Talk:FI/OSM-Mapathon Helsinki 21.11.2015

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Event preparation and organization

[Read this part if you are interested in helping with the organization of the event or just interested in knowing how we organized it]

Written in English because it is easier for me to write, anyone is welcome to translate to Finnish, for ex. we can make a _fi and _en version for each language... och sama på swenkska.

English is a good language for this event since the topic is international, so many foreigners might be interested to join.

Helsinki event's organizers? OSM Finland (lähetetty sähköpostilistalle ja FB, tai siis miten OSM Finland/Suomi voi käyttää? Joku kokenempi osaako sanoa? (contact: eglatorre) and Maptime Helsinki (contact: Susanna Ånäs)

Possibilities to clone the project at other locations in Finland? YES! Please do someone go for it! The topic is to digitize a remote location on a computer, using the OSM webinterface and Bing satellite imagery... so it can really be done from anywhere. If an area is large enough, it should be easy enough to coordinate different groups using the hot taskin manager ( It is not necessary to work on the same area, but it might me nice to organize events at the same time (although not necessary either). Anyway, this wiki page can be used as a common organization place... or you can copy the content to your own event. The name of this page can be changed (can it? sorry not so good with wikis) to for ex. OSM-Mapathon Helsinki-Seinäjoki-Turku...

Suggested areas to be edited

Eduardo emailed redcross Finland and asked for input, no answer yet. We can otherwise pick a choice from: Hot Tasking Manager

Add a suggestion and/or your name after it, meaning that you will review the project before the event: !Update, many areas are being digitized continuously, so choosing the area should be done not too early. Have two areas preselected, and we always can pick up a new one on-the-fly.

  • Afghanistan EQ Response 2015: Baharak, Jurm and Kishim Districts [Eduardo]
    • Clear project instructions: YES/NO
    • Task: 1) digitizie roads and paths, 2) residential areas (no buildings)
    • Skill level:Beginner/Intermediate/Expert
    • Time required for 1 square: About 1 hour (by looking at other people digitizing) It seems this area will be already ready soon.

Reviewing the suggested task means:

  • go through the task's instructions and edit a full square
  • evaluate if the task is suitable for beginner or skilled mapper
  • write down an estimation of time needed to finish 1 square

After choosing an area, check if other teams will be working on it (or have worked alreadey before you)

Some resources to help organizing this event:

List of short presentations or tasks that need preparation

What will be showed during the event, for example, a short intro to OSM, editing, the crisis area...

Potentially interested people, organizations, info channels... Ideas?

  • NGO's, like red cross, wwf
  • Geography schools, departments
  • Maanmittauslaitos?

Venue check list

  • room -> OK, 10-15 people (projector)
  • wlan -> OK
  • electricity outlets -> OK
  • lunch sponsor -> Gispo Oy is sponsoring snacks, pizza lunch and drinks.
  • coffe ->
  • other:
  • other: