Interstate Highway relations

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Flag of United States Part of United States mapping project.

Tagging relations

Use the following tags when creating or editing an Interstate relation:

Tag Comment
type=route Required.
route=road Required.
network=US:I for Interstate relations

network=US:US for US routes

network=US:XX for State Routes, where XX is the official USPS state abbreviation

Required. For business / downtown loops and spurs and future routes, use network=US:I:Business, US:I:Downtown, US:I:Future
ref=* Required. Use the number only! For example ref=90 for I-90, ref=6 for US-6.
modifier=* Required for truck, HOV and express routes. ex. "modifier=Truck"
addr:state=xx Required. xx = State Postal Code e.g. FL for I-275 in Florida. Either 1 or 2 relationships per state (see below).
symbol=* Optional. URL to an SVG image of the route shield. You can find these in Wikimedia commons (see the Wikipedia page for each route).
wikipedia=* Optional. Title of the Wikipedia page about the route.
name=* Deprecated. The name=* tag should not be marked on same relation unless the entire system has the same name.


Main article: Route directions

Most, but not all of these highways should be divided into separate ways (dual carriageways) for each direction by now. At the moment, there are two different approaches for indicating which direction a particular way goes. Although it may look hard, it is actually relatively simple to convert from one to the other using JOSM and the relation analyzer. Right now, there is no consensus on which method is better, and mappers should not change the approach used for a completed relation.

  • One relation for each direction of the highway.
    • Simplifies relation analysis and speeds up editing and browsing.
    • For example, one direction would contain only northbound ways, while the other would contain only southbound ways. Example: way I 5 north.
  • One relation for both directions of the highway.
    • Simplifies creation and verification of relations.
    • Relation analyzer supports this now, but slightly more processor-intensive on the analysis server.
    • Enter a "role" for each constituent way. Potlatch provides a small textbox on the same row as the relation for entering roles.

In both cases, the role of each member way should correspond to the carriageway's signposted direction (i.e., north for a northbound set of lanes). Nothing else should be used for the role (unless there are multiple roadways, such as express and local, or upper and lower). Do not tag ways themselves with a "role" tag! Example: way I 71 north; US 52 east.

State Lines / Administrative Boundaries

Interstate Highway relations should be on a state-by-state basis, e.g. I-90 in MA, I-90 in NY, I-90 in PA, and so forth. A rule of thumb would be if the milestone number resets, start a new relation. Tie all state relations together with a SuperRelation for the interstate.

Avoid relation proliferation, if possible; if a suitable relation already exists for your state on the route you are tagging, you can reuse the existing relation in your area. In Potlatch, do a relation search on the existing relation's number.

Additional Tags

Interstate relation tags refer to the entire stretch of interstate they cover. See Interstate Highways for advice on tagging physical details (speed limit, etc...) of the ways themselves.

Primary List

From 2009 to about 2012, this worklist was the primary place where the United States community coordinated the effort to add every Interstate highway to a route relation. This worklist is not guaranteed to be accurate and up-to-date. Wikipedia has a complete list of Interstate highways. There are automated tools for finding Interstate highway relations:


Number SuperRelation Notes Relation States Progress and notes
2 relation 3103759 (iD JOSM history analyse)
SuperRelation Tags

note=Interstate 2 super relation
old_ref=US 83
operator=Texas Department of Transportation
wikipedia=en:Interstate 2
distance=46.482 mi
source:distance=Texas Department of Transportation

traffic_sign=US:M1-1 ref=2
traffic_sign=US:M1-4 ref=83

redesignated from part of US 83, concurrent along entire route
mile points numbered from intended future origin in Laredo
needs US:I:FUTURE relation
US 83 needs to be divided into subrelations to reflect concurrency
relation 12180886 (iD JOSM history analyse) (eastbound)
Relation Tags

note=Interstate 2 eastbound relation
old_ref=US 83
operator=Texas Department of Transportation
distance=46.342 mi
source:distance=Texas Department of Transportation

traffic_sign=US:M3-2B traffic_sign=US:TX:M1-1T ref=2
traffic_sign=US:M3-3 traffic_sign=US:M1-4 ref=83

concurrent with US 83 South along entire route
begins at Showers Road
ends at US 69E South centerline

way continuity and roles in relation (DONE)
needs way properties checked (maxspeed, etc)
needs signage check
needs geometry check

