WikiProject Belgium/Municipality Fusions/2025

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In 2025, there will be new fusions between Flemish municipalities, see "Fusies 1.1.2025" on the VVSG website


  • change of the province boundary at Beveren
  • change of the municipality boundaries & possibly admin_centres
  • lots and lots of streetname changes (and possible renumbering)

Preliminary data about the address changes is available at

About 350 streetnames are going to change! About 8000 addresses are affected, of which over 1300 also change housenumber.

The final merger decisions had to be made no later than December 31, 2023. This is the definitive list, as approved by the Flemish Parliament[1][2]:

merging municipalities new municipality new NIS code[3]
Antwerpen and Borsbeek Antwerpen 11002
Beveren, Kruibeke and Zwijndrecht Beveren-Kruibeke-Zwijndrecht (working name) 46030
Bilzen and Hoeselt Bilzen-Hoeselt 73110
Borgloon and Tongeren Tongeren-Borgloon 73111
De Pinte and Nazareth Nazareth-De Pinte 44086
Galmaarden, Gooik and Herne Pajottegem 23106
Ham and Tessenderlo Tessenderlo-Ham 71071
Hasselt and Kortessem Hasselt 71072
Lochristi and Wachtebeke Lochristi 44087
Lokeren and Moerbeke Lokeren 46029
Melle and Merelbeke Merelbeke-Melle 44088
Meulebeke and Tielt Tielt 37022
Ruiselede and Wingene Wingene 37021

To do's


Task Antwerpen Beveren-Kruibeke-Zwijndrecht Bilzen-Hoeselt Hasselt Lochristi Lokeren Merelbeke-Melle Nazareth-De Pinte Pajottegem Tessenderlo-Ham Tielt Tongeren-Borgloon Wingene
Update the municipality borders. OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg* OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg* OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg* OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg* OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg
Update the province boundary if necessary (e.g. for Beveren). n.a. OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
Update the "arrondissement" boundary if necessary (e.g. for Lokeren). n.a. OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
Update the NIS codes. n.a. OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg
Check wikidata/wikipedia on relations and on place=* nodes.
Update street names. OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg* (easy cases) OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg (by local GIS) OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg (by local GIS)
Update individual addresses. OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg* OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg (by local GIS) OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg
Change or update the admin_centre if necessary. OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg
Rename and/or move town halls if necessary. OOjs UI icon check-constructive.svg

* should be reviewed, see changeset comments:


  • Update borders: For each new municipality, choose which existing admin_level=8 relation you will keep / expand for the new municipality. Edit the relation so it represents the borders of the new municipality. Add all submunicipalities relations (admin_level=9) as subareas to the relation of the new municipality. Remove the other admin_level=8 relation(s).


In Wallonia, Bastogne and Bertogne will be merged after the 2024 elections. The merger will be effective on December 2, 2024[4].

merging municipalities new municipality new NIS code[3]
Bastogne and Bertogne Bastogne 82039
