Proposal:Car dealership

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Please note: This proposal has been superceeded by Proposed_features/car!


Most satellite navigation systems already include information on car dealers and repair shops in their data. This is especially useful if you experience problems with your car while on the road.

Please have a look at the accompanying proposal on automobile repair shops, too. There are two different proposals for automobile repair shops and car dealerships, because car dealerships usually only repair the cars of the brand they are selling. Automobile repair shops usually repair all kinds of cars.


This propsal adds a new shop tag value calles "cars" to the world of OSM. Optional, but recommended tags include name=* and brand=*.


Tags apply to nodes.

Tag Description
shop=cars This node is a car dealership!
name=text Name of the dealership
brand=text List of car brands which are sold by this dealership


A car dealership would be depicted as a small car.


name=Autohaus Meier
brand=Mercedes-Benz, Smart, Jeep

Car dealership called "Autohaus Meier" which sells cars from Mercedes, Smart and Jeep.


Wouldn't shop=car_dealership or something like that be better? Or is a car dealership sufficiently different from other kinds of "shops" that the shop=* key should not be used? -Håkon 18:31, 10 October 2007 (BST)

I would also have used shop=cardealer (without underscore) instinctively. --Colin Marquardt 18:42, 10 October 2007 (BST)

shop=cardealer sounds very good for me. I'd like to propose shop=carrepair in addition. This is the information people would search for when the map is in a navigation system and their vehicle has a problem. The brand tag is necessary to allow showing a brand logo if required, but I'd suggest to include the word "car" in the tag, similar to the "tracktype". Here is what I'd like to suggest:

  • shop=cardealer  : Place were cars are sold
  • shop=carrepair  : Place were cars are repaired
  • carbrand=<brand>  : Brands that are sold/repared separated by comma
  • carbrand=various  : Dealer not contracted to one brand
  • cartype=<type>  : Comma separeated list with some types
    • used_only - Sells used vehicles only
    • lorry - Trucks are sold/repaired. The British word is better here, because truck can mean a lorry or a pick-up van (de: LKW)
    • utility_vehicle - Vans, lorrys, pick-ups, generally all vehicles that are usually not used to drive around with your family and do not fall into the following categories (de: Nutzfahrzeuge)
    • construction_vehicle - Vehicles for constructions like excavators (de: Baumaschinen)
    • farm_machine - tractors, harvesters etc. (de: Landmaschinen)

With these tags, a small backyard car dealer would get the following tags: shop=cardealer; carbrand=various; cartype=used_only; name=Honest Eddy´s Cars

I know that using "car" as identifier seems strange (like highway=footway), but who would use the word "vehicle dealer"? Archimedeus 22:41, 11 October 2007 (BST)

We recently discussed shop tags keeping in singular. Thus I'd like to make it shop=car but shop=cars (or any of the other tags) instead. --SlowRider 19:43, 24 October 2007 (BST)

Vote here

  • I approve this proposal --Wabba 15:08, 24 October 2007 (BST)
  • I approve this proposal Andrewpmk 18:28, 24 October 2007 (BST)
  • I approve this proposal --Florianschmitt 19:08, 24 October 2007 (BST)
  • I approve this proposal --SlowRider 19:44, 24 October 2007 (BST)
  • I approve this proposal --Skywave 21:21, 24 October 2007 (BST) Though it might be better to use operator= instead of brand=
  • I approve this proposal MikeCollinson 21:25, 24 October 2007 (BST)
  • I disapprove this proposal. Would love both tags, but should better be shop=car_dealer and shop=car_repair to be consistent - leaving the question how to tag the often case where both is true. Ulfl 03:01, 25 October 2007 (BST)

I approve this proposal Sven Anders 15:32, 26 October 2007 (BST)

  • I disapprove this proposal. I agree with Ulfl and Fröstel, that provision is needed for dealers who are also repair shops. -- Gnuarm 08:56, 27 October 2007 (EDT)
  • I disapprove this proposal. Going with Ulfl. -- Fröstel 23:20, 13 November 2007 (UTC)
  • I disapprove this proposal. Would love to have a way to tag these too, but I'm going with Ulfl's comment too. It should be consistent and well thought from the beginning, so that it is easier to handle later. --Dennis de 09:22, 14 November 2007 (UTC)
  • I disapprove this proposal. Should use the above suggestions of shop=car_dealer and shop=car_repair. Also, cars is a bit vague... mobility cars, toy cars, radio controlled cars. Kylegordon 14:35, 22 November 2007 (UTC)

I approve this proposal. Name does not really matters, and dealers with repair shop shouuld be tagged by 2 tags:) --Walley 10:48, 2 December 2007 (UTC)