needs destination tags on exits
needs destination:lanes, turn:lanes tags
needs destination_sign relations

relation 12180885 (iD JOSM history analyse) (westbound)
Relation Tags

note=Interstate 2 westbound relation
old_ref=US 83
operator=Texas Department of Transportation
distance=46.289 mi
source:distance=Texas Department of Transportation

traffic_sign=US:M3-4B traffic_sign=US:TX:M1-1T ref=2
traffic_sign=US:M3-1 traffic_sign=US:M1-4 ref=83

shown hurricane route sign is wrong (shown is US:EM-1)

concurrent with US 83 North along entire route
begins where ramp leaves US 69E northbound right of way
ends at Showers Road

way continuity and roles in relation (DONE)
needs way properties checked (maxspeed, maxheight)
needs signage check
needs geometry check

needs destination tags on exits
needs destination:lanes, turn:lanes tags
needs destination_sign relations

4 relation 9703384 (iD JOSM history analyse) relation 149147 (iD JOSM history analyse) (westbound)
relation 149149 (iD JOSM history analyse) (eastbound)
FL complete
5 relation 2329642 (iD JOSM history analyse) relation 2319803 (iD JOSM history analyse) (northbound, north of CA 4)
relation 2313084 (iD JOSM history analyse) (northbound, CA 4 to US 101)
relation 2297473 (iD JOSM history analyse) (northbound, US101 to Mexico)
relation 2313085 (iD JOSM history analyse) (southbound, north of CA 4)
relation 2313085 (iD JOSM history analyse) (southbound, CA 4 to US 101)
relation 2297474 (iD JOSM history analyse) (southbound, US101 to Mexico)
CA complete
relation 2326065 (iD JOSM history analyse) (northbound)
relation 2326066 (iD JOSM history analyse) (southbound)
OR complete
relation 94043 (iD JOSM history analyse) (northbound)
relation 2332808 (iD JOSM history analyse) (southbound)
WA complete
8 relation 2333371 (iD JOSM history analyse) relation 149178 (iD JOSM history analyse) (westbound)
relation 149176 (iD JOSM history analyse) (eastbound)
CA;AZ complete


Number SuperRelation Relation States Progress and notes
10 relation 336614 (iD JOSM history analyse) relation 2396185 (iD JOSM history analyse) {eastbound}
relation 2396186 (iD JOSM history analyse) (westbound)
CA complete
relation 3332620 (iD JOSM history analyse) (eastbound)
relation 3332621 (iD JOSM history analyse) (westbound)
AZ complete
relation 6886882 (iD JOSM history analyse) (eastbound)
relation 1024931 (iD JOSM history analyse) (westbound)
NM complete
relation 2128875 (iD JOSM history analyse) (eastbound)
relation 2128876 (iD JOSM history analyse) (westbound)
TX complete
relation 6887366 (iD JOSM history analyse) (eastbound)
relation 34171 (iD JOSM history analyse) (westbound)
LA complete
relation 6887444 (iD JOSM history analyse) (eastbound)
relation 1024907 (iD JOSM history analyse) (westbound)
MS complete
relation 6888516 (iD JOSM history analyse) (eastbound)
relation 1024905 (iD JOSM history analyse) (westbound)
AL complete
relation 1024908 (iD JOSM history analyse) (eastbound)
relation 1024908 (iD JOSM history analyse) (westbound)
FL complete
12 relation 151885 (iD JOSM history analyse) (westbound)
relation 151956 (iD JOSM history analyse) (eastbound)
LA complete
14 relation 6915692 (iD JOSM history analyse) (eastbound)
relation 6915693 (iD JOSM history analyse) (westbound)
TX initial section complete near Fort Hood
15 relation 274454 (iD JOSM history analyse) relation 152076 (iD JOSM history analyse) (northbound)
relation 152077 (iD JOSM history analyse) (southbound)
CA;NV complete
relation 1319527 (iD JOSM history analyse) (northbound)
relation 1319529 (iD JOSM history analyse) (southbound)
AZ;UT;ID complete
relation 1296113 (iD JOSM history analyse) (northbound)
relation 1296090 (iD JOSM history analyse) (southbound)
MT complete
16 relation 168315 (iD JOSM history analyse) (eastbound)
relation 168316 (iD JOSM history analyse) (westbound)
GA complete
17 relation 168470 (iD JOSM history analyse) (southbound)
relation 168471 (iD JOSM history analyse) (northbound)
AZ complete
19 relation 168841 (iD JOSM history analyse) (southbound)
relation 168842 (iD JOSM history analyse) (northbound)
AZ complete


