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This table was automatically generated based on the content of this template at 2024-07-27 04:25:23 GMT. Any updates since then to individual values will be reflected here. However, any new parameters will not appear here until the table is regenerated.

Table 1 - Table 2 - Table 3 - Table 4 - Table 5 - Table 6 - Table 7 - Table 8
text key
Requires Implies Useful combination
ab Необходимы теги Подразумевает теги Полезные сочетания
ae RequiresHelp translate this into Avestan! ImpliesHelp translate this into Avestan! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Avestan!
af RequiresHelp translate this into Afrikaans! ImpliesHelp translate this into Afrikaans! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Afrikaans!
am RequiresHelp translate this into Amharic! ImpliesHelp translate this into Amharic! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Amharic!
an Requiere Implica Combinaciones útiles
ar يتطلب يدلّ على تركيبات مفيدة
as RequiresHelp translate this into Assamese! ImpliesHelp translate this into Assamese! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Assamese!
av Необходимы теги Подразумевает теги Полезные сочетания
ay Requiere Implica Combinaciones útiles
ba Необходимы теги Подразумевает теги Полезные сочетания
be RequiresHelp translate this into Belarusian! ImpliesHelp translate this into Belarusian! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Belarusian!
be-tarask RequiresHelp translate this into Belarusian (Taraškievica orthography)! ImpliesHelp translate this into Belarusian (Taraškievica orthography)! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Belarusian (Taraškievica orthography)!
bg Изисква Подразбиращи се етикети Полезни комбинации
bh RequiresHelp translate this into Bihari! ImpliesHelp translate this into Bihari! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Bihari!
bi RequiresHelp translate this into Bislama! ImpliesHelp translate this into Bislama! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Bislama!
bm Nécessite Implique Combinaisons utiles
bn RequiresHelp translate this into Bangla! ImpliesHelp translate this into Bangla! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Bangla!
bo RequiresHelp translate this into Tibetan! ImpliesHelp translate this into Tibetan! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Tibetan!
br RequiresHelp translate this into Breton! ImpliesHelp translate this into Breton! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Breton!
bs RequiresHelp translate this into Bosnian! ImpliesHelp translate this into Bosnian! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Bosnian!
ca Requereix Implica Combinacions útils
ce Необходимы теги Подразумевает теги Полезные сочетания
ch RequiresHelp translate this into Chamorro! ImpliesHelp translate this into Chamorro! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Chamorro!
co Richiede Implica Combinazioni utili
cr RequiresHelp translate this into Cree! ImpliesHelp translate this into Cree! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Cree!
cs Vyžaduje Implikuje Vhodné kombinace
vcu RequiresTranslate.svg ImpliesTranslate.svg Useful combinationTranslate.svg
cv Необходимы теги Подразумевает теги Полезные сочетания
cy RequiresHelp translate this into Welsh! ImpliesHelp translate this into Welsh! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Welsh!
da Kræver Indebærer Brugbar kombination
de Erfordert Impliziert Sinnvolle Kombinationen
diq RequiresHelp translate this into Zazaki! ImpliesHelp translate this into Zazaki! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Zazaki!
dv RequiresHelp translate this into Divehi! ImpliesHelp translate this into Divehi! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Divehi!
dz RequiresHelp translate this into Dzongkha! ImpliesHelp translate this into Dzongkha! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Dzongkha!
ee RequiresHelp translate this into Ewe! ImpliesHelp translate this into Ewe! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Ewe!
el Απαιτεί Συνεπάγεται Χρήσιμοι συνδυασμοί
en Requires Implies Useful combination
eo Postulas Rezultigas Utilaj kombinaĵoj
es Requiere Implica Combinaciones útiles
et RequiresHelp translate this into Estonian! ImpliesHelp translate this into Estonian! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Estonian!
eu RequiresHelp translate this into Basque! ImpliesHelp translate this into Basque! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Basque!
fa نیازمندی نتیجه می‌دهد ترکیبات مفید
ff RequiresHelp translate this into Fulah! ImpliesHelp translate this into Fulah! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Fulah!
fi Vaatii Oletukset Hyödyllisiä tagiyhdistelmiä
fj RequiresHelp translate this into Fijian! ImpliesHelp translate this into Fijian! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Fijian!
