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No or unmarked

what is the difference between crossing=no and crossing=unmarked? To which means of transport is crossing=no referring? —Dieterdreist (talk) 07:07, 28 October 2022 (UTC)

From my understanding, `no` is used so as to explicitly means that there’s no designated crossing contrary to what geometry may suggest (independent on "jaywalking" practices) whereas unmarked simply means that there’s no crossing:marking=* at the crossing and that it’s only suggested through details such as flushed kerb=*, tactile_paving=*, or so. --Lejun (talk) 06:33, 29 October 2022 (UTC)
Thank you, this seems reasonable, it appears most of these are put in combination with highway=traffic_signals but not with highway=crossing, which underlines your interpretation: [1]Dieterdreist (talk) 14:50, 29 October 2022 (UTC)

Separate country specific information from generic information

For example the section "How to tag common street crossing configurations according to various established schemes" has assumptions in the column "2018/2019/Approved 2022 proposal" that don't hold up on a global level (for instance the kind of markings on traffic signal controlled crossings). These should be sorted out and moved to a country specific section. Crossing=zebra is also not "uk centric shortcut" any more, it can be found all over the world. --Dieterdreist (talk) 08:38, 19 January 2024 (UTC)