Number SuperRelation Relation States Progress and notes
20 relation 77612 relation 1201523 TX complete
relation 1201524 LA complete
relation 1201525 MS complete
relation 1201527 AL complete
relation 1201528 GA complete
relation 1201526 SC complete
22 (future) MS;AL Only tagged on portion not overlapping US 78 (relation 23150 at present.
24 relation 2319200 relation 331995 (West) IL complete (still needs exit numbers and GPX verification)
relation 332000 (East)
relation 331981 (West) KY
relation 331986 (East)
relation 273953 (East) TN/GA
relation 273952 (West)
25 relation 177800 NM;CO;WY complete
26 relation 183397 relation 1176700 SC complete
relation 1176699 NC complete
relation 368018 TN complete
27 relation 135607 TX complete
29 relation 73889 MO;IA;SD;ND complete


Number SuperRelation Relation States Progress and notes
30 relation 136215 TX;AR complete
35 relation 366130 relation 70277 TX complete
relation 227981 OK complete
relation 227963 KS complete
relation 62151 MO complete
relation 227962 IA complete
relation 113175 MN complete
35E relation 115298 TX complete
35W relation 115297 TX complete
35E relation 402492 MN complete
35W relation 402493 MN complete
37 relation 70267 TX complete
39 relation 115337 IL;WI complete


Number SuperRelation Relation States Progress and notes
40 relation 331438 relation 336555 CA complete
relation 337352 AZ complete
relation 1595199 NM complete
relation 1595200 TX complete
relation 1595197 OK complete
relation 139340 AR complete
relation 403156 (west of Nashville) TN complete
relation 2308505 (east of Nashville) complete
relation 2308506 (super) complete
relation 299504 NC complete
41 relation 5309453 relation 5309452 IL complete
relation 4050828 WI complete
43 relation 112871 WI complete
44 relation 62148 TX;OK;MO complete
45 relation 151809 TX complete
49 relation 403145 LA complete


Number SuperRelation Relation States Progress and notes
55 relation 23220 AR;MO;IL complete
relation 1529225 LA complete
relation 1529224 MS complete
relation 2322039 TN (northbound) complete
relation 2322040 TN (southbound) complete
57 relation 403154 relation 2324102 MO (northbound) complete
relation 2324104 MO (southbound) complete
relation 2324101 IL (northbound) complete
relation 2324103 IL (southbound) complete
59 relation 34131 relation 1296147 LA complete
relation 1296145 MS complete
relation 1296144 AL complete
relation 1296146 GA complete


Number SuperRelation Relation States Progress and notes
64 relation 102107 relation 1267358 MO Complete
relation 1267355 IL Complete
relation 1267356 IN Complete
relation 1267359 KY Complete
relation 1267354 WV Complete
relation 1267357 VA Complete
65 relation 1446936 relation 132290 (northbound)
relation 2649586 (southbound)
AL Complete
relation 2878438 (northbound)
relation 2878439 (southbound)
TN complete
relation 2878434 (northbound)
relation 2878437 (southbound)
KY complete
relation 2878433 (northbound)
relation 1446933 (southbound)
IN complete
66 relation 403155 VA;DC Complete
68 relation 403157 relation 1404728 WV Complete
relation 1404729 MD complete
69 relation 1443075
also see: High Priority Corridor 18 relation 1319864 & 20 relation 1320329
relation 423043 MS Complete (SIU 9-10 only)
relation 1963156 TN Section under construction near Union City
relation 1767246 KY Complete along WK Parkway redesignated section & I-24.
relation 1882563 TX Signed portion overlapping US 77 near Robstown; verify if signed along US 59 overlap near Houston.
relation 23159 MI Complete
relation 1443064 IN Complete only portions signed with normal (or special future) shields should be included


