Talk:Foundation/Local Chapters/Applications/Kosovo

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The application has been accepted.

Review notes

We welcome comments and questions by community members. Review notes will also be added by the OSMF Secretary and other board members.

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Additional feedback

Comments on this application are also made by OSMF members on this thread of the osmf-talk mailing list (you need to be a member of the OpenStreetMap Foundation to post on osmf-talk).

Comments and questions

Members of board

Wikipedia [1] lists a completely different board for FLOSSK, including an "Executive Board Member" whose OSMF membership was declined. Even if Wikipedia is outdated afaik he has helped to set up FLOSSK in 2009 but is not mentioned in the articles of association. [1] SunCobalt (talk) 19:02, 13 May 2020 (UTC)

Remarks from Craig Allan

RFC - Kosovo LC application

Many thanks to FLOSSK for their application. 1 : Compliance: Not sure the incorporation as an NGO is sufficient for this purpose, but this should be checked.

2 : Important!: Article 3: Purpose of the articles of incorporation omits OSM. I would require at minimum that the applicant should include openstreetmap as at least a bullet item.

3 : Membership: The membership is explicitly unrestricted. Good.

4 : Advice only: The articles of incorporation have a few problems. But I don't think that is a criterion we are very concerned about so I'm not going to spell them all out.

5: OSM Activity and Membership

  • Arianit Dobroshi, President, is an active contributor, "Arianit" of long standing.
  • Besfort Guri, Board Member, is an active contributor, "BesfortGuri" of long standing.
  • Dian Fishekqi, Board Member, doesn't have an obvious osm login.

Pascal Neis list 147 people who have contributed to the map in Kosovo in the last 2 months. See here: Not all are from Kosovo, but most do seem to be residents. At least some of these active mappers should be supporting this application.

Conclusion: The application does not clearly identify how accrediting FLOSSK as an OSM Local Chapter will support the goals of openstreetmap. I would not process this application further at this time. I would refer it back to the applicant with guidance; asking for them to re-submit after making significant improvement to the details about their activities that support OSM.

Craig ALLAN (osm: cRaIgalLAn) Copied from by Joost schouppe (talk) 13:17, 14 May 2020 (UTC)

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