Lacking proper attribution
- For Applications doing mass downloads, see Tile usage policy.
This page lists examples of usage of OpenStreetMap data without proper attribution as required by the OpenStreetMap License. This page relies on people noticing and reporting violations.
The problem is normally one of a simple oversight, the publisher does not understand what is required, or attribution is not given correctly. There is also the possibility of wilful misrepresentation. In many instances the violation is of minor significance to the project but it is reasonable for the community to expect all users of the data to respect the requirements. There may also be major violations where the publisher may not respond to an approach by the community and the Foundation may need to contact the author.
We require that OpenStreetMap is credited, and that the users are made aware of our license (usually by means of a link to
For more information see the Legal FAQ.
These local chapters offer to handle your report of a violation (follow the link for instructions): France GitHub · Italy · Spain GitHub · ...
If you want to handle the violation by yourself, follow these steps.
- First, check if the usage of OSM data is substantial. See the Substantial Guideline for details about the definition of "substantial" used by the OSM Foundation. If the usage of OSM is substantial, continue with the next steps. If you are not sure, ask other people on a suitable mailing list (e.g. talk-de for Germany), on IRC or at the forum.
- Add an entry to the bottom of the table below. If you are unsure about the violation, discuss it on one of our common communication channels (see above). If you are sure, you can report it at forum or a mailing list, too.
- In case that the URL is listed at Wikimedia Meta-Wiki's spam blacklist, you will not be able to insert it here. Please contact a wiki administrator, they are immune against the spam blacklist and they can also add an entry to this wiki's spam whitelist.
- Contact the publisher with a suitable pleasant and non-threatening email and update the record with the date you've contacted them.
- Wait for a response for a suitable period.
- If request was ignored and they use OSMF tile servers reporting at is a viable recourse
- If that does not create the desired response then you can follow up with a second attempt to contact the publisher.
- If that does not work and the violation is considered serious then report it, if not done yet, at forum or a suitable mailing list, otherwise the Foundation should be contacted, maybe legal(at)
- Once the attribution has been fixed or the page is no longer accessible, please move the entry to the List of usages where attribution has been fixed or case is obsoleted
To discuss a certain use before adding it to the list, consider doing so at forum, a suitable mailing list talk or a suitable national mailing list (e.g. talk-de for Germany). It is not suggested discussing cases at the discussion page because very few people read there.
If OpenStreetMap is being used through a third-party service, that service may also provide a way to report attribution issues. For example, issues involving Mapbox customers can be reported by filling out this form.
Hints to mappers
Be gentle! We are a project for providing free maps and not to argue with somebody about legal issues. It doesn't help anybody to be aggressive and insulting. This could give OSM a bad image. Don't be too correct. If they give it their best then it is ok.
Before taking any steps, take a moment to consider whether attribution is worth the potential cost to OSM in the form of lost goodwill, bad PR or people switching to more relaxed map providers. For low-visibility, one-off publications (birthday invites, powerpoint slides presented to a small audience, random social media posts, ...), this may not be the case.
List of usages lacking proper attribution
See also They are using OpenStreetMap for rather correct attribution examples.
Page | License ok | Authors ok | Added by | Dates contacted | Last checked | Date fixed | Comments |
---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | no | no | xopok 2011-07-28 | 2011-10-24 - nettroll
maybe can be used for the next contact |
2023-07-25 ( via [1] ) - Mateusz Konieczny | They sell OSM maps without copyright notice etc. | | currently map of | no | no | Pieren 20 Sept 2011 | 2024-09-03 via by Mateusz Konieczny
earlier 20 Sept 2011 (by the contact html page) |
2024-09-03 (and made - partially to check are picking also updates) - Mateusz Konieczny
2024-08-29 - yes, they take updates from OSM. This building is now there. |
No attribution on the slippy map layer called "GeoPlan" | |
Apple's iPhoto for iOS | no | yes | seav 2012-03-09 | 2012-03-08 | 2023-07-31 - asked original reporter - Mateusz Konieczny | partial Attribution: 2012-05-04 [2] (link to an image in twit is dead) | It's all over the news: [3]. Attribution to OSM Contributors but without recognizing the ©, license not referenced, SA not OK.
