Talk:Tag:emergency=wet riser

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@Maro21: I think status=proposed is misleading and confusing here. Since there exist approved tags from a recent proposal this tag for me is obsolete, no matter if used or not. If you see it as a proposal, then this proposal would be abandoned IMHO, so proposal status abandoned, but tag status? I'd prefer anything but proposed. --Chris2map (talk) 22:18, 30 July 2024 (UTC)

I agree, none of these statuses really fit. “Proposed” fits me the best, because for me status=proposed means that the tag has less than 30 uses and was proposed, not necessarily by “Proposal:”. On the Wiki, we document tags that are in use. For tags that have never been used we have Proposals. For this tag none of the statuses fit, so I submitted the page for deletion, because we can't document something that isn't on OSM. I changed the status to “undefined”. maro21 21:22, 1 August 2024 (UTC)
I see your points. And "proposed" would be fine if it wasn't an old proposing in combination with meanwhile existing approved tagging. Unfortunately those proposed tags weren't deprecated in the apporved proposal. For me, avoiding the tags being understood as current proposed tagging outweighs displaying the original tag status. Therefore I prefer a status telling they are old. It should actually be "formerly proposed". "Undefined" is somehow better than "proposed". In this case I would set "undefined" explicitly (status=undefined) instead of empty status. – With deletion I'm fine, too. Although I don’t think that everything that is not currently in use should necessarily be deleted. --Chris2map (talk) 12:49, 2 August 2024 (UTC)