User talk:Alban

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une tite biere ?

Alban, I am interested in your experineces using the Thales Mobile Mapper, especially whether you think it has any advantages over cheaper handheld garmin type units in the centre or an urban city. Any idea what the current street price is of the CE or Pro? Blackadder 01:49, 23 Jul 2006 (BST).

See response to this on User_talk:Blackadder


Bonjour Alban,

J'ai vu que tu avais ajouté des lignes de métro et de tramway pour Lyon. Je voulais juste savoir comment tu avais eu ces trajets (pour le métro particulièrement).

Merci d'avance! FredB 18:28, 4 October 2006 (BST)

Salut Fred,
Pas avec un GPS! J'ai fait il y a un an pour GoogleEarth une partie du réseau TCL. Je l'ai posé à l'oeil sur la photo de GoogleEarth. Je suis content que quelqu'un réagisse à cet upload car je me demande si çà ne gène pas pas plus qu'autre chose le reste du travail sur Lyon. Peut-être vaudrait t-il mieux le supprimer et le rajouter lorsqu'il y a aura un peu plus de rues? Qu'en penses tu? --Alban 06:02, 5 October 2006 (BST)
Le problème si tu as fais ces traces à partir des photos de GoogleEarth est peut-être la licence de telles données non ?
Sinon je ne trouve pas ton travail génant pour ajouter des rues à Lyon, au contraire ça permet de structurer un minimum la ville.
À bientôt ! FredB 16:47, 6 October 2006 (BST)

Bonjour Alban,

Je suis actuellement en train de cartographier le centre de Lyon. J'ai remarqué que les lignes de métro que tu as placées suivent à peu près exactement les rues. Le fait que je supprime les lignes de métro te pose-t-il un problème ? (dans la mesure où tes tracés sont utiles mais ne respectent pas le vrai trajet du métro)

Bonnes fêtes ! FredB 12:44, 25 December 2006 (UTC)

Salut Fred,
J'ai moi aussi fait un détour par Lyon il y a quelques jours et ces lignes de métro et de tram m'ont plus gêné qu'autre chose. Tu peut en faire ce que tu veux, je les ai de toute façon au format OSM pour un upload futur.

--Alban 20:57, 25 December 2006 (UTC)

J'ai supprimé les métros mais laissé les tramways (en surface donc on est sur du tracé). Ciao. FredB 09:00, 29 December 2006 (UTC)

import BDcarthage des cours d'eau

Salut Alban,

J'ai vu que tu as uploadé un certain nombre de lacs et de cours d'eau, marqués avec source:BDcarthage . Par curiosité, je voulais simplement savoir d'où vient cette base de données et ce qu'elle couvre (pour ne pas dessiner le Rhône et la Saône par exemple alors qu'ils sont présents dans ta base de données)

FredB 10:47, 18 February 2007 (UTC)

La BD Carthage est -à ma connaissance- une base de données décrivant l'hydrographie de surface de la France. Une partie de cette base est désormais gratuite. Mais je ne suis pas certain que l'on puisse l'utiliser tel quel dans OSM. La licence est ici si tu peut voir si elle est compatible avec celle d'OSM je pourrai facilement tout convertir et l'uploader progressivement.
--Alban 21:42, 20 February 2007 (UTC)
La licence ne me semble pas être compatible avec la licence d'OSM notamment à cause de cette phrase :
c. L'Acceptant ne peut exercer aucun des droits conférés par l'article 3 avec l'intention ou l'objectif d'obtenir un profit commercial ou une compensation financière personnelle.
Cependant, je ne suis pas juriste et le mieux serait peut-être d'écrire pour savoir si nous avons ou non l'autorisation.
FredB 00:37, 21 February 2007 (UTC)
Par hasard, vous n'auriez pas eu de nouvelles à propos de la licence de la BDD Carthage ? Je demande ça car j'ai importé un certain nombre de côtes (Atlantique et Manche) et je me disais qu'avoir les cours d'eau dans cette région serait un plus (et un point de repère évident) pour continuer à cartographier plus facilement.
orgoz 12:17, 30 April 2007 (BST)
La nouvelle en est une mauvaise : le contrat de licence associé à la BD Carthage ne permets pas de diffuser les données dans un cadre permettant une rémunération. Ce n'est donc pas compatible avec OSM ne serait ce que pour la page d'accueil où on trouve des Google's Ads.
Il va falloir trouver autre chose.
--Alban 19:22, 30 April 2007 (BST)
Il faut donc supprimer les cours d'eau déjà importés je suppose ? FredB 10:51, 12 May 2007 (BST)

