User:Ikonor/DE:SRTM Alternativen / DGM
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Digitales Geländemodell (DGM/DTM)
Wald und Gebäude rausrechnen
- aus Laserscan-Punktwolke Bodenpunkte filtern, siehe auch LiDAR
- OpenDEM: Freie Höhenmodelle und Höhendaten - FOSSGIS 2011, Video (DGM ab min 2:41)
- OpenDEM download: SRTM Digital Terrain Model of Germany - Urban Correction -3 meters, Forest Correction -8 meters
- SRTM Processing
- Möglichkeiten der Erstellung eines DGM aus SRTM-Daten unter vergleichender Einbeziehung der Landnutzungsklassifikationen CORINE und ATKIS
- 3D-Landschaftsmodelle aus OSM und SRTM - Tobias Knerr - Vergleich Interpolationsverfahren, bestes Approximation mit Least Squares, siehe auch FOSSGIS 2013 (Video)
- Integrating Terrain Surface and Street Network for 3D Routing (2008; Arne Schilling, Sandra Lanig, Pascal Neis, Alexander Zipf)
SRTM Radar Penetration
- "However, given the relatively short operating wavelength of the C-Band sensor (5.6 cm), retrieved elevations over vegetated terrain were not expected to represent “bald earth” surface elevation, but rather the elevations of various scatterers such as leaves and branches. Thus, in vegetated terrain, the DEM’s represent neither the “bald earth” surface nor the canopy top surface, but some elevation between the two."
Validation of SRTM Elevations Over Vegetated and Non-vegetated Terrain Using Medium Footprint Lidar - "Waves in the X-band are reflected off the leaves,while waves in the C-band are reflected off both leaves and branches, and, depending upon the conditions, they are also reflected off the tree trunks and the ground."
Detailed Description of SRTM Observation Principles - "Did the radar sample the tops of trees or the ground level?
The radar does not "see" through thick vegetation canopies. It probably penetrated a little way into some canopies, but in general it followed near the top of the canopy."
FAQ, SRTM Radar Penetration
- Copernicus Digital Elevation Model
- SRTM - public domain, SRTM, Wikipedia
- CGIAR-CSI - Lizenz? non-commercial, SRTM Tile Grabber (d3)
- - Lizenz/Quellen-Lizenzen?
- EU-DEM eea, eurostat - SRTM + ASTER GDEM - Lizenz?
- EOX map + bbox download (prototype) (blog)
- "Das ist ... ein billiger Verschnitt von 3-Sekunden-SRTM und ASTER GDEM mit EU-Aufkleber drauf." [1]
- ASTER GDEM - Lizenz?
- DLR SRTM X-SAR (25 m, Lücken, DTED format) -, Free SRTM X-band data!, DLR_SRTM_Readme.pdf
- "The SRTM DEM data are intended primarily for scientific purposes." (Conditions of use, DLR_SRTM_Readme.pdf)
- AW3D30 - 30-meter (1 arcsec) DSM - ALOS Global Digital Surface Model "ALOS World 3D - 30m" by by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA); no charge, Attribution required
Open Data
- Digitales Geländemodell Gitterweite 200 m - 200 m
- Hamburg: Digitales Höhenmodell Hamburg DGM 1 - 1 m
- Berlin: ATKIS® Basis-DGM (2m-Rasterweite) - 2 m
- (Baden-Württemberg): Kabinettsbeschluss: Geodateninfrastruktur als elementarer Baustein der digitalen Daseinsvorsorge in BW (nichts konkretes)
- (Digitale Geländemodelle - LGL BW - 1.440.000 € - 9.000 €)
- Österreich: Digitales Geländemodell (DGM) Österreich - 10 m (CC BY-SA 3.0 AT)
- Wien: - 5 m (CC BY-SA 3.0 AT)
siehe auch LiDAR
Regionale, hochauflösende Höhendaten aus Laserscans zum Vergleich
- Kanton Zürich - LiDAR (8 Pkt/m2), Oberflächen- (DOM) und Terrainmodell (DTM) (50cm Raster)
- GIS Browser - DOM/DTM Maps + Kachel-Download, Uetliberg
- Konton Solothurn - WebGIS LIDAR: Kachel-Download LIDAR Rohdaten (4 Pkt/m2), DOM/DTM (+Relief) - Potree Online Demo
- Dänemark ( - 0,4 m DTM + DSM aus LIDAR, Karte, Downloads
- Niederlande
- Spanien (nicht Mallorca, nur 5 m DEM aus Photogrammetrie)
Product Catalogue (LIDAR, MDT05/MDT05-LIDAR), download, LiDAR: España en 3D (Blog), LiDAR Abdeckung
keine offene Lizenz: Download Center Presentation and Policy for the Public Diffusion, License terms and conditions for noncommercial use
- Potree Pointcloud Beispiele - Matterhorn, Gelände, georef., CA13, CA13 5.5 billion points, Höhenprofil extrahieren
- LiDAR Tools
Potree,, Entwine 3D Tiles for Cesium, PDAL, LAStools, how to install LAStools toolbox in QGIS
Sonstiges (closed source/data)
- Tiergarten Point Cloud (virtualcityMAP) - @virtualcity, Cesium 3d Tiles?
