Sample driving instructions/ca ES

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These are Catalan translations of the texts in Sample driving instructions.


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destination_reached "Heu arribat a destinació." You have reached your destination.

destination_reached_DISTANCE "D'aquí a (distance) (unit) haureu arribat a la destinació." In 50 meters you have reached your destination.

turn_around "Quan sigui possible, gireu i feu mitja volta!" Please turn around when possible!

turn_around_DISTANCE "Gireu a (distance) (unit)!" In 200 meters turn around!

turn_DIRECTION "Gireu a la (direction)!" Please turn left!

turn_DIRECTION_SIGNPOST "Gireu a la (direction) en direcció a (destinations)!" Please turn left towards CityA, CityB, Motorway5!

turn_DIRECTION_NAME "Gireu a la (direction) a (streetname)!" Please turn left into 5th Avenue!

turn_DIRECTION_DISTANCE "Gireu a la (direction) d'aquí a (distance) (unit)!" In 2Km turn left!

turn_DIRECTION_DISTANCE_NAME "In (distance) (unit) turn (direction) into (streetname)!" In 2Km turn left into 5th Avenue!

turn_DIRECTION_DISTANCE_SIGNPOST "In (distance) (unit) turn (direction) towards (destinations)!" In 2Km turn left towards CityA, CityB, Motorway5!

take_EXIT "Agafeu la (numbers) sortida!" Please take the first exit!

take_SIGNPOST "Please take the exit towards (destinations)!" Please take the exit towards CityA, CityB!

take_EXIT_SIGNPOST "Please take the (numbers) towards (destinations)!" Please take the first exit towards CityA, CityB!

take_EXIT_KEEP_SIGNPOST "Please take the (numbers), then keep (direction) towards (destinations)!" Please take the first exit, then keep left towards CityA!

take_KEEP_SIGNPOST "Please take the exit, then keep (direction) towards (destinations)!" Agafeu la sortida i mantingueu-vos a la (direction) en direcció (destinations)!

enter_roundabout "Entreu a la rotonda!" Please enter the roundabout!

enter_roundabout_EXIT "Entreu a la rotonda i agafeu la (numbers) sortida!" Please enter the roundabout. Then take the second exit!

enter_roundabout_EXIT_DISTANCE "Entreu a la rotonda d'aquí a (distance) (unit). Aleshores agafeu la (numbers) sortida!" In 1.2 Km enter the roundabout. Then take the second exit!

over_roundabout_EXIT "Please cross the roundabout, (numbers)." Please cross the roundabout, third exit.

over_roundabout_EXIT_DISTANCE "In (distance) (unit) cross the roundabout, (numbers)." In 1.2 Km cross the roundabout, third exit.

over_roundabout_DIRECTION_EXIT "Please turn (direction) in the roundabout, (numbers)." Please turn left in the roundabout, third exit.

over_roundabout_DIRECTION_EXIT_DISTANCE "In (distance) (unit) turn (direction) in the roundabout, (numbers)." In 1.2 Km turn left in the roundabout, third exit.

follow_NAME "Seguiu per (name)!"

follow_NAME_DISTANCE "Seguiu per (name) durant (distance) (unit)!"



direction/left "esquerra"

direction/right "dreta"

direction/left/hard "left sharp"

direction/right/hard "right sharp"

direction/left/slight "left"

direction/right/slight "right"


numbers/first_exit "primera sortida"

numbers/second_exit "segona sortida"

numbers/third_exit "tercera sortida"

numbers/fourth_exit "quarta sortida"

numbers/fifth_exit "cinquena sortida"


time/day/singular "dia"

time/day/plural "dies"

time/day/short "d"

time/hour/singular "hora"

time/hour/plural "hores"

time/hour/short "h"

time/minute/singular "minut"

time/minute/plural "minuts"

time/minute/short "min"

time/second/singular "segon"

time/second/plural "segons"

time/second/short "s"


units/km/h "kph"

units/mph "mph"

units/ms "m/s"

units/km "km"

units/m "metres"

units/miles "milles"


places/start "start"

places/destination/singular "destination"

places/destination/plural "destinations"

places/home "home"

places/poi "POI"

places/poi/trainstation "train station"

places/poi/toilet "toilet"

places/poi/phone "telèfon"

places/poi/gas "gas station"

places/labels/city "ciutat"

places/labels/street "carrer"

places/labels/housenumer/long "house number"

places/labels/housenumer/short "núm."

places/labels/zipcode "CP"


metric/fastest "fastest route"

metric/shortest "shortest way"

metric/fuelefficient "most efficient way"

common labels

labels/search "search"

labels/vehicle "vehicle"

labels/fullscreen "Full screen"

labels/exit "surt"

labels/comport "comm port"

labels/baudrate "baud rate"

labels/time "time"

labels/destination_time "ETA"

labels/route_me "calculate route"

labels/help "ajuda"

labels/settings "settings"

labels/preferences "preferències"

labels/abort "abort"

labels/ok "d'acord"

labels/map "mapa"

labels/open_map "obre un mapa"

labels/import_map "importa un mapa"

labels/download "baixa"

labels/download_map "baixa un mapa"

labels/map/autorotate "auto-rotate map"

labels/map/autocenterGPS "auto-center map"

labels/map/centerGPSonce "center on GPS"

labels/map/showGPStrail "show track"

Translation of routing applications

These pages are collecting translations for Catalan.

Please contact the developers of the following applications if you have missing or improved translations for the linked documents that go beyond what we have here on these pages.

Routing applications: