Potential datasources/France

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The following is a list of potential datasources for France.

National coverage


Main article: WikiProject France/data.gouv.fr

The official French Open Data national platform is available at data.gouv.fr since 5 December 2011. See WikiProject France/data.gouv.fr for details (in French).


Main article: WikiProject France/Cadastre

A WMS is available with a particular protocol. Only JOSM editor and the plugin cadastre-fr can access it until now. The cadastral administration (DGFiP) gave a special authorization for OSM to access it. See WikiProject France/Cadastre for details.

Corine Land Cover

Main article: WikiProject France/Corine Land Cover

In short, Corine Land Cover France has been released under a license compatible with OSM (since beginning of 2009). The dataset is about landuse for the French continental part. The last released shapefiles referenced as "2006" have been partially imported in october 2009.


INSEE is the French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies. All their products are available for free and with a licence compatible with OSM ([1]) with the only restriction to mention the source and not alter the integrity of the data.

Correspondance adresses-zonage urbains

INSEE provides a CD called Correspondance adresses-zonage urbains. It is a whole database of In which urban area is this address (number + name of the street). It covers cities greater than 10,000 inhabitants.

Problem with this database is that addresses are geolocalized to a single point per areas (quarters) with unclear/unofficial boundaries. And they are not providing individual addresses. It couldn't be used directly in OSM but more for some kind of validation tools.

Ministry of Ecology/GeoLittoral

Main article: WikiProject France/GéoLittoral

GeoLittoral is a WMS/WFS server published by the French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transport and Housing.

On 2010-05-19, we received a response from the publication director, saying that the data are published under the French "Information Publique" license, which allows us to create and re-license derived data, as long as the dataset has been enhanced by the process.

Its URL has been added to default JOSM imagery servers (you need to switch map CRS to WGS84): http://geolittoral.application.equipement.gouv.fr/wms/metropole?service=wms&request=getmap&version=1.1.1&layers=ortholittorale&SRS=EPSG:4326&format=image/jpeg&

Ministry of Sports/RES (Recensement des Équipements Sportifs)

Potentially 334 000 categorized and geolocalized sports facilities

The license is unknown. --Psammos 17:10, 3 June 2011 (BST)

Onema/ROE (Référentiel des Obstacles à l’Ecoulement)

The Onema (National Office of Water) publishes under LO/OL license a "Référentiel des obstacles à l'écoulement" (ROE), which contains more than 50.000 dams, bridges, locks...

The license is compatible with OSM.

Sandre/BD CarTHAgE

This is a hydrographical data collection of French river and water points. It's now free to use it but I don't if we are able to use it in OSM. For testing the river Isere, the Lac Léman, Lac d'Annecy, Lac du Bourget, Lac d'aiguebelette et le lac Paladru have been imported. The French text below says that the BD Carthage license is non-commercial, i.e. not compatible with OpenStreetMap. The licence is here. If it is compatible with OpenstreetMap Licence's I Can import whole of it.

Après enquête, il me semble que la possibilité règlementaire d'inclure les données de la BD Carthage à la base OSM ne sont pas claire :

  • D'un coté Fredb relève que :
    "L'Acceptant ne peut exercer aucun des droits conférés par l'article 3 avec l'intention ou l'objectif d'obtenir un profit commercial ou une compensation financière personnelle."
  • D'un autre le Sandre indique que :
    "La BD CARTHAGE est à présent gratuite pour tout tiers sous condition d’une utilisation non commerciale, et ceci pour la durée de la convention (3 ans). La notion de sphère eau n’existe plus."

Pour en avoir le cœur net j'ai épluché le forum de georezo.net où la discussion ne porte pas explicitement autour de la "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0". J'ai donc contacté les services du SANDRE et le responsable de l'IGN et le forum Georezo en leur demandant :

"Bonjour, je participe au projet de cartographie www.openstreetmap.org.
Ce projet est un wiki cartographique dont l'objectif est de constituer une base de données routières enrichie par les internautes.
Pour des besoins de repérages nous aimerions y inclure les données de la BD Carthage. La licence de celle-ci précise que :
"La BD CARTHAGE est à présent gratuite pour tout tiers sous condition d’une utilisation non commerciale, et ceci pour la durée de la convention (3 ans). La notion de sphère eau n’existe plus."
N'étant pas pas moi-même juriste, je voudrait savoir si celle-ci est compatible avec la licence Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 si nous prenons le soin de spécifier dans la base d'OpenStreetMap l'origine de la BD-Carthage ?

Donc, la condition d'utilisation non commerciale exclue l'utilisation de la BD Carthage pour OSM?

Rody's understanding: BD-Carthage is Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 (see [2] and http://sandre.eaufrance.fr/Referentiel-BD-CarTHAgE-R,677).


RTE (French national electricity transmission system operator) publishes some data regarding its infrastructure (towers, lines, underground cables, substations…) and its use (https://opendata.reseaux-energies.fr/explore/?sort=modified&refine.keyword=Electricit%C3%A9). These data can be viewed online or extracted in SHP, GeoJSON, CSV… and then used in JOSM. These data are under Open licence: they are freely reusable with attribution and year of production of the reused data.


SNCF (French national railway company) has launched its own portal: http://data.sncf.com/


The BRGM (Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières, Mining and geological research bureau) maintains several databases, some of them freely reusable (http://infoterre.brgm.fr/) under Open licence (http://infoterre.brgm.fr/page/conditions-dutilisation-donnees): they are freely reusable with attribution and year of production of the reused data.

