Template:Superseded by Commons

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A mostly identical image exists on Wikimedia Commons.
You must specify a replacement file! Use following syntax: {{Superseded by Commons|File:replacement file.svg}} (obviously, specify an actual replacement!)
The version on Wikimedia Commons is of higher quality and/or contains additional metadata (or better-formatted metadata). You can use images from Wikimedia Commons directly in the OpenStreetMap wiki, and it is recommended to use it instead of this image.

If this file has the same name as Wikimedia Commons file and shadows it: add also {{Delete|Superseded by Commons file with the same name}}

If this file has different name and all uses were migrated: add also {{Delete|Superseded by Commons file [[:c:File:replacement file.svg]]}}
This template puts files in Category:Image superseded by Wikimedia Commons.
Template-info.svg Template documentation


  • {{Superseded by Commons|File:Example title.svg}} - displays the link to the file on Wikimedia Commons (replace "Example title.svg" with the actual file name).

See also: