User talk:Higa4/OSM book Japan/My first edit

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My first edit


There are many different ways to add to OpenStreetMap, but a user account is required for all of them. In this chapter we will cover how to sign-up for an account and make your first edit.


To create an account and begin editing, go to the OpenStreetMap website at

アカウントを作成して編集を始めるには、まず、OpenStreetMap ウェブサイト( )を開きます。

To sign up for a user account, click Sign Up in the upper right corner of the page. If you have already created an account, click Log In and continue to the portion of this chapter entitled "Making Your First Edit".


You will see a Create a User Account form.


Enter your Email address twice. Note that your email address will only be used to contact you with OpenStreetMap-related information and will not be displayed publicly. Next you can enter the Display name you wish to be identified by. Finally, you need to enter your Password twice. Click Continue.

あなたのEメールアドレスを二回入力してください。また、Eメールアドレスは、OpenStreetMap関連情報の送信のみに使用され、一般に公開されることはありません。 次に、IDとなるご希望の"表示名"を入力してください。最後に、パスワードを二回入力し、"続行"ボタンをクリックしてください。

You will see the Contributor terms page:


You can select your country of residence, if available, to see the contributor terms in your language. Read the contributor terms and you can also release your contributions to the Public Domain by checking the check box for "In addition to the above agreement, I consider my contributions to be in the Public Domain". This checkbox is optional and for more information you can read about it on the OpenStreetMap Foundation wiki (

住んでいる国を選択してください。もし作成されているなら、あなたの言語で投稿規約が表示されます。投稿規約を読み、”私の投稿をパブリックドメインとします(著作権、著作隣接権を放棄し、著作人格権の行使を行いません)”のチェックボックスにチェックを入れることで、あなたの投稿をパブリックドメインとすることができます。このチェックボックスは任意であり、詳細はOpenStreetMap財団のウィキサイトを確認してください。 (

Click Agree to continue with the registration process. Before you are allowed login you have to check your email account and follow the instructions in the confirmation email to enable your user account.


If you already have an account, you can click on the Log in link in the upper right corner of the page. You will be taken to the login page.


Enter your Email Address or Username and Password. Click Login. Now you are ready to make your first edit.


Making Your First Edit


By default, OpenStreetMap uses an editor we developed called Potlatch 2 to manipulate the data. Click Edit and the loading screen below will appear. Once the Potlatch 2 editor has loaded, you will be ready to make your first edit.


There are virtually limitless things that can be mapped in OpenStreetMap. This variety can be a bit daunting when first getting started! Good things to edit in your first session might include be restaurants, schools or any incorrect road information you see. There is a page in the OpenStreetMap wiki that can be a good place to get ideas for what to map (

OpenStreetMapにマッピングできる対象物は、事実上無限とも言えるほど存在します。その多様性に、少したじろぐ初心者もいます。最初の編集ではレストランや学校、あるいは、あなたが見つけた間違った道路情報などを対象とするといいでしょう。何を対象に編集したらいいかなどのアイディアを得るには、OpenStreetMapウィキページを参照するといいでしょう。 (

   It's important when you're editing not to copy from copyrighted information. This includes other online maps such as Google Maps or Bing Maps. The information there is free to use, but the actual data is copyrighted and can't be copied. The easiest way to adhere to these rules is to use only your own personal knowledge and the resources available in the editors. 
   重要:  著作権のある情報に対しては絶対に編集しないでください。これはGoogleマップやBingマップのようなオンライン地図サービスのことも含みます。それらの地図サービスは利用は無料ですが、そのデータの著作権は保護されており、複製することはできません。これらの規則を守る最も簡単な方法は、あなたの個人的な知識やエディタで利用可能な資源のみを使用することです。

In this example we are going to add a guesthouse that is missing from the map. When the Potlatch 2 editor has loaded you will see the map information that already exists loaded in the right side of the window. Things you can add to the map will show up as icons on the left side. Click on the type of data you want to add and drag it to its proper position on the map on the right side of the browser window.


Since I am adding a guesthouse I click on the guesthouse icon. If the icon definition isn't clear to you, hover over it to display a bit of text that tells you what the icon is. Hovering over the guesthouse icon, the tool tip says "Guesthouse (B&B)".


Once you position the icon in the right place the list of icons on the left will change to prompts for additional information about the place you just added. In the case of the guesthouse there is a single textbox to add a name.


Once you have finished adding additional information to the feature that you've added it is important to save your work. This is how your changes get shared with the rest of the OpenStreetMap community. To do this, press the Save button and a "Save Changes" box will appear. Here you enter your comments about what you've changed or added to OpenStreetMap and then press Save. These comments are helpful to others in the community to understand your changes.

追加するアイコンに対し追加情報の入力が終了したら、必ず保存してください。これによりあなたのデータ編集をOpenStreetMapコミュニティと共有することができます。保存をするには、"保存"ボタンをクリックします。"Save Changes"画面が表示されますので、ここに編集や追加した作業に対するコメントを入力し保存をクリックします。これらのコメントは、あなたの行った編集をコミュニティの他の方に理解してもらうために役に立ちます。

Another easy first edit is to add a road. One easy way to do that is to trace over the satellite imagery available from Bing Maps in the Potlatch 2 editor. To add a road that is connected to another road click on the road you want to connect it to in order to highlight it. Next click on the point for that road where you want to start your new road.


Note: if you can't click there, it means that you need to add a node to start the road. Push shift key and click on the road where you want to start the line. We will introduce the idea of a node in a later chapter.

注意: もし任意の場所をクリックできない場合、道路を開始するノードを追加する必要があります。シフトキーを押したまま、道路線を開始したい道路上をクリックしてください。後の章でノードに関する説明を行います。

Once you have clicked on your desired starting point you will see there is a line connected to your mouse cursor. For every bend you want to make in the line of your new road you need to click. When you are finished with your road double click in order to stop adding the road.


Now you need to define what type of road it is. On the left side of the editor it will say "No tags set".

道路の追加を行ったら、今度は道路の種別を定義する必要があります。画面左側では"No tags set"として表示されています。

Click on the drop down below that and then select "Roads." You can now choose the type of road you have added. In this example it is a "Residential Road."

ドロップダウンメニューをクリックし、"Roads"を選択します。あなたが追加した道路の種別を選択してください。この例では、"Residential Road"になります。

After you have defined the type of road it is possible to add other information. A form will show that allows you to add the name of the road as well as additional speed limit and lane information. If the road is one-way it is also possible to add that.

道路種別を選択した後、他の情報を追加できるようになります。このフォームでは道路名だけでなく、速度の制限情報や道路レーン情報なども追加できます。 もし一方通行の道路であれば、その情報も追加できます。

As you can see it is easy to get started adding to OpenStreetMap using satellite imagery and your personal knowledge. Later on in the book you will learn how to map more types of information and how to actually go outside and collect information using GPS and paper maps called Walking Papers.