Among these databases is a database of underground cavities (caves, ponors, pits…) and their access. They have WFS and WMS service (http://geoservices.brgm.fr/risques with the layer Cavités souterraines abandonnées d’origine non minière); as JOSM currently have no support of WFS (https://josm.openstreetmap.de/ticket/16880), one can use the WMS in JOSM for the locations and their Web Viewer (http://infoterre.brgm.fr/viewer/LoadContext.do) for the metadata. Beware, the WFS does not give some metadata, which are consequently only accessible from the Web viewer, using the URL http://fiches-risques.brgm.fr/georisques/cavite/ID, where ID is the cavity ID.

La Poste - Service National de l'Adresse

La Poste (National postal service) publishes under ODbL license the list of French cities with their postal codes. They provide many other automatically updated data sources, including mapping of postal codes with INSEE city codes, or the opening times of all post offices, etc.

Information and API: https://datanova.laposte.fr/page/accueil/

Vélo & Territoires - Observatoire National des Véloroutes et Voie Vertes (ON3V)

The association of local authorities gathers geographic information on bike lanes around France.

Information about ON3V: https://www.velo-territoires.org/observatoires/observatoire-national-des-veloroutes-et-voies-vertes/

Information about getting data: France/Cartographie des itineraires cyclables

Regional coverage

Regions Open Data portals

Region Link License Comments

Actual regions

84 Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes opendata.auvergnerhonealpes.eu
53 Bretagne geobretagne.fr/geonetwork/apps/georchestra Données libres disponibles sur Geobretagne.fr.
94 Corse https://www.data.corsica
44 Grand-Est data.grandest.fr Etalab (LO/OL), ODbL
93 Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur opendata.regionpaca.fr Etalab (LO/OL), CC-BY, ODbL
Bourgogne-Franche-Comté ideo.ternum-bfc.fr Etalab (LO/OL), ODbL
Pays de la Loire https://data.paysdelaloire.fr/explore Etalab (LO/OL), ODbL

Old regions (before 2016)

Alsace opendata.alsace.eu Site will be launched in April 2013
Aquitaine www.datalocale.fr ODbL Portal shared with CG33 (Department of Gironde)
Auvergne [3] Etalab (LO/OL)

SIE Agence de l'eau Adour-Garonne

Adour-Garonne water agency publishes 2 databases on its dams and hydroelectric power stations. Licence seems OK, a confirmation request has been sent. --Don-vip 20:38, 15 May 2011 (BST)

Deny from agency received on 16/05/2011 but IP license considered in next months, To Be Continued. --Don-vip 19:35, 16 May 2011 (BST)

CRAIG (Centre Régional Auvergnat de l'Information Géographique)

Main article: WikiProject France/CRAIG

2009-2010 orthophotos of Auvergne departments are proposed by CRAIG (Centre Régional Auvergnat de l'Information Géographique) as a WMS. Resolution of 30cm on the 4 departments and 15cm on cities of Montluçon, Moulins, Vichy et Le-Puy-En-Velay. See WikiProject France/CRAIG for details.

RATP (Régie autonome des transports parisiens)

RATP (French for Autonomous Operator of Parisian Transports) published a few datasets on www.ratp.fr/opendata in July 2012. The license was the same as the one used by data.gouv.fr, where the data can also be found. The real open data portal (data.ratp.fr) is open since october 2012. It contains more datasets, but they are published with distinct licences (LO/OL, ODbL, RATP).

Departmental coverage

Departments Open Data portals

CG Department Link License Comments
CG13 Bouches-du-Rhône data.visitprovence.com ODbL
CG33 Gironde www.datalocale.fr ODbL Portal shared with Region of Aquitaine
CG41 Loir-et-Cher www.pilote41.fr Etalab (LO/OL)
CG44 Loire-Atlantique data.loire-atlantique.fr ODbL
CG49 Maine-et-Loire www.opendata49.fr ODbL
CG71 Saône-et-Loire www.opendata71.fr APIE ?
CG92 Hauts-de-Seine opendata.hauts-de-seine.net Etalab (LO/OL) Data integration follow-up project

Outre-Mers coverage

Data acces in Outre-Mers

OM Accès Licence Commentaires
987 French Polynesia (POM, COM) Go to urbanism service CC BY + Autorisation Informatic service of FP (SIPF) is working on a maquet for sharing opendata...

Local coverage

Metropolitan Areas Open Data portals

Metropolitan Area Link License Wiki project Comments
Angers data.angers.fr ODbL
Bordeaux data.lacub.fr ODbL Available since 9 June 2011. Wms since September 2011. ODbL since February 2013
opendata.bordeaux.fr LO/OL Available since 30 September 2012.
Brest brest-metropole-oceane.fr custom
La Rochelle www.opendata.larochelle.fr ODbL
Le Mans data.lemans.fr ODbL Available since 13 March 2012. Type "OpenData" in the search field.
Lyon catalogue.data.grandlyon.com ODbL
Montpellier opendata.montpelliernumerique.fr ODbL
Nantes data.nantes.fr ODbL Available since 21 November 2012.
Nice opendata.nicecotedazur.org LO/OL
Paris opendata.paris.fr ODbL Available since January 2011.
Pau opendata.agglo-pau.com/ ODbL Available since 26 February 2013.
Rennes Métropole https://data.rennesmetropole.fr ODbL ou LO
Strasbourg www.strasbourg.eu LO/OL Available since February 2013.
Toulouse data.toulouse-metropole.fr ODbL Toulouse/ToulouseMetropoleData Available since 22 October 2011.
Versailles siteopendataversailles.cloudapp.net


LO/OL Open Data Versailles: analyse des données