Les villes

Bonjour, J'ai remarqué que tu as importé un paquet de villes avec les codes postaux, INSEE, etc. Comme les autres au dessus, je me demande d'où viennent les données... Wawet76 19:22, 5 May 2007 (BST)

Il s'agit d'une extraction des centroïdes des villes d'une base nationale exhaustives au format Editop. J'ai sous le coude le reste des 36000 communes de France. Je n'ai uploadé que celles qui correspondent aux critères 'city', 'town' et 'village'. Comme il s'agit de centroïdes le 'node' n'est pas forcément situé sur les centre-villes.
--Alban 20:43, 8 May 2007 (BST)
Mais heu... Pas de problème de licence ? Wawet76 21:16, 12 May 2007 (BST)
Ce sont des informations publiques. On les retrouvent aussi sur Wikipedia ex: Communes de la Drôme. L'extraction des infos de cette base et la conversion au format OSM sont ma création que je mets à dispo dans la base OSM.
Alban 14:36, 21 May 2007 (BST)
Salut Alban, j'ai moi aussi remarqué tes imports pour les villes. Mais je constate pour l'Alsace un énorme décallage de 4 kilomètres vers l'ouest entre tes points villes et leurs positions réels (facilement contrôlable avec les photos satellites yahoo mais aussi avec les positions venant de Wikipedia qui elles sont correctes). J'espère que ce problème n'est pas général. De plus les chiffres de populations datent de 1990, ca fait 17 ans et les différences avec aujourd'hui peuvent atteindre un tiers en plus pour certaines villes... Peux-tu faire quelque chose, surtout pour le problème de positionnement ? Pieren 12:20, 4 Nov 2007
Salut, Déjà bravo pour la traduction des pages du wiki en français. Pour les villes comme je l'ai dit plus haut, j'ai fait les uploads au format osm des 'city', 'town' et 'village' avec les coordonnées des centroïdes des surfaces des communes et pas avec les coord des centres villes. Pour les 'hamlet' (cf les dep. 01,02,03,07,13,26,38,42,73 et 84) j'ai récupérée les coordonnées des centres villes. Pour les écarts entre que tu constates tu es libre de les corriger, merci. Pour le nb d'habitants si tu as des données libre plus à jour tu peut aussi nous faire profiter de cette amélioration.
--Alban 12:32, 4 November 2007 (UTC)
non pour l'instant je corrige manuellement la population avec les chiffres de wikipedia de 1999, certaines de 2005. Pour les 'hameaux', pourrais-tu faire le 67 et 68 un de ces quatres ? Et tant que j'y suis, connais-tu une base pour les surfaces des fôrets ? ONF ? Ca ferait gagner un temps énorme pour les départements boisés. Pieren 16:20, 4 Nov 2007
Voir la réponse Discussion Pieren--Alban 16:36, 4 November 2007 (UTC)

About DG-100

Sorry for late answer. I only dreamed about this device, but i got one now! Its my first gps device so im now making first steps in Openstreetmap. You can save data to .klm .csv .txt .rmc and yes .gpx with latest Globalsat software. And use it as a "gps-mouse" what i havent tried myself. And since the protocol for communicate to this device is available, there are some opensource software available (for Windows right now), since the early globalsat soft had some bugs with data formats i understood. For alternative software look at gpspassion forum --Kaugeltmaalt 11:11, 5 August 2007 (BST)

Graian Alps Mapping party

Hi, i'm luca, an italian mappers, and I write to let you know of a mapping party in Gran Paradiso national park; I would be very happy to done an internationl mapping party with you, French mappers, I thought you might mapping the Parc National de la Vanoise and we might meet in an alpine hut near the national border.