Number SuperRelation Relation States Progress and notes
70 relation 107796 relation 401972 UT complete
relation 84533 CO complete
relation 228529 KS complete
relation 78990 MO complete
relation 228605 IL complete
relation 943229 IN complete
relation 943230 OH complete
relation 943211 WV complete
relation 943212 PA complete
relation 943157 MD complete
71 relation 71019 relation 3579446 KY complete
relation 3579447 OH complete
72 relation 371157 MO;IL complete
73 relation 405191 NC complete only portions signed with normal (or special future) shields on intersecting roads should be included
74 relation 919018 relation 1444126 IA Complete
relation 171159 IL Complete
relation 1443941 IN Complete
relation 1444077 OH Complete only portions signed with normal (or special future) shields on intersecting roads should be included
WV FUTURE only portions signed with normal (or special future) shields on intersecting roads should be included
VA FUTURE only portions signed with normal (or special future) shields on intersecting roads should be included
relation 918965 NC Complete only portions signed with normal (or special future) shields on intersecting roads should be included
75 relation 71023 relation 332624 (South) TN complete (still needs exit numbers and GPX verification)
relation 332618 (North)
relation 332633 (North) GA
relation 332632 (South)
relation 332635 (North) KY
relation 332636 (South)
relation 332637 (North) OH
relation 332641 (South)
relation 335614 (North) MI
relation 336890(South)
relation 338073 (North) FL
relation 338075 (South)
76 (W) relation 399234 CO;NE complete
76 (E) relation 223929 relation 933452 OH complete
relation 933453 PA complete
relation 933454 NJ complete
77 relation 921197 relation 921196 SC complete
relation 165538 NC complete
relation 1027748 VA complete
relation 1027747 WV complete
relation 1027749 OH complete
78 relation 184095 (express)
relation 184096 (local)
relation 339469(non express or local)
PA;NJ;NY complete
79 relation 899037 relation 812880 WV complete
relation 215912 PA complete


Number SuperRelation Relation States Progress and notes
80 relation 294979 relation 69364 CA Complete
relation 69363 NV Complete (needs a lot of cleanup unrelated to relation, tagging interchanges and such)
relation 280678 UT Complete
relation 282374 WY Complete
relation 286810 NE Complete
relation 113177 IA Complete
relation 942899 IL Complete
relation 942897 IN Complete
relation 396249 OH Complete
relation 934352 PA Complete
relation 934337 NJ complete
81 relation 303868 relation 2140564 (Southbound) TN complete
relation 2140563 (Northbound) complete
relation 1319518 (Northbound) VA complete
relation 2297359 (Southbound) complete
relation 1319519 WV complete
relation 1319515 MD complete
relation 183751 PA complete
relation 302287 (Southbound) NY complete
relation 302883 (Northbound) complete
82 relation 402487 WA;OR complete
83 relation 402491 relation 1216551 MD complete
relation 1216550 PA complete
84 (W) relation 402507 relation 301506 OR complete
relation 402511 ID complete
relation 402510 UT complete
84 (E) relation 324418 relation 183839 PA complete
relation 319776 (eastbound}
relation 319777 (westbound)
NY complete
relation 402508 CT complete
relation 402509 MA complete
85 relation 128066 relation 1217341 AL complete
relation 1217339 GA complete
relation 1217342 SC complete
relation 1217338 NC complete
relation 1217340 VA complete
86 (W) relation 402534 ID complete
86 (E) relation 918829 relation 918736 PA complete
relation 318798 (Westbound)
relation 318797 (Eastbound)
NY Conversion of NY 17 to I-86 is ongoing; Not all upgraded sections are eligible for the I-86 designation just yet. Complete as of 2/2010.
87 relation 181230 NY complete (improved from Albany north to Plattsburgh)
88 (W) relation 185409 IL complete
88 (E) relation 317592 (Eastbound) NY complete
relation 317591 (Westbound) complete
89 relation 51020 NH;VT complete


