User:Ika-chan!/British road colours

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This article will be renamed to "user:ika-chan!/Stylesheet tricks" when I am ready, due to my improving knowledge reducing the number of steps for the British road colours changes to one. This page will then contain tricks for adding alternative station symbols, hill contours and perhaps hillshading.

This article shows you how to adapt the Standard tile layer stylesheet (officially OpenStreetMap Carto) to use road colours (commonly known as the British road colours) that commonly appear on maps in the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom.

The tutorial only requires the standard clone of OpenStreetMap Carto because the simple act of changing road colours does not require a complete fork (and ika-chan! is wary of having too many internet accounts).

The tutorial is correct as of 20 January 2018.

Before you start

Heritage (British) road colours

On 1 May 2020, I reworked the heritage road colour scheme using GIMP’s LCh colour model, which the current road colours of the standard tile layer actually came from. The revised hues come from the Department for Transport’s official palette for traffic signs.[1]

Heritage road colours - Standard road shields.svg - Standard road shields

cd /srv/styles/standard && \
sed -i -e 's/eccdd1/c8d6ea/g' -e 's/d39da5/92aed2/g' symbols/shields/motorway*.svg && \
sed -i -e 's/f2d7ce/c9e1cf/g' -e 's/d7a899/91bc9d/g' symbols/shields/trunk*.svg && \
sed -i -e 's/f3e3cf/fcdbd7/g' -e 's/d1b795/e2aba5/g' symbols/shields/primary*.svg && \
sed -i -e 's/eeefd7/fae6d1/g' -e 's/c4c69c/dab997/g' symbols/shields/secondary*.svg && \
sed -i -e 's/f1f1f1/fbefd6/g' -e 's/c6c6c6/d6c49a/g' symbols/shields/tertiary*.svg && sed -i \
-e 's/dc2a67/0081ee/g' -e 's/c84e2f/008d3c/g' -e 's/a06b00/ce4647/g' -e 's/707d05/a6680a/g' \
-e 's/e892a2/7db0ea/g' -e 's/f9b29c/89cd9e/g' -e 's/fcd6a4/ffbcb4/g' -e 's/f7fabf/ffdbad/g' \
-e 's/e66e89/3d9ded/g' -e 's/f6967a/58bd7e/g' -e 's/f4c37d/ffa098/g' -e 's/e7ed9d/ffc888/g' \
-e 's/c24e6b/007ecb/g' -e 's/d1684a/079754/g' -e 's/d1684a/e66762/g' -e 's/d1684a/d38e31/g' \
-e 's/620728/00356b/g' -e 's/5f1c0c/003f13/g' -e 's/503000/66171a/g' -e 's/364000/552f00/g' \
style/road-colors-generated.mss && sed -i \
-e 's/tertiary-fill: #ffffff/tertiary-fill: #fff4be/g' \
-e 's/tertiary-casing: #8f8f8f/tertiary-casing: #8e7402/g' \
-e 's/tertiary-shield: #3b3b3b/tertiary-shield: #4a3900/g' \
-e 's/junction-text-color:\ *#960000/junction-text-color: #005f96/g' style/roads.mss
Heritage road colours - British road shields.svg - British road shields

cd /srv/styles/standard && \
sed -i -e 's/eccdd1/0079c1/g' -e 's/d39da5/ffffff/g' symbols/shields/motorway*.svg && \
sed -i -e 's/f2d7ce/00703c/g' -e 's/d7a899/ffffff/g' symbols/shields/trunk*.svg && \
sed -i -e 's/f3e3cf/ffffff/g' -e 's/d1b795/000000/g' symbols/shields/primary*.svg && \
sed -i -e 's/eeefd7/ffffff/g' -e 's/c4c69c/000000/g' symbols/shields/secondary*.svg && \
sed -i -e 's/f1f1f1/ffffff/g' -e 's/c6c6c6/000000/g' symbols/shields/tertiary*.svg && sed -i \
-e 's/dc2a67/0081ee/g' -e 's/c84e2f/008d3c/g' -e 's/a06b00/ce4647/g' -e 's/707d05/a6680a/g' \
-e 's/e892a2/7db0ea/g' -e 's/f9b29c/89cd9e/g' -e 's/fcd6a4/ffbcb4/g' -e 's/f7fabf/ffdbad/g' \
-e 's/e66e89/3d9ded/g' -e 's/f6967a/58bd7e/g' -e 's/f4c37d/ffa098/g' -e 's/e7ed9d/ffc888/g' \
-e 's/c24e6b/007ecb/g' -e 's/d1684a/079754/g' -e 's/d1684a/e66762/g' -e 's/d1684a/d38e31/g' \
-e 's/620728/ffffff/g' -e 's/5f1c0c/ffd200/g' -e 's/503000/000000/g' -e 's/364000/000000/g' \
style/road-colors-generated.mss && sed -i \
-e 's/tertiary-fill: #ffffff/tertiary-fill: #fff4be/g' \
-e 's/tertiary-casing: #8f8f8f/tertiary-casing: #8e7402/g' \
-e 's/tertiary-shield: #3b3b3b/tertiary-shield: #000000/g' \
-e 's/junction-text-color:\ *#960000/junction-text-color: #005f96/g' \
-e '/shield-fill: @motorway-shield/i \
      shield-halo-radius: 0.25;\
      shield-halo-fill: @motorway-shield;\
      shield-halo-opacity: 1.0;' -e '/shield-fill: @trunk-shield/i \
      shield-halo-radius: 0.25;\
      shield-halo-fill: @trunk-shield;\
      shield-halo-opacity: 1.0;' style/roads.mss
Technical information

Comparison between the sea (193.6° hue) and the motorway (210° hue) in tunnel and bridge form.

The revised road colours are not direct copies from the pre-2015 Standard tile layer, because the old colours were dull and inconsistent.

Class Element Motorway Trunk Primary Secondary Tertiary
Base hue (h) 260.5° 151.5° 29.3° 69.3° 86.4°
Road (0-12) Fill #3d9ded #58bd7e #ffa098 #ffc888 N/A
Casing #007ecb #079754 #e66762 #d38e31
Road (13+) Fill #7db0ea #89cd9e #ffbcb4 #ffdbad #fff4be
Casing #0081ee #008d3c #ce4647 #a6680a #8e7402
Fill #c8d6ea #c9e1cf #fcdbd7 #fae6d1 #fbefd6
Casing #92aed2 #91bc9d #e2aba5 #dab997 #d6c49a
Text #00356b #003f13 #66171a #552f00 #4a3900
Junction text #004b96 N/A
Fill #0079c1 #00703c #ffffff #ffffff #ffffff
Casing #ffffff #ffffff #000000 #000000 #000000
Text #ffffff #ffd200 #000000 #000000 #000000
References [1] [1]

Contours and hillshading

High speed railways

Transport symbols

Commit the changes

Once you have made edits to the stylesheet, run the following commands in Terminal to commit the changes and flush the old tiles:

cd /srv/styles/standard && \
carto project.mml > style.xml && \
sudo service renderd restart && \
rm -rf /srv/www/tiles/standard/*


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 “Traffic-sign images”. London: Department for Transport. 1 May 2020. Archived from the original on 8 February 2017. Retrieved 1 May 2020.