fr Nécessite Implique Combinaisons utiles
fo RequiresHelp translate this into Faroese! ImpliesHelp translate this into Faroese! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Faroese!
fy RequiresHelp translate this into Western Frisian! ImpliesHelp translate this into Western Frisian! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Western Frisian!
ga RequiresHelp translate this into Irish! ImpliesHelp translate this into Irish! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Irish!
gcf RequiresTranslate.svg ImpliesTranslate.svg Useful combinationTranslate.svg
gd RequiresHelp translate this into Scottish Gaelic! ImpliesHelp translate this into Scottish Gaelic! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Scottish Gaelic!
gl Precisa Suxire Combinacións útis
gn Requiere Implica Combinaciones útiles
gu RequiresHelp translate this into Gujarati! ImpliesHelp translate this into Gujarati! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Gujarati!
gv RequiresHelp translate this into Manx! ImpliesHelp translate this into Manx! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Manx!
ha RequiresHelp translate this into Hausa! ImpliesHelp translate this into Hausa! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Hausa!
haw RequiresHelp translate this into Hawaiian! ImpliesHelp translate this into Hawaiian! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Hawaiian!
he נדרש מרמז צירוף שימושי
hi आवश्यक है का तात्पर्य है उपयोगी संयोजन
ho RequiresHelp translate this into Hiri Motu! ImpliesHelp translate this into Hiri Motu! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Hiri Motu!
hr Zahtjeva Implicira Korisna kombinacija
ht Nécessite Implique Combinaisons utiles
hu Ehhez Beleértve Hasznos kombinációk
hy պահանջում է ենթադրում է Օգտակար համադրություն
hz RequiresHelp translate this into Herero! ImpliesHelp translate this into Herero! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Herero!
ia RequiresHelp translate this into Interlingua! ImpliesHelp translate this into Interlingua! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Interlingua!
id Membutuhkan Menyiratkan Kombinasi yang berguna
ie RequiresHelp translate this into Interlingue! ImpliesHelp translate this into Interlingue! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Interlingue!
ig RequiresHelp translate this into Igbo! ImpliesHelp translate this into Igbo! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Igbo!
ii 需要 暗含 常用组合
ik RequiresHelp translate this into Inupiaq! ImpliesHelp translate this into Inupiaq! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Inupiaq!
io Postulas Rezultigas Utilaj kombinaĵoj
is RequiresHelp translate this into Icelandic! ImpliesHelp translate this into Icelandic! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Icelandic!
it Richiede Implica Combinazioni utili
iu RequiresHelp translate this into Inuktitut! ImpliesHelp translate this into Inuktitut! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Inuktitut!
ja 依存するタグ 含まれる意味 よく併用されるタグ
jv Membutuhkan Menyiratkan Kombinasi yang berguna
ka RequiresHelp translate this into Georgian! ImpliesHelp translate this into Georgian! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Georgian!
kg RequiresHelp translate this into Kongo! ImpliesHelp translate this into Kongo! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Kongo!
ki RequiresHelp translate this into Kikuyu! ImpliesHelp translate this into Kikuyu! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Kikuyu!
kj RequiresHelp translate this into Kuanyama! ImpliesHelp translate this into Kuanyama! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Kuanyama!
kk RequiresHelp translate this into Kazakh! ImpliesHelp translate this into Kazakh! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Kazakh!
kl Kræver Indebærer Brugbar kombination
km RequiresHelp translate this into Khmer! ImpliesHelp translate this into Khmer! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Khmer!
kn RequiresHelp translate this into Kannada! ImpliesHelp translate this into Kannada! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Kannada!
ko 의존하는 태그 함축하는 의미 유용한 조합
kr RequiresHelp translate this into Kanuri! ImpliesHelp translate this into Kanuri! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Kanuri!
ks RequiresHelp translate this into Kashmiri! ImpliesHelp translate this into Kashmiri! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Kashmiri!
ku RequiresHelp translate this into Kurdish! ImpliesHelp translate this into Kurdish! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Kurdish!
kv Необходимы теги Подразумевает теги Полезные сочетания
kw RequiresHelp translate this into Cornish! ImpliesHelp translate this into Cornish! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Cornish!
ky RequiresHelp translate this into Kyrgyz! ImpliesHelp translate this into Kyrgyz! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Kyrgyz!
la RequiresHelp translate this into Latin! ImpliesHelp translate this into Latin! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Latin!