Number SuperRelation Relation States Progress and notes
90 relation 303058 relation 184652 WA Complete
relation 183845 ID Complete
relation 178758 MT Complete
relation 178734 WY Complete
relation 399715 SD Complete
relation 339382 (Eastbound) MN Complete (needs exits)
relation 357284 (Westbound) Complete (needs exits)
relation 6897263 (Eastbound) WI Complete
relation 115336 (Westbound) Complete
relation 104461 IL complete
relation 165031 IN Complete
relation 1217292 OH complete
relation 916340 PA Complete
relation 165109 (Eastbound) NY Complete
relation 229716 (Westbound) Complete
relation 296172 (Eastbound) MA Complete
relation 302177 (Westbound) Complete
91 relation 54670 CT;MA;VT Complete
93 relation 305096 MA;NH;VT Complete
94 relation 1297920 relation 1297916 MT Complete
relation 1319863 ND;MN;WI;IL Complete
relation 104454 MI Complete
relation 1443283 IN Complete
95 relation 331325 relation 396367 FL complete
relation 396366 GA complete
relation 396365 SC complete
relation 317707 NC complete
relation 396364 VA complete
relation 396363 DC;MD complete
relation 396362 DE complete
relation 396361 PA complete
relation 396360 NJ complete
relation 338258 (northbound)
relation 338257 (southbound)
NY complete
relation 396359 CT complete
relation 61841 (northbound)
relation 61840 (southbound)
RI complete
relation 396358 MA complete
relation 396357 NH complete
relation 396356 ME complete
96 relation 184773 MI complete
97 relation 403161 MD complete
99 relation 169111 PA complete


Number Relation Progress and notes
H-1 relation 168936 (westbound)
relation 168937 (eastbound)
H-2 relation 403162 complete
H-3 relation 175213 (westbound)
relation 175214 (eastbound)


Number Relation Progress and notes
A-1 relation 186705 Canadian border - Tok
A-2 relation 186704 Tok - Delta Junction
A-3 relation 326213 Anchorage - Soldotna

