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A fire hydrant

Here are the instructions on how to add fire hydrants on the map:

Using OsmHydrant

  1. Go to the OsmHydrant Website:
  2. Follow the instructions there

Using JOSM

  1. Open JOSM
  2. Download the area that you want to edit
  3. In the left menu, select the JOSM-Icon-autonode.svg Draw Nodes tool. Then, double-click. The new point is highlighted in red.
  4. In the "Presets" menu, go to Facilities > Facilities > Fire Hydrant.

There are drop down forms that allow you to enter the known data (the "Help" link leads to more details).

  1. Once done, click on "Apply Preset". It will show up as a fire hydrant icon in JOSM.
  2. After entering the fire hydrants (and other relevant data), upload it. It will show up in OpenFireMap after a few days.

Using Potlatch 2

  1. Go to the area that you want to edit
  2. Click "Edit"
  3. Double-click on the site to create a node
  4. Select "Advanced"
  5. In the drop down table, click add. Enter "emergency", press Enter, then enter "fire hydrant". Repeat for other values​​ (like fire_hydrant:type and source, if needed).
  6. Once done with the keys and values, save your edits.

Using iD

  1. Go to the area that you want to edit
  2. Click "Edit"
  3. Click on "Point"
  4. Click once to create a node
  5. On the left side of the window, click on "Search", then type "Fire Hydrant", then click "Fire Hydrant".
  6. Once done, save your edits.

Adding a fire station

Using the examples above, we can add a fire station, albeit with different tags:

name="Name of fire station"
ref="Reference number of fire station" (5 characters is the maximum limit for displaying the reference number on OpenFireMap)