lb Erfordert Impliziert Sinnvolle Kombinationen
lg RequiresHelp translate this into Ganda! ImpliesHelp translate this into Ganda! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Ganda!
li Vereist Impliceert Nuttige combinaties
ln Nécessite Implique Combinaisons utiles
lo RequiresHelp translate this into Lao! ImpliesHelp translate this into Lao! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Lao!
lt RequiresHelp translate this into Lithuanian! Apima Naudingi deriniai
lv RequiresHelp translate this into Latvian! ImpliesHelp translate this into Latvian! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Latvian!
mg Nécessite Implique Combinaisons utiles
mh RequiresHelp translate this into Marshallese! ImpliesHelp translate this into Marshallese! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Marshallese!
mi RequiresHelp translate this into Maori! ImpliesHelp translate this into Maori! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Maori!
mk Бара Подразбира Корисни комбинации
ml RequiresHelp translate this into Malayalam! ImpliesHelp translate this into Malayalam! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Malayalam!
mr RequiresHelp translate this into Marathi! ImpliesHelp translate this into Marathi! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Marathi!
ms RequiresHelp translate this into Malay! Membabitkan Gabungan berguna
mt RequiresHelp translate this into Maltese! ImpliesHelp translate this into Maltese! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Maltese!
my RequiresHelp translate this into Burmese! ImpliesHelp translate this into Burmese! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Burmese!
na RequiresHelp translate this into Nauru! ImpliesHelp translate this into Nauru! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Nauru!
nd RequiresHelp translate this into North Ndebele! ImpliesHelp translate this into North Ndebele! Useful combinationHelp translate this into North Ndebele!
ne आवश्यकता संकेत उपयोगी संयोजन
new RequiresHelp translate this into Newari! ImpliesHelp translate this into Newari! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Newari!
ng RequiresHelp translate this into Ndonga! ImpliesHelp translate this into Ndonga! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Ndonga!
nl Vereist Impliceert Nuttige combinaties
nn Krever Innebærer Nyttige kombinasjoner
no Krever Innebærer Nyttige kombinasjoner
nr RequiresHelp translate this into South Ndebele! ImpliesHelp translate this into South Ndebele! Useful combinationHelp translate this into South Ndebele!
nv RequiresHelp translate this into Navajo! ImpliesHelp translate this into Navajo! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Navajo!
ny RequiresHelp translate this into Nyanja! ImpliesHelp translate this into Nyanja! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Nyanja!
oc Requereix Implica Combinacions útils
oj RequiresHelp translate this into Ojibwa! ImpliesHelp translate this into Ojibwa! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Ojibwa!
om RequiresHelp translate this into Oromo! ImpliesHelp translate this into Oromo! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Oromo!
or RequiresHelp translate this into Odia! ImpliesHelp translate this into Odia! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Odia!
os Необходимы теги Подразумевает теги Полезные сочетания
pa RequiresHelp translate this into Punjabi! ImpliesHelp translate this into Punjabi! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Punjabi!
pi RequiresHelp translate this into Pali! ImpliesHelp translate this into Pali! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Pali!
pl Wymagane znaczniki Implikuje Przydatne kombinacje
ps RequiresHelp translate this into Pashto! ImpliesHelp translate this into Pashto! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Pashto!
pt Requer Sugere Combinações úteis
qu Requiere Implica Combinaciones útiles
rcf RequiresTranslate.svg ImpliesTranslate.svg Useful combinationTranslate.svg
rm RequiresHelp translate this into Romansh! ImpliesHelp translate this into Romansh! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Romansh!
rn RequiresHelp translate this into Rundi! ImpliesHelp translate this into Rundi! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Rundi!
ro RequiresHelp translate this into Romanian! ImpliesHelp translate this into Romanian! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Romanian!
ru Необходимы теги Подразумевает теги Полезные сочетания
rw RequiresHelp translate this into Kinyarwanda! ImpliesHelp translate this into Kinyarwanda! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Kinyarwanda!
sa आवश्यक है का तात्पर्य है उपयोगी संयोजन
sc RequiresHelp translate this into Sardinian! ImpliesHelp translate this into Sardinian! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Sardinian!
scn Richiede Implica Combinazioni utili
sco RequiresHelp translate this into Scots! ImpliesHelp translate this into Scots! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Scots!