Puerto Rico

Number Relation Progress and notes

Auxiliary routes

Parent Route number States Relation Progress and notes
H1 H201 HI
5 105 CA relation 157963 relation 157956
105 OR relation 313295 relation 313294
205 CA relation 215655 relation 215656
205 OR;WA relation 71697
305 CA N/A not signed
405 CA relation 136154 relation 151690
405 OR relation 215109
405 WA relation 1071195 SB complete, Lynnwood to Tukwila
505 CA relation 313324 relation 313322
605 CA relation 153563 relation 153564
705 WA
805 CA relation 152270 relation 152271
10 110 CA relation 309766 relation 309768 Continues north as SR 110, which does not meet interstate standards
110 TX N/A not signed
110 LA relation 1582644 Complete. One relation for both directions, with role=north/south.
110 MS
110 FL relation 387362
210 CA relation 157973 relation 157972 Continues east as SR 210
210 LA
310 LA
410 TX relation 70918 Complete
510 LA relation 120983 Complete. One relation for both directions, with role=north/south.
610 TX relation 112066 Complete
610 LA
710 CA relation 157969 relation 157968
910 LA N/A not signed
15 115 MT relation 1253519 Complete
215 CA relation 155025 relation 155016
215 NV
215 UT
315 MT N/A not signed
515 NV
16 516 GA relation 1024741 Complete. One relation for both directions, with role=east/west.
20 220 LA
220 MS relation 1577804 Complete. One relation for all directions, with role=north/south.
520 GA;SC relation 1180798 Complete. One relation for all directions, with role=east/west.
820 TX relation 112095 Complete
24 124 TN N/A not signed
25 225 CO
26 126 SC relation 1186044 Complete. One relation for all directions, with role=east/west.
526 SC relation 207255 Complete
29 129 IA;NE
229 MO relation 103653 Complete
229 SD relation 343556 Complete
30 430 AR relation 198162 Complete
530 AR relation 198468 In progress
630 AR relation 198113 Complete
35 135 KS relation 229568 Complete
235 OK
235 KS relation 229569 Complete
235 IA relation 113176 In progress.
335 KS relation 228513 Complete
435 KS;MO relation 62155 Complete
535 MN;WI relation 1637692 Complete
635 KS;MO relation 79230 Complete
635 TX relation 112073 Complete
38 238 CA relation 215654 (east)
relation 86957 (west)
Complete. Actually I-80 connector. There is no I-38
40 140 TN relation 1402541 Complete
140 NC
240 OK
240 TN relation 23158 Complete
240 NC relation 1271316 Complete
440 AR
440 TN
440 NC relation 1271375
540 AR relation 1115338
540 NC relation 376238 US 1 to US 264 added
640 TN
840 NC
44 244 OK
444 OK N/A not signed
45 345 TX N/A not signed
55 155 MO;TN relation 1229145 Complete
155 IL relation 1165267 Complete
255 MO;IL relation 137419 Complete
355 IL relation 112540
59 359 AL
459 AL relation 1250017 Complete
759 AL
64 164 IN relation 1442766 Complete
264 KY relation 135992 Complete. One relation for both directions, with role=east/west
264 VA
464 VA
564 VA
664 VA
65 165 AL
265 KY relation 135986 Complete. One relation for both directions, with role=east/west
265 IN relation 1406297 Complete
465 IN relation 1109956 Complete (needs exit numbers)
565 AL
865 IN relation 1109177 Complete
69 469 IN relation 1442829 Complete
70 170 MO
270 CO
270 IL;MO relation 102346 Complete
270 OH relation 123301 Complete. One relation for both directions, with role=north/south/east/west as signed.
270 MD
370 MD relation 5242591
470 KS relation 228514 Complete
470 MO relation 117941 Complete
470 OH;WV relation 1122162 Complete
670 KS;MO relation 62935 Complete
670 OH relation 163715 Complete. One relation for both directions, with role=east/west.
71 271 OH relation 165600 Complete. One relation for both directions, with role=north/south.
471 OH;KY relation 112436 Complete. One relation for both directions, with role=north/south.
72 172 IL relation 1271784 Complete
74 474 IL
75 175 FL relation 387386
275 FL relation 387387
275 TN
275 OH relation 70932 Complete. SuperRelation - I 275 (OH/KY/IN Super) = relation 1444142
275 KY relation 1444150
275 IN relation 1444149
275 MI relation 192523 Complete. One relation for both directions, with role=north/south.
375 FL relation 387388
375 MI relation 189973 Complete. One relation for both directions, with role=north/south.
475 GA relation 1307352 Complete. One relation for both directions, with role=north/south.
475 OH relation 286175
475 MI relation 189974 Complete. One relation for both directions, with role=north/south.
575 GA
675 GA
675 OH
675 MI relation 192510 Complete. One relation for both directions, with role=north/south.
76 176 PA relation 1690247
276 PA relation 536004 Complete. One relation for all directions, with role=east/west.
376 PA relation 1014597 Complete. One relation for all directions, with role=east/west.
476 PA relation 932202 Complete. One relation for all directions, with role=north/south.
676 PA;NJ relation 415725 E/W in Pennsylvania, N/S in New Jersey.
Complete. One relation for all directions.
77 277 NC relation 1027837 Complete. One relation for all directions, with role=inner/outer.
277 OH relation 286177 Complete. One relation for all directions, with role=east/west.
78 278 NJ;NY relation 421676 Complete in NJ
478 NY N/A not signed
678 NY
878 NY N/A not signed
79 279 PA relation 930994
relation 930990 (HOV)
579 PA relation 916561
relation 930982 (HOV)
80 180 WY
180 NE
180 IL relation 1226593 Complete
180 PA
280 CA relation 102127 (South)
relation 70350 (North)
280 IA;IL relation 1271825 Complete
280 NJ relation 420771 Complete; one relation for both directions
280 OH
380 CA
380 IA
