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Historical Markers - "ref" tags and resources

Aside from the National Register of Historic Places and Historical Markers Database, there are a few other historical databases unique to Wisconsin that should be added to the map:

1: First one is the set of Wisconsin State Historical Markers that can be found via the "Official List of Wisconsin Historical Markers" link on this page. These are referenced sequentially, and as of writing this post number 1 through 600 though some seem to have been removed from the list as several numbers are missing.
2: Second is the collection of registered historical places which can be found here (Note the overlap between the NRHP and the ones unique to Wisconsin). The website's search engine says there are 2'706 of these at the time of writing this post, and the numbering system is all over the place so I'm not sure how many of these are unique to Wisconsin.
3: Third is the Architectural and History Inventory which can be found here. There are 155'824 of these at the time of writing this post, with reference values starting at 1 and going to about 245'658. Obviously a good amount of these are missing or have been removed. There are probably other databases we can concern ourselves with at some point but this is enough for now.

For tagging purposes, the operator=whs, for Wisconsin Historical Society, tag is fine. The Reference tags, however, will need some distinction in order to keep the different datasets from getting conflated and to avoid overlap. To this I propose the following:

1: Wisconsin State Historical Markers should be referenced with the ref=wohm tag, for Wisconsin Official Historical Markers, as displayed at the top of the pdf providing this dataset. There will be overlap between this and the HMDB database so both reference numbers will have to be tagged.
2: Wisconsin Register Historical Places, providing the item in question is unique to Wisconsin, should be referenced with the ref=wrhp, for Wisconsin Register (of) Historical Places. Listings that have been added to the NHRP will only have the NHRP reference number available so tagging them as both a WRHP as well as a NRHP will be redundant since they will have the same reference number. Locations that are still unique to Wisconsin should have a Last Checked Date added to the item along with a Note indicating that as of that date the item was still unique to the WRHP. If it was annexed into the NRHP then the appropriate tags should be updated.
3: Wisconsin Architectural and History Inventory should be referenced with the ref=wahi tag, for Wisconsin Architecture (and) History Inventory. Like the Wisconsin Official Historical Markers database, the reference numbers for this dataset are unique to this category. I have no idea if there is any overlap here but I'd imagine that any of the items listed here can conceivably be listed on the WRHP and/or NRHP as well.

The NRHP and HMDB reference numbers will be tagged as they have always been. Mecheye (talk) 20:39, 11 May 2023 (UTC)