Organised Editing/Activities/Retail and services Stockholm

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The purpose of this activity is to elevate the quality of data in OSM related to local retail and services in Stockholms suburbs.


Community consultation

The activity will be announced on the local forum here: [] with reference to this activity wiki


The hashtag #sbkstockholm will be used when changesets are committed.


The activity begins June 17th 2024 and is scheduled to end 5th of July 2024

Tools and data sources

Personell will use Go Map!! for ios for this activity.

Measuring our success

We will review the changesets committed by our participants to estimate the success of this activity.


We will provide all participants with a brief introduction to OSM and Go Map!! as well asmapped routes where we see flaws in the OSM data related to local retail and services.

Post-event clean-up

Administrators will monitor the commits of participating users to ensure that the participants provide benefitial contributions.


At this time we have no plans of sharing the results with the community, but we are willing to do so if we see interest from the community.