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I oppose this proposal.

My proposal :

city : population > 100 000

town : 10 000 < population < 100 000

town : 5000<population<10 000 and (HQ of subdistrict or census town)

village : 5000<population <10 000 and not (HQ of subdistrict or census town)

village : population<5000


Proposal for the mapping of villages and hamlets

hamlets : not more than 100 to 200 inhabitants ( or not more than 20 to 40 houses)

villages : every settlement greater than a hamlet but not a town

a) there is compact settlement centre : map the area with a landuse=residential polygon and put a place-node with place=hamlet/village inside

b) no compact settlement centre : only a place-node with place=hamlet/village

The definition of villages can be found in the census data. Each so called „revenue villages“ has an administrative area. If we map the names of such revenue villages then its place node should be inside the village boundaries. These boundaries are visible in Bharatmaps and Bhuvan 2D maps. Also gives information about the village names and population.

There is a problem with the population data : All sources tell only the population data of the whole administrative area of a village, not of the settlement centres within. If we are able to map the village boundaries, then these population data has to be mapped as a tag of the boundary-relation.

With this approach we use the OSM definition of villages and hamlets and have place nodes of the official „revenue villages“.


Mapping of villages and their boundaries

Data sources: 1) Bharatmaps : In the „Tables of contents“ choose only „Administrative Layer“

Basemaps to use: „NIC streets“ and ESRI-Aerial“. In the OSM-editor choose also ERSI, so the village locations are easy to find. Sometimes Bharatmaps wants a password. This happens with low Internet connection. Then wait a bit.

In the Bharatmaps the „revenue villages“ are marked with green points. To these villages belong a village boundary. Âdditional villages are marked with red points. Sometimes the green points are not at the geolocation of the village itsself. Then look, whether there is a red point with the same village name. If not, then search within the village boundary for the position of the village centre.

2) SOI (Survey of India) Free PDF maps.

Choose here : Open Series maps (free PDF). You can download these maps for free, if you have a indian mobile number. It is quite difficult to find the right image number.

3) Bhuvan

The displayed boundaries are like Census 2011. Do not use this. There are too many errors. ( are the same as Census 2011. Not useable.) If you zoom in far, POIs are dispayed. The School-POIs have the village names. These data are more detailed than source 1) and 2)


Like Bhuvan you get the school names in the map and their village name. Can be helpful.

The SOI maps have more informations compared to Bharatmaps. The villages are correct, but the roads are not up to date. In most cases Bharatmaps is sufficient.

Way of mapping: - A single node with place=village or hamlet (for very small villages)

- if the village has a compact settlement area, then put a polygon with landuse=residential around it. For small hamlets and some villages you can not identify the centre. Then put only a place-node.

Mapping the boundaries of villages:

The only reliable and available source is Bharatmaps. The census data 2011 have more revenue villages than Bharatmaps. I do not know whether these village boundaries are cancelled in the meantime. Before you map the boundary relation, map first the place-node of the village as described. So you are sure, that the village is within the boundary.

tags of boundary relations:




additional tags: village code:

You get these codes from here: You can export the result to EXCEL. I put these village codes in the ref-tag of the relation.


You find the population of the whole village area here: (Part A) But the informations are diffcult to find there.

You can also use :

There you find the following census data 2011: population(tag population), area (tag area:ha), sometimes the Hindi name of the village (tag name:hi) Do not use the map boundaries there. They are from Google!