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Proposal status: Abandoned (inactive)
Public-images-osm logo.svg intersection
bind all parts of a street-intersection together and everything else that belongs to it Show/edit corresponding data item.

  • area - intersection
  • way - street
  • way - virtual_street
  • way - cycleway
  • way area - cycleway_virtual
  • way area - pedestrian
  • way area - pedestrian_virtual
  • way - lane
  • way - traffic_signals
  • way - sign
  • area - island
  • node way area - separator
  • node way area - barrier
  • way - crossing_railway
  • way - railway
  • way - tree_row
  • node - tree
  • area - driveable_area
  • node way area - associated / others
Status: in use

This relation is used to group together all physical items of an intersection, to allow data consumers to parse it as one entity. Intersection relations should only be used on more complex intersections, which are more than just an area - like signs, traffic lights, etc.

Note that this relation is not established and unsupported by some applications. It has also not been approved by vote. You can still use it, but you should not delete existing tagging in its favor.


Key Value Comment
type intersection Defines that this is a Relation of the type 'intersection'.
name * The name of the intersection (if applicable)
any * Any Tag that applies to this intersection


Type Role Recurrence Usage
area intersection one The shape that outlines the edge of the intersection, including bike lanes, sidewalks, and other street infrastructure. The shape shall not include street-areas.
way street one or more The ways that are part of the main streets - not adjacent lanes, cycleways, or sidewalks mapped individually - actually marked lanes, not virtual lanes. If there's no lane marked on the intersection, the street shall not be part of this role.
way virtual_street zero or more The ways that are part of the main streets - not adjacent lanes, cycleways, or sidewalks mapped individually - not actually marked lanes. If the lanes/street is marked on the intersection, the street shall not be part of this role.
way cycleway zero or more All bike lanes that are part of this intersection (can be separated by e.g. barriers or grass stripes) - actually marked lanes, not virtual lanes.
way area cycleway_virtual zero or more All bike lanes that are part of this intersection (can be separated by e.g. barriers or grass stripes) - not actually marked lanes, just virtual lanes which would be the appropriate route through this intersection.
way area pedestrian zero or more All sidewalks or similar pedestrian tracks that are part of this intersection (can be separated by e.g. barriers or grass stripes). Not applicable for highway=pedestrian, because they are the main street - actually marked lanes, not virtual lanes.
way area pedestrian_virtual zero or more All sidewalks or similar pedestrian tracks that are part of this intersection (can be separated by e.g. barriers or grass stripes). Not applicable for highway=pedestrian, because they are the main street - not actually marked lanes, just virtual lanes which would be the appropriate route through this intersection.
way lane zero or more A lane which doesn't fit the roles of pedestrian or cyclelane, usually separated by a physical barrier but still part of the street, like a bus lane with a curb or a grass stripe separating it from the regular street - actually marked lanes, not virtual lanes.
way traffic_signals zero or more Traffic signals shall be placed on their physical positions. A 2-node way shall be used to connect the physical position with the virtual position (tag on the traffic_signals: position=physical, tag on the way: ?). The two-node way shall be referenced with this role. This avoids that traffic_signals are placed as nodes within the street-way with a direction tag. (TBD)
way sign zero or more Signs shall be placed on their physical positions. A 2-node way shall be used to connect the physical position with the virtual position (tag on the sign: position=physical, tag on the way: ?). The two-node way shall be referenced with this role. This avoids that signs are placed as nodes within the street-way with a direction tag. (TBD)
area island zero or more A traffic island. The surrounding barrier can be added as an individual barrier-way.
node way area separator zero or more A physical separator of counterflow traffic in the center of the street. This shall not be used for short barriers (see barrier) nor traffic islands (see island).
node way area barrier zero or more A barrier that is part of the structure of the street, like a curb, a fence, a wall, etc.
way crossing_railway zero or more The railways which cross on this intersection - for simple railway crosses street intersections.
way railway zero or more The railways which run through the street/intersection area - which are not simple crossings - like a tram.
way tree_row zero or more For tree-lined roads, the associated tree rows can be added to the relation. If there are individual trees mapped in the tree rows as points, they shall not be added to the relation.
node tree zero or more For single tree which can be considered part of the street, not to be used for tree-lined roads which shall use tree_row.
area driveable_area zero or more A shape that outlines the edge of the intersection which can be considered driveable for a car. Curbs, grass stripes, barriers, and utility/light poles shall be considered as not driveable and mark the edge of the driveable area. Keep the shape simple - not overly detailed. For example, if there are light poles in a row in the street, the driveable area shall not extend between them wider.

The main use-case is to mark the area which can be used by emergency vehicles and oversize vehicles, without having to drive over a curb or remove permanent infrastructure. If there are barriers like poles on the road, the driveable area shape should end and a new one should start on the other side. The barrier infrastructure should be part of the outline of both driveable areas - with additional details if the barriers could be removed by the fire brigade for example.

node way area associated / others... zero or more Anything else that belongs to the street, but doesn't contain an address and doesn't fit any other role.

See also

  • Relation:street - used to bind all parts of a street together and everything else that belongs to it