se Vaatii Oletukset Hyödyllisiä tagiyhdistelmiä
sg Nécessite Implique Combinaisons utiles
sh Zahtjeva Implicira Korisna kombinacija
si RequiresHelp translate this into Sinhala! ImpliesHelp translate this into Sinhala! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Sinhala!
sk Vyžaduje Implikuje Užitočné kombinácie
sl RequiresHelp translate this into Slovenian! ImpliesHelp translate this into Slovenian! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Slovenian!
sm RequiresHelp translate this into Samoan! ImpliesHelp translate this into Samoan! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Samoan!
sn RequiresHelp translate this into Shona! ImpliesHelp translate this into Shona! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Shona!
so RequiresHelp translate this into Somali! ImpliesHelp translate this into Somali! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Somali!
sq Kërkon Nënkupton Kombinim i dobishëm
sr Захтева Подразумева Корисне комбинације
ss RequiresHelp translate this into Swati! ImpliesHelp translate this into Swati! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Swati!
st RequiresHelp translate this into Southern Sotho! ImpliesHelp translate this into Southern Sotho! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Southern Sotho!
su Membutuhkan Menyiratkan Kombinasi yang berguna
sv Kräver Innebär alltid Användbara kombinationer
sw RequiresHelp translate this into Swahili! ImpliesHelp translate this into Swahili! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Swahili!
ta RequiresHelp translate this into Tamil! ImpliesHelp translate this into Tamil! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Tamil!
te RequiresHelp translate this into Telugu! ImpliesHelp translate this into Telugu! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Telugu!
tg RequiresHelp translate this into Tajik! ImpliesHelp translate this into Tajik! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Tajik!
th RequiresHelp translate this into Thai! ImpliesHelp translate this into Thai! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Thai!
ti RequiresHelp translate this into Tigrinya! ImpliesHelp translate this into Tigrinya! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Tigrinya!
tk RequiresHelp translate this into Turkmen! ImpliesHelp translate this into Turkmen! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Turkmen!
tl Nangangailangan ng Nagpapahiwatig Kapaki-pakinabang na pagkasasama
tn RequiresHelp translate this into Tswana! ImpliesHelp translate this into Tswana! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Tswana!
to RequiresHelp translate this into Tongan! ImpliesHelp translate this into Tongan! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Tongan!
tr Gerektirir İçeriyor Yararlı kombinasyonlar
ts RequiresHelp translate this into Tsonga! ImpliesHelp translate this into Tsonga! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Tsonga!
tt Необходимы теги Подразумевает теги Полезные сочетания
tw RequiresHelp translate this into Twi! ImpliesHelp translate this into Twi! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Twi!
ty Nécessite Implique Combinaisons utiles
ug RequiresHelp translate this into Uyghur! ImpliesHelp translate this into Uyghur! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Uyghur!
uk Вимагає Мається на увазі Використовується разом з
ur RequiresHelp translate this into Urdu! ImpliesHelp translate this into Urdu! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Urdu!
uz RequiresHelp translate this into Uzbek! ImpliesHelp translate this into Uzbek! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Uzbek!
ve RequiresHelp translate this into Venda! ImpliesHelp translate this into Venda! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Venda!
vi Yêu cầu Ngụ ý Kết hợp hữu ích
vo RequiresHelp translate this into Volapük! ImpliesHelp translate this into Volapük! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Volapük!
wa Nécessite Implique Combinaisons utiles
wo Nécessite Implique Combinaisons utiles
wuu 需要 暗含 常用组合
xh RequiresHelp translate this into Xhosa! ImpliesHelp translate this into Xhosa! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Xhosa!
yi נדרש מרמז צירוף שימושי
yo RequiresHelp translate this into Yoruba! ImpliesHelp translate this into Yoruba! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Yoruba!
yue 需要 ImpliesHelp translate this into Cantonese! 常用組合
za 需要 暗含 常用组合
zh-hans 需要 暗含 常用组合
zh-hant 一併使用 暗含 常用組合
zu RequiresHelp translate this into Zulu! ImpliesHelp translate this into Zulu! Useful combinationHelp translate this into Zulu!

(You may want to add new languages to show in this table, by editing Template:DescriptionLang/doc/table/rowgroup.
The appearance of parameters in the table sections is controlled by Template:DescriptionLang/doc/table/row.)