Proposal:Require proposal announcements to be made on the new forum instead of the mailing list: Difference between revisions

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Changes to the rationale
(Changes to the rationale)
The following is proposed:
The new forum offers more possibilities which can improve the proposal process. These new possibilities can improve the community engagement in starting these proposals and participating in them. It is therefore proposed that:
* UsersProposal authors should no longer be required to announce their proposal on the tagging mailing list but on the new forum instead. The wiki talk page will remain the first and recommended place to discuss proposals, this proposal does not change that[]. The mapper is free to also discuss the proposal ''optionally'' on other places like the tagging mailing list or the forum.
'''Note''': The wiki talk page will remain the first and recommended place to discuss proposals, this proposal does not change that. The mapper is free to also discuss the proposal ''optionally'' on other places like the tagging mailing list or the forum.
The new OpenStreetMap community forum is currently prepared for production. Currently, the tagging mailing list and OpenStreetMap wiki fill an important formal role in the process of discussing and voting of proposals. ForA severalnew reasons,forum parts[] ofhas thisbeen formalcreated which offers many new possibilities. In particular for (tagging) proposals. These proposals often affect the entire community. The proposal process shouldrequires beproposal movedannouncements to be made on the tagging mailing list. However, as explained below the mailing list is not very accessible/attractive for many mappers. The new forum, intended to be a central community place, is therefore a better place for these announcements. The main result will be in increased engagement by the community because currentthe barriersbarrier areto participate or create proposals is reduced. ForBelow, several reasons, for this changedchanges isare proposedlisted:
* Switching to the forums for rfc and vote announcements allows every mapper to participate without the need to create a new account. They can use their current OSM account. For the mailing list, they have to subscribe to the mailing list to actually receive the emails.
*Because of how the mailing list works, you get a lot of emails that are not relevant. This discourages subscribing to the mailing list if you only want notifications of new proposals and votes.
* The new forum allows for mid-thread joining. On the tagging mailing list, it is hard to join mid discussion because you don't have access to previous received emails before subscribing. Via the archive they can see previous emails but replying to them is hard. The user interface of this archive also does not allow for easy navigating.
*It is known that there are quite some mappers who really dislike the mailing list. Because of the requirement to announce a proposal and vote there, these people are discouraged to continue with the proposal. This excludes people from coming with good proposals from which the community can benefit.
*Using simple rss or email notifications, people can subscribe to new proposals and votes on the community. This is accomplished by following tags (see explanation below).
* The new forum allows for mid-thread joining. On the tagging mailing list, it is hard to join mid discussion because you don't have access to previous received emails before subscribing. Via the archive they can see previous emails but replying to them is hard. The user interface of this archive also does not allow for easy navigating.
The Wiki's talk page is still the recommended place, this is also the current situation and this proposal does not change that. However, the new forum does offer some nice enhancements for discussions:
===RFC announcement template===
To announce a proposal, a new topic canhas to be made with the following format (copied from current [[Proposal process]] except for the tag) :
* Title: <code>[RFC] Feature Proposal - <PROPOSAL NAME></code>
*Topic body: <code><DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL> <LINK TO PROPOSAL ON WIKI> Please discuss this proposal on its Wiki Talk page.</code>
*Assign the tagtags: <code>wiki-proposal</code>, <code>rfc</code>
===Voting announcement template ===
To announce a vote, a new topic canhas to be made with the following format (copied from current [[Proposal process]] except for the tag):
*Title: <code>[Voting] Feature Proposal - <PROPOSAL NAME></code>
*Topic body: <code>Voting has started for <PROPOSAL NAME>. <LINK TO PROPOSAL ON WIKI></code>
*Assign the tagtags: <code>wiki-proposal</code>, <code>vote</code>
For both the voting and RFC, the mapper can ''optionally'' spread this message on other platforms like Discord, the tagging mailing list and other channels.

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