928301 did not include link roads CR33S, tagged those as unsigned_ref
36 relation 17918418
40 relation 17888277
44 relation 17918196
48 relation 17918294
52 relation 6287719
53 relation 17863446
57 relation 17866400
60 relation 17918602
76 relation 17923571
84 relation 17928461
86 relation 17928454
109 relation 17875891
117 relation 17869779 Hawleyton Road
121 relation 17879219
125 relation 17876128
141 relation 17875890
145 relation 17906263 NYSDOT shows a gap in this route where it crossed the City of Binghamton
157 relation 178876129
161 relation 17884680
173 relation 17888279
181 relation 17905929 included 181S in this relation
185 relation 17905930
189 relation 17888278
197 relation 17879220
209 relation 17882112
217 relation 17900797
225 relation 17896397