- An Ensemble Digital Terrain Model of the world at 30 m spatial resolution (EDTM30) - International Society for Geomorphometry
- Sonny's LiDAR Digital Terrain Models (DTM)
- dtm-germany/austria/slovenia/spain by Sonny - Open Data DTM as 1" + 3" resolution 1° hgt Files + 20m + 50m GeoTIFF
- Diskussionen: Locus, OpenAndroMaps, BRouter
- Terrain Tiles on AWS - Mapzen terrain data on AWS
- openterrain (Stamen) (im Aufbau)
- (ESRI ArcGIS Terrain - nicht offen!) - siehe "Data Sources" mit Links zu Quellen (nicht unbedingt offen!?)
- Altitude
- Virtual Terrain Project - SRTM
- Maperitive DEM Links & Resources
- Contours
- Höhenbewusstes Routing mit Radardaten - Arndt Brenschede (FOSSGIS 2014)
- Höhenmeter: GPSies sucht die Wahrheit
- Analyse der globalen SRTM-Daten mit einer Bogensekunde Auflösung - SRTM 1-arc, 3-arc, ASTER GDEM
- DEM comparison: SRTM 3 vs. ASTER GDEM v2
Analyse - Slope, ...
- Computing the slope of the roads with QGIS
- Generating slope shading - MapBox TileMill, GDAL
- QGIS Raster Based Terrain Analysis Techniques
- How to: Extract building heights from LiDAR data and make 3D buildings
DEM im Browser
- buddebej/ol3-dem - WebGL, eu-dem, png Data-Tiles
- elasticterrain - SRTM 1-arc + additional, png data tiles
- Track3D - Aster tif, Node.js
- Mapbox blog "Dynamic hill shading in the browser" - TileMill encodes height into color
- jarped/wxs.threejs - Blog - tiff (WCS), tiff-js, three.js (FOSS4G 2014 talk)
- Converting terrain data to a WebGL-friendly format - GDAL ENVI format (16-bit uint raw byte array)
- turban/webgl-terrain - WebGL terrain experiments with Three.js
- OpenLayers Shaded Relief example, siehe auch Pixel Gymnastics Using OpenLayers and Planet Labs Data (FOSS4G NA 2016)
- Cesium STK World Terrain - quantized-mesh-1.0; EU-DEM, CGIAR SRTM
- NASA WorldWind WMS - image/bil, application/bil -/bil16 -/bil32; SRTM3 V4.1 (Finished and Filled), aster_30m
- Discomap Elevation: Server copernicus, image - GeoTIFF, NITF, JPEG, PNG, HDF
- Mapzen Terrain Tiles, What a Relief: Global Test Pilots Wanted (Blog), terrain-demos
- Mapbox Terrain-RGB
- BIL Format (Band Interleaved by Line) - scheinbar 10 mal kleiner als Geotiff [2]
- GeoTIFF - xlhomme/GeotiffParser.js (basiert auf tiff-js)
Raster image tiles
- Raster Server Demo
- oilslick - SRTM 90m (Jonathan de Ferranti), hosted as a public service, CC4.0 BY-SA-NC
- - SRTM, CC0
- SRTM Leaflet Preview
- Texture Shading - Fractional Laplacial Elevation Texture Shading, CGIAR-SRTM 250m
- Mundialis WMS - SRTM 450m, ASTER GDEM 30m; Making of
- EOX::Maps - Terrain, Terrain Light; EUDEM, ASTER GDEM, SRTM,...
- OpenTopoMap - SRTM (Viewfinder Panoramas)
ele aus GPX Tracks
- Planet.gpx (Wiki), Bulk GPX track data (Blog), extracts (nicht originale GPX Dateien, ohne Header/Metadaten)
- help: Extract Elevation from GPS tracks available in OSM
- 9 Years of OpenStreetMap GPS Tracks Available for Mapping (GPS Layer), Map Compare
- Deriving incline values for street networks from voluntarily collected GPS traces
- Visualising GPS data from OpenStreetMap using WebGL
- Coverage of OSM highway features with correspoding GPS tracks
- Extracting raw GPS data from OpenStreetMap - an LGPL tool
- Matching GPS trajectories to street segments - an open source implementation
- Towards Deriving Incline Values for Street Networks from Voluntarily Collected GPS Data (GI_Forum/AGIT Poster)
- from poster (see 4 Results): Validation (with 1 m high resolution DEM) comparison:
data incline error < 3% [%] covered ways [%] OSM GPS 86.3 37 SRTM 83.3 100
"3.5 Millionen Strecken" (Quelle) - insgesamt, nicht offen
OSM Uploads User GPSies_com: 20.402 Tracks (nur anonyme Uploads, sonst mit OSM-User), siehe Schon wieder ein Openstreetmap Update: GPSies-Tracks bei Openstreetmap hochladen
Map matching
- graphhopper/map-matching
- BMW Barefoot - An Open Source Java library for map matching with OpenStreetMap
- GIScience/OsmGpxMapMatcher + osmgpxfilter (siehe "Deriving incline values for street networks from voluntarily collected GPS traces" oben)
- Matching GPS traces to a map (Mapbox/OSRM)
- JTS Topology Suite (nicht speziell Matching; JCS Conflation Suite/RoadMatcher ?)
- OpenDEM
- Height measurements with GPS & barometer
- Von der App zur freien Höhendatenbank - FOSSGIS 2015 Präsi, ausgefallen
- Height measurements with app & barometer (OpenDEM Tracker App for user generated heights is on the way (OpenStreetMap 3D))
- OpenDemTracker App (Beta) (OpenDemTracker Beta Version now available (OpenStreetMap 3D))
- Crowd-Sourced Elevation (DIY DEM) - Peter Barth (FOSSGIS 2015 talk)