Best regard Luca

Lucadelu 21:23, 22 February 2010 (UTC)

Liste de discussion OSM Lyon

Bonjour, j'ai vu ton pseudo dans la Category:Users in Lyon. L'association OSM France a ouvert des listes de discussion locales. Par conséquent une liste pour Lyon a été créée. Si tu es intéressé tu peux la trouver dans la liste des listes. Bien sûr tu peux également faire passer le message ;) Otourly 19:27, 28 November 2011 (UTC)

Cartopartie à Die le samedi 21 septembre

Je me permets de vous informer d'une cartopartie à Die le samedi 21 septembre.

Plus d'infos :

Missing file information

Hello! And thanks for your upload - but some extra info is necessary.

Sorry for bothering you about this, but it is important to know source of the uploaded files.

Are you the author of image File:Bd-departement-CartographesAssociés.JPG ?

Or is it copied from some other place (which one?)?

Please, add this info to the file page - something like "I took this photo" or "downloaded from -website link-" or "I took this screeshot of program XYZ".

In case that you are the author of the image: Would you agree to open licensing of this image, allowing its use by anyone (similarly to your OSM edits)?

Would you be OK with CC0 (it allows use without attribution or any other requirement)?

Or do you prefer to require attribution and some other things using CC-BY-SA-4.0?

If you are the author: Please add {{CC0-self}} to the file page to publish the image under CC0 license.

You can also use {{CC-BY-SA-4.0-self}} to publish under CC-BY-SA-4.0 license.

Note that in cases where photo is a screenshot of some software interface: usually it is needed to handle also copyright of software itself.

Note that in cases where aerial imagery is present: also licensing of an aerial imagery matter.

Feel free to ask for help if you need it - you can do it for example by asking on Talk:Wiki: new topic.

Please ask there if you are not sure what is the proper next step. Especially when you are uploading files that are not your own work or are derivative work (screenshots, composition of images, using aerial imagery etc).

Once you add missing data - please remove {{Unknown|subcategory=uploader notified January 2022}} from the file page.

--Mateusz Konieczny (talk) 16:28, 26 January 2022 (UTC)

Missing file information

Hello! And thanks for your upload - but some extra info is necessary.

Sorry for bothering you about this, but it is important to know source of the uploaded files.

Are you the creator of image File:FAC GDL30 MMC DATA LOGGER.jpg ?

Or is it copied from some other place (which one?)?

Please, add this info to the file page - something like "I took this photo" or "downloaded from -website link-" or "I took this screeshot of program XYZ" or "this is map generated from OpenStreetMap data and SRTM data" or "map generated from OSM data and only OSM data" or "This is my work based on file -link-to-page-with-that-file-and-its-licensing-info-" or "used file downloaded from internet to create it, no idea which one".

Doing this would be already very useful.

Licensing - photos

In case that you are the author of the image: Would you agree to open licensing of this image, allowing its use by anyone (similarly to your OSM edits)?

In case where it is a photo you (except relatively rare cases) author can make it available under a specific free license.

Would you be OK with CC0 (it allows use without attribution or any other requirement)?

Or do you prefer to require attribution and some other things using CC-BY-SA-4.0?

If you are the author: Please add {{CC0-self}} to the file page to publish the image under CC0 license.

You can also use {{CC-BY-SA-4.0-self|Alban}} to publish under CC-BY-SA-4.0 license.

Once you add missing data - please remove {{Unknown|subcategory=uploader notified March 2022}} from the file page.

Licensing - other images

If it is not a photo situation gets a bit more complicated.

See Drafts/Media file license chart that may help.

note: if you took screenshot of program made by someone else, screenshot of OSM editor with aerial imagery: then licensing of that elements also matter and you are not a sole author.

note: If you downloaded image made by someone else then you are NOT the author.

Note that in cases where photo is a screenshot of some software interface: usually it is needed to handle also copyright of software itself.

Note that in cases where aerial imagery is present: also licensing of an aerial imagery matter.


Feel free to ask for help if you need it - you can do it for example by asking on Talk:Wiki: new topic.

Please ask there if you are not sure what is the proper next step. Especially when you are uploading files that are not your own work or are derivative work (screenshots, composition of images, using aerial imagery etc).

If you are interested in wider discussion about handling licencing at OSM Wiki, see this thread.

