Proposal:World wide place default standardisation

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place unification
Proposal status: Abandoned (inactive)
Proposed by: Sletuffe
Tagging: place=*
Applies to: nodes/areas
Definition: Provide a world wide default for named populated places (country usage may vary)

Draft started:
Proposed on: 2010-05-27


Provides an uniform way to tag populated named places in a consistent way around the world.

If a country community consensus is willing to tag it otherwise, it's up to them to document their way and declare them off-defaults

This new proposed scale is only and exclusively based on the permanent population of an urban settlement in order to make it world wide consistent.

Applies to

A node placed at an arbitrary defined "centre" or area surrounding the populated places.

Tag, Values and Usage

Tag Population Description
place=megacity over 10,000,000 tag it as a place=city, and tag population=*
place=vlcity Between 1,000,000 and 9,999,999 tag it as a place=city, and tag population=*
place=lcity Between 500,000 and 999,999 tag it as a place=city, and tag population=*

place=city More than 100,000. (Adding tag population=* is recomanded even if approximative)
place=town Between 10,000 and 99,999
place=village Between 1,000 and 9,999
place=hamlet Between ~6 and 999 The range of place=hamlet is rather large (uper limit is x150 times the lower limit), kept for compatibility reasons, it can be defined thiner by using the 3 next tags in addition
place=hamlet + hamlet_level=large Between 300 and 999 This way we keep existing compatibility of today place tag
place=hamlet + hamlet_level=medium Between 100 and 299 This way we keep existing compatibility of today place tag
place=hamlet + hamlet_level=small Between ~30 and 99 This way we keep existing compatibility of today place tag
place=hamlet + hamlet_level=xsmall Between ~6 and 29 This way we keep existing compatibility of today place tag
place=isolated_dwelling not more than 2 households (between 1 and around 6 in population), but it is easier to count households the smallest kind of human settlement.
place=locality 0 Places that have a specific name, but do not have any geographic feature, and have no population at all.

Tags used in conjunction

Tag Description
name=* The name of the place. This is generally the main purpose of creating a node with a place tag. Renderers typically display the value in quite a big font, as a label. Note: In addition to 'name', there is a set of variants allowing you to also tag alternative names, and names as used in different languages. See Key:name
population=<number> The population=<number> key can be used to indicate a rough number of citizens in a given place if that information is known, else the scale above might consist of a good enough guess
*=* Any other country specific, tourism scale importance, fame indicator, PIB related or administratively concerned informations should go into other tags in order to keep the place tag unambiguious and only related to population


please use the discussion page


Not yet