380 PA relation 183847 Completely tagged, although I-81 interchange at north end may need some cleanup. Signage was recently switched from E/W to N/S; relation uses role=north/south.
480 NE;IA
480 OH relation 165671 Complete. One relation for both directions, with role=east/west.
480N OH relation 13754527 Complete
580 CA relation 156379 (East)
relation 156380 (West)
580 NV N/A not signed
680 CA relation 156070 (South)
relation 156071 (North)
680 NE;IA
680 OH relation 286180
780 CA
880 CA relation 156348 (South)
relation 74660 (North)
980 CA relation 335542 directions fixed (added as roles)
81 381 VA relation 1319517 Complete, with role=north/south.
481 NY relation 233149 (Northbound)
relation 233150 (Southbound)
581 VA relation 1695588 Complete.
82 182 WA
83 283 PA relation 1216557 Complete.
84 184 ID
384 CT
684 NY;CT relation 325200 (Northbound)
relation 325199 (Southbound)
85 185 GA relation 1272548 Complete
185 SC relation 177912 Complete (Southern Connector)
285 GA relation 240668 Complete, one relation for both directions. Roles needed.
385 SC relation 177938 Complete
485 NC relation 919099 Completed; needs major work on NorthWestern area of loop. Needs Exit numbers. One relation for both directions, with role=inner/outer.
585 SC
985 GA
87 287 NY relation 325512 (Westbound)
relation 325511 (Eastbound)
NJ relation 418083 (both directions) Long relation segment does not appear in OSM relation browsing tool, otherwise complete
587 NY relation 1256936 Complete, such as it is.
787 NY relation 183149 Complete.
89 189 VT relation 51036
90 190 SD relation 401638 Complete.
190 IL relation 123013
190 NY relation 128214 Complete. One relation for both directions, with role=north/south.
Speed Limits need to be fixed on I-190. Listed as Metric, should be in MPH.
190 MA
290 IL relation 161136 Complete from loop to I88
290 NY relation 325249 (Westbound)
relation 325248 (Eastbound)
290 MA
390 NY relation 318796 (Southbound)
relation 318795 (Northbound)
490 OH relation 286190
490 NY relation 318419 (Westbound)
relation 318420 (Eastbound)
590 NY relation 318526 (Southbound)
relation 318527 (Northbound)
690 NY relation 304609 (Westbound)
relation 304608 (Eastbound)
790 NY relation 337881 Complete.
890 NY relation 317844 (Westbound)
relation 317845 (Eastbound)
990 NY relation 325450 (Southbound)
relation 325449 {Northbound}
91 291 CT
291 MA
391 MA
691 CT
93 293 NH
393 NH
94 194 ND N/A not signed
194 MI relation 192462 Complete. One relation for both directions, with role=north/south.
294 IL relation 121144
394 MN relation 1100997 Complete
494 MN;IL relation 1101946 Complete;proposed
694 MN relation 1102332 Complete
794 WI relation 1637682 Complete
894 WI relation 113580 Complete
95 195 FL relation 196525 Complete. One relation for both directions.
195 VA
195 MD relation 549783 Complete. One relation for both directions with roles west/east (as signed, even though road is mostly north-south).
195 NJ relation 414743 Excludes segment of NJ 138 between NJ 34 and Garden State Parkway. Due for extension westward into Pennsylvania by 2014.
Complete. One relation for both directions.
195 RI;MA relation 1694950 Complete. One relation for both directions, with role=east/west.
195 ME
295 FL relation 387363 Due to be extended over FL-9A sometime in 2011. Current I-295 will be Beltway West, FL-9A will be Beltway East. No idea how they will deal with the directions at this time.
Complete. One relation for both directions with role=north/south.
295 NC
295 VA relation 1060371(North)
relation 1060370(South)
All ways part of relation, road itself still needs cleanup. Split relation for N/S. Needs to have all exits added to relationship.
295 MD;DC
295 DE;NJ relation 189810 Due for abbreviation by 2014.
Complete. One relation for both directions.
295 NY
295 RI;MA relation 60855 (north)
relation 60856 (south)
295 ME
395 FL relation 193510
395 VA;DC
395 MD relation 1287107
395 CT;MA relation 1670155 Complete. One relation for both directions, with role=north/south.
395 ME
495 VA;DC;MD relation 1355085 Needs role finished.
495 DE relation 302916 Complete. One relation for both directions, with role=north/south.
495 NY
495 MA relation 1694960 One relation for both directions, with role=north/south. Appears mostly complete.
495 ME N/A not signed
595 FL relation 285696
595 MD N/A not signed
695 DC N/A not signed
695 MD relation 543510 In progress. One relation for both directions, with role=inner/outer.
695 NY
795 NC relation 1418144 Complete. One relation for both directions, with role=north/south.
795 MD relation 549880 Complete. One relation for both directions, with roles north and south.
895 MD
96 196 MI relation 192644 Complete. One relation for both directions, with role=North/south/east/west.
296 MI N/A not signed
496 MI relation 184734 Complete. One relation for both directions, with role=east/west.
696 MI relation 192434 Complete. One relation for both directions, with role=east/west.

Business routes

See also United States Numbered Highway Relations#Business spurs.

Route number City State Relation Progress and notes
15 Loop Baker CA relation 1536238 Complete
15 Loop Escondido CA relation 1483131 Complete
20 Spur Florence SC relation 1179367 Complete
75 Loop Adel GA relation 1933430 Complete
75 Loop Tifton GA relation 1933433 Complete
75 Loop Valdosta GA relation 1933435 Complete
83 Loop York PA relation 1070432 Complete
85 Loop Spartanburg SC relation 177983 Complete
376 Loop Moon Township PA relation 1014596 Complete
526 Spur Mount Pleasant SC relation 1187411 Complete

See also