(sorry if I missed something that already states license and source: I am looking through over 20 000 files and fixing obvious cases on my own, in other I ask people who upladed files, but it is possible that I missed something - in such case also please answer)

--Mateusz Konieczny (talk) 23:34, 25 March 2022 (UTC)

Missing file information

Hello! And thanks for your upload - but some extra info is necessary.

Sorry for bothering you about this, but it is important to know source of the uploaded files.

Are you the creator of image File:FAC GDL30 MMC DATA LOGGER opened.jpg ?

Or is it copied from some other place (which one?)?

Please, add this info to the file page - something like "I took this photo" or "downloaded from -website link-" or "I took this screeshot of program XYZ" or "this is map generated from OpenStreetMap data and SRTM data" or "map generated from OSM data and only OSM data" or "This is my work based on file -link-to-page-with-that-file-and-its-licensing-info-" or "used file downloaded from internet to create it, no idea which one".

Doing this would be already very useful.

Licensing - photos

In case that you are the author of the image: Would you agree to open licensing of this image, allowing its use by anyone (similarly to your OSM edits)?

In case where it is a photo you (except relatively rare cases) author can make it available under a specific free license.

Would you be OK with CC0 (it allows use without attribution or any other requirement)?

Or do you prefer to require attribution and some other things using CC-BY-SA-4.0?

If you are the author: Please add {{CC0-self}} to the file page to publish the image under CC0 license.

You can also use {{CC-BY-SA-4.0-self|Alban}} to publish under CC-BY-SA-4.0 license.

Once you add missing data - please remove {{Unknown|subcategory=uploader notified 2022, May}} from the file page.

Licensing - other images

If it is not a photo situation gets a bit more complicated.

See Drafts/Media file license chart that may help.

note: if you took screenshot of program made by someone else, screenshot of OSM editor with aerial imagery: then licensing of that elements also matter and you are not a sole author.

note: If you downloaded image made by someone else then you are NOT the author.

Note that in cases where photo is a screenshot of some software interface: usually it is needed to handle also copyright of software itself.

Note that in cases where aerial imagery is present: also licensing of an aerial imagery matter.


Feel free to ask for help if you need it - you can do it for example by asking on Talk:Wiki: new topic.

Please ask there if you are not sure what is the proper next step. Especially when you are uploading files that are not your own work or are derivative work (screenshots, composition of images, using aerial imagery etc).

If you are interested in wider discussion about handling licencing at OSM Wiki, see this thread.

(sorry if I missed something that already states license and source: I am looking through over 20 000 files and fixing obvious cases on my own, in other I ask people who upladed files, but it is possible that I missed something - in such case also please answer)

--Mateusz Konieczny (talk) 11:17, 20 May 2022 (UTC)

Missing file information

Hello! And thanks for your upload - but some extra info is necessary.

Sorry for bothering you about this, but it is important to know source of the uploaded files.

Are you the creator of image File:MemoryStick.png ?

Or is it copied from some other place (which one?)?

Please, add this info to the file page - something like "I took this photo" or "downloaded from -website link-" or "I took this screeshot of program XYZ" or "this is map generated from OpenStreetMap data and SRTM data" or "map generated from OSM data and only OSM data" or "This is my work based on file -link-to-page-with-that-file-and-its-licensing-info-" or "used file downloaded from internet to create it, no idea which one".

Doing this would be already very useful.

Licensing - photos

In case that you are the author of the image: Would you agree to open licensing of this image, allowing its use by anyone (similarly to your OSM edits)?

In case where it is a photo you have taken then you can make it available under a specific free license (except some cases, like photos of modern sculptures in coutries without freedom of panorama or taking photo of copyrighted artwork).

Would you be OK with CC0 (it allows use without attribution or any other requirement)?

Or do you prefer to require attribution and some other things using CC-BY-SA-4.0?

If you are the author: Please add {{CC0-self}} to the file page to publish the image under CC0 license.

You can also use {{CC-BY-SA-4.0-self|Alban}} to publish under CC-BY-SA-4.0 license.

Once you add missing data - please remove {{Unknown|subcategory=uploader notified 2022, June}} from the file page.

Licensing - other images

If it is not a photo situation gets a bit more complicated.

See Drafts/Media file license chart that may help.

note: if you took screenshot of program made by someone else, screenshot of OSM editor with aerial imagery: then licensing of that elements also matter and you are not a sole author.

note: If you downloaded image made by someone else then you are NOT the author.

