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Bus stop urls

Proposing that bus stops are marked with an url based on it bus stop number. The search page can be found at where both a mobile and normal version shows when busses arrive. For example: . The only problem is that it seems to be non-functional at the moment. --Kslotte 16:21, 24 January 2010 (UTC)

Not a good idea, we would have a bunch of non-working url if the service ever changes. Better to do a conversion on the client side. --Onion 07:49, 25 January 2010 (UTC)
Good point. Yes, it's a thing for the clients. --Kslotte 16:56, 25 January 2010 (UTC)

Päivitys 30.5.2024

Sivua ei ole päivitetty pitkään aikaan, aloin päivittämään bussilinjoja. Vaihdoin myös kielen suomeksi, kuten on muiden kaupunkien wikeissä tapana. Runkolinjastoon siirrytään ensi vuonna, tarvinnee päivitystä. --Toni100 (talk) 21:27, 29 May 2024 (UTC)