Tirex/Quick Start
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To quickly get Tirex running follow these steps:
- Build Debian packages for Tirex according to this.
- Install the tirex-core package.
- The tirex-master and tirex-backend-manager should be running.
- Check by running tirex-status --once --extended, this should show you the config and current status of the master.
- Find the log files, probably /var/log/messages, with the startup messages from the master and backend-manager. You'll probably need those logfiles later.
- The default configuration comes with a test map. Render your first metatile with tirex-batch --prio=1 map=test z=0 x=0 y=0. This should create a file called /var/lib/tirex/tiles/test/0/0/0/0/0/0.meta.
- Configure mod_tile using at least these options:
ModTileRenderdSocketName /var/lib/tirex/modtile.sock ModTileTileDir /var/lib/tirex/tiles AddTileConfig /tiles/test/ test
This gives you access to the test tiles under http://hostname/tiles/test, configure your OpenLayers map accordingly. The test tiles show a checkerboard pattern with red borders around metatiles for tiles within the configured zoom interval and will return 404 (not found) for tiles requested not covered by the rendering backend.
Once the test backend works, you can go on with installing Mapnik and the mapnik backend:
- Install the tirex-backend-mapnik and tirex-example-map packages.
- In addition to the test map you now have a map called example that uses Mapnik to create a simple map showing the continents. Add AddTileConfig /tiles/example/ example to your Apache/mod_tile config and add it to OpenLayers. You should be able to see the map.