Note that in cases where photo is a screenshot of some software interface: usually it is needed to handle also copyright of software itself.

Note that in cases where aerial imagery is present: also licensing of an aerial imagery matter.


Feel free to ask for help if you need it - you can do it for example by asking on Talk:Wiki: new topic.

Please ask there if you are not sure what is the proper next step. Especially when you are uploading files that are not your own work or are derivative work (screenshots, composition of images, using aerial imagery etc).

If you are interested in wider discussion about handling licencing at OSM Wiki, see this thread.

(sorry if I missed something that already states license and source: I am looking through over 20 000 files and fixing obvious cases on my own, in other I ask people who upladed files, but it is possible that I missed something - in such case also please answer)

--Mateusz Konieczny (talk) 16:29, 14 June 2022 (UTC)

Missing file information

Hello! And thanks for your upload - but some extra info is necessary.

Sorry for bothering you about this, but it is important to know source of the uploaded files.

Are you the creator of image File:Navgear PX3015 handed.jpg ?

Or is it copied from some other place (which one?)?

Please, add this info to the file page - something like "I took this photo" or "downloaded from -website link-" or "I took this screeshot of program XYZ" or "this is map generated from OpenStreetMap data and SRTM data" or "map generated from OSM data and only OSM data" or "This is my work based on file -link-to-page-with-that-file-and-its-licensing-info-" or "used file downloaded from internet to create it, no idea which one".

Doing this would be already very useful.

Licensing - photos

In case that you are the author of the image: Would you agree to open licensing of this image, allowing its use by anyone (similarly to your OSM edits)?

In case where it is a photo you have taken then you can make it available under a specific free license (except some cases, like photos of modern sculptures in coutries without freedom of panorama or taking photo of copyrighted artwork).

Would you be OK with CC0 (it allows use without attribution or any other requirement)?

Or do you prefer to require attribution and some other things using CC-BY-SA-4.0?

If you are the author: Please add {{CC0-self}} to the file page to publish the image under CC0 license.

You can also use {{CC-BY-SA-4.0-self|Alban}} to publish under CC-BY-SA-4.0 license.

Once you add missing data - please remove {{Unknown|subcategory=uploader notified 2022, August}} from the file page.

Licensing - other images

If it is not a photo situation gets a bit more complicated.

See Drafts/Media file license chart that may help.

note: if you took screenshot of program made by someone else, screenshot of OSM editor with aerial imagery: then licensing of that elements also matter and you are not a sole author.

note: If you downloaded image made by someone else then you are NOT the author.

Note that in cases where photo is a screenshot of some software interface: usually it is needed to handle also copyright of software itself.

Note that in cases where aerial imagery is present: also licensing of an aerial imagery matter.


Feel free to ask for help if you need it - you can do it for example by asking on Talk:Wiki: new topic.

Please ask there if you are not sure what is the proper next step. Especially when you are uploading files that are not your own work or are derivative work (screenshots, composition of images, using aerial imagery etc).

If you are interested in wider discussion about handling licencing at OSM Wiki, see this thread.

(sorry if I missed something that already states license and source: I am looking through over 20 000 files and fixing obvious cases on my own, in other I ask people who upladed files, but it is possible that I missed something - in such case also please answer)

--Mateusz Konieczny (talk) 12:46, 5 August 2022 (UTC)

Missing file information

Hello! And thanks for your upload - but some extra info is necessary.

Sorry for bothering you about this, but it is important to know source of the uploaded files.

Are you the creator of image File:Navgear PX3015 and acessory.jpg ?

Or is it copied from some other place (which one?)?

Please, add this info to the file page - something like "I took this photo" or "downloaded from -website link-" or "I took this screeshot of program XYZ" or "this is map generated from OpenStreetMap data and SRTM data" or "map generated from OSM data and only OSM data" or "This is my work based on file -link-to-page-with-that-file-and-its-licensing-info-" or "used file downloaded from internet to create it, no idea which one".

Doing this would be already very useful.

Licensing - photos

In case that you are the author of the image: Would you agree to open licensing of this image, allowing its use by anyone (similarly to your OSM edits)?

In case where it is a photo you have taken then you can make it available under a specific free license (except some cases, like photos of modern sculptures in coutries without freedom of panorama or taking photo of copyrighted artwork).

Would you be OK with CC0 (it allows use without attribution or any other requirement)?

Or do you prefer to require attribution and some other things using CC-BY-SA-4.0?

If you are the author: Please add {{CC0-self}} to the file page to publish the image under CC0 license.

You can also use {{CC-BY-SA-4.0-self|Alban}} to publish under CC-BY-SA-4.0 license.

Once you add missing data - please remove {{Unknown|subcategory=uploader notified 2022, August}} from the file page.

Licensing - other images

If it is not a photo situation gets a bit more complicated.

See Drafts/Media file license chart that may help.

note: if you took screenshot of program made by someone else, screenshot of OSM editor with aerial imagery: then licensing of that elements also matter and you are not a sole author.

note: If you downloaded image made by someone else then you are NOT the author.

Note that in cases where photo is a screenshot of some software interface: usually it is needed to handle also copyright of software itself.

Note that in cases where aerial imagery is present: also licensing of an aerial imagery matter.


Feel free to ask for help if you need it - you can do it for example by asking on Talk:Wiki: new topic.

Please ask there if you are not sure what is the proper next step. Especially when you are uploading files that are not your own work or are derivative work (screenshots, composition of images, using aerial imagery etc).

If you are interested in wider discussion about handling licencing at OSM Wiki, see this thread.

(sorry if I missed something that already states license and source: I am looking through over 20 000 files and fixing obvious cases on my own, in other I ask people who upladed files, but it is possible that I missed something - in such case also please answer)

--Mateusz Konieczny (talk) 21:56, 29 August 2022 (UTC)

Missing file information

Hello! And thanks for your upload - but some extra info is necessary.

Sorry for bothering you about this, but it is important to know source of the uploaded files.

Are you the creator of image File:Flou col du rousset.png ?

Or is it copied from some other place (which one?)?

Please, add this info to the file page - something like "I took this photo" or "downloaded from -website link-" or "I took this screeshot of program XYZ" or "this is map generated from OpenStreetMap data and SRTM data" or "map generated from OSM data and only OSM data" or "This is my work based on file -link-to-page-with-that-file-and-its-licensing-info-" or "used file downloaded from internet to create it, no idea which one".

Doing this would be already very useful.

Licensing - photos

In case that you are the author of the image: Would you agree to open licensing of this image, allowing its use by anyone (similarly to your OSM edits)?

In case where it is a photo you have taken then you can make it available under a specific free license (except some cases, like photos of modern sculptures in coutries without freedom of panorama or taking photo of copyrighted artwork).

Would you be OK with CC0 (it allows use without attribution or any other requirement)?

Or do you prefer to require attribution and some other things using CC-BY-SA-4.0?

If you are the author: Please add {{CC0-self}} to the file page to publish the image under CC0 license.

You can also use {{CC-BY-SA-4.0-self|Alban}} to publish under CC-BY-SA-4.0 license.

Once you add missing data - please remove {{Unknown|subcategory=uploader notified 2022, December}} from the file page.

Licensing - other images

If it is not a photo situation gets a bit more complicated.

See Drafts/Media file license chart that may help.

note: if you took screenshot of program made by someone else, screenshot of OSM editor with aerial imagery: then licensing of that elements also matter and you are not a sole author.

note: If you downloaded image made by someone else then you are NOT the author.

Note that in cases where photo is a screenshot of some software interface: usually it is needed to handle also copyright of software itself.

Note that in cases where aerial imagery is present: also licensing of an aerial imagery matter.


Feel free to ask for help if you need it - you can do it for example by asking on Talk:Wiki: new topic.

Please ask there if you are not sure what is the proper next step. Especially when you are uploading files that are not your own work or are derivative work (screenshots, composition of images, using aerial imagery etc).

If you are interested in wider discussion about handling licencing at OSM Wiki, see this thread.

(sorry if I missed something that already states license and source: I am looking through over 20 000 files and fixing obvious cases on my own, in other I ask people who upladed files, but it is possible that I missed something - in such case also please answer)

--Mateusz Konieczny (talk) 10:14, 29 December 2022 (UTC)