2023-06-20: "uses Apple Maps as its base map (as you'd expect). this in turn includes some OSM data and has less-than-compliant attribution" "on Photos it's a tiny "Legal" link that takes you to Apple's attribution webpage somewhere, on which OSM is listed fairly prominently (second after TomTom)" |
Apple's iPhoto for OSX | wi"small "legal" link on the map which leads to attribution to tomtom, OpenStreetMap and a long list of other sources" | partial "small "legal" link on the map which leads to attribution to tomtom, OpenStreetMap and a long list of other sources" | dieterdreist 2012-10-21 | unclear, if any | 2023-07-25: original reporter contacted - Mateusz Konieczny | Checking on 26/7/2023, it is fixed ("Photo" app on MacOS) 2023-07-26: "small "legal" link on the map which leads to attribution to tomtom, OpenStreetMap and a long list of other sources" | | myTrails app | no | no | --Nop (talk) 17:51, 7 January 2015 (UTC) | 2021-01-29 - email send by Mateusz Konieczny | 2023-07-30: According to their website development is abandoned (but you can still pay for premium). Removed from Google Play (for unrelated reasons). Many layers are broken, but OpenCycleMap, 4umaps OpenTopoMap, OPNVKarte, Lonvia Hiking work and are shown without attribution. - Mateusz Konieczny | Android app uses among others OSM Mapnik, OpenCycleMap, OpenPisteMap, OpenHikingMap, Hiking/Trailriding Map, Lonvia Hiking/Cycling/MTB. Shows no Attribution or licence for any of the maps. Includes mass downloading for all maps, also violating usage policies. Mass download dialog contains the claim "this map may be used without any restrictions" | | for example on | no | no | Ogmios 2015-01-29 | 2015-01-29 - Ogmios | 2023-06-26 | Contacted them via mail. They said they will fix it but did nothing for several month now. | | | no (hidden attribution when screen is small) | no (hidden attribution when screen is small) | Imagico 2015-10-22 | no | 2023-07-07 - Mateusz Konieczny | Mapbox based map without attribution (probably also in violation of Mapbox TOS) | | | partial | no | Sanderd17 (talk) 12:50, 21 February 2016 (UTC) | 2016-02-21 | 2023-06-15 - Mateusz Konieczny | 2023-06-15: maps such as have a credit when shown on website, GPX files have no stated license | They use OSM for routing, and allow distribution and display of GPX data based on that routing info. The GPX files are distributed under a CC-BY-SA license (which is possible as derived, creative product), but don't mention ODBL (which should be done). There's no attribution on the pages towards OSM contributors. |
Map appears in
Home page: |
no | no | Spod | 2016-06-08 | 2023-06-15: requires login - Mateusz Konieczny | The map displayed in their web app has no attribution. They are using Mapbox tiles, I think. I can't see an obvious way to contact them via their website. | | ([4] and [5]) | no (attribution hidden on small screens) | no (attribution hidden on small screens) | Imagico 2017-03-20 | contacted them via contact form but no response after one week --Roadrenner (talk) 23:19, 9 August 2017 (UTC) | 2023-06-25 - Mateusz Konieczny | Map in Gallery is without any attribution, Planet Explorer has it hidden under 'Terms' (both for the map and the search function) | |
Education trail Majdán, Slovakia | no | no | Peter Vojtek 2018-09-16 | 2018-04-26 | 2023-07-24: opened - Mateusz Konieczny | not yet (they claim to have fixed it, but we don't have visual check it was really done) | Missing and attribution on map on trail information board. |
Sightseeing tower Lipovec information board, Slovakia | no | no | Peter Vojtek 2018-09-16 | 2018-05-10 | 2023-07-24: opened - Mateusz Konieczny | not yet (they replied saying the will fix it, but no confirmation yet) | Missing and attribution on information board. | - for example at | no (hidden attribution) | no (hidden attribution) | User:Nunocaldeira | 2018-10-10 | 2023-07-18 - Mateusz Konieczny | On September emailed facebook at asking for visible attribution on their browseable map in a reasonable way and not in a two step attribution. On 10th of October got a reply, where they state they are attribution. Replied on the same day with evidence that they are not, including maps that are visibly credited to HERE, which are OSM data. Also mentioned their sister company, Instagram is also not complying with the mandatory attribution. | |
føtex (danish supermarket chain) | no | no | user:Hjart | 2024-09-12 contacted via Mateusz Konieczny (talk) / seem promising to get contact info may also work |
2023-05-25: Attribution hidden on a small screens (click-to-see attribution), on very small ones map is hidden completely. Proper attribution on large screens. | OSM map used on page for finding shops. No OSM attribution. Only a link to Leaflet. | |
PDF exports at - New pdf can be generated for example at
Attribution hidden by default on small screens for |
no | no | Michi2 2019-06-30 | no | 2023-07-24 - Mateusz Konieczny | Repeated offender, see above. Mapbox based map without attribution (probably also in violation of Mapbox TOS). | | umbenannt in | no | no | geri-oc 2019-07-01 | 2019-06-17, 2019-06-02 | 2023-07-19 - Mateusz Konieczny | bis 2020-08-22 keine Reaktion | " ... Sie verwenden auf Ihrer Webseite OpenStreetMap ohne einen Lizenzhinweis. ..." |
Mapbox | no (especially on mobile and with small window where Mapbox is attributed and OpenStreetMap attribution is hidden by default) | no (especially on mobile and with small window where Mapbox is attributed and OpenStreetMap attribution is hidden by default) | Mateusz Konieczny (talk) 16:42, 8 October 2019 (UTC) | 2019 I - see details | 2023-07-07 - Mateusz Konieczny | There is a deeply hidden and therefore insufficient attribution on mobile. In addition, page misleadingly suggests that data is from Mapbox. | |
MAPS.ME | no | no | Mateusz Konieczny (talk) 16:42, 8 October 2019 (UTC) | - 2019 VII, - 2019 X, by Mateusz Konieczny - 2024 V | 2024-05-09 - Mateusz Konieczny | There is a deeply hidden and therefore insufficient attribution. It is in a place not visited by a typical user. There is a more visible to a typical user attribution (in bottom right corner) - "MAPS.ME" | | | no | no | blackboxlogic | 2023-06-17 used by Mateusz Konieczny to send standard mail
2019-11-29 |
2023-06-17 - Mateusz Konieczny | There is a link to MapBox, but no mention of osm. | | |
no (Melbourne one has an attribution - only on large screens) | no | tastrax | 2019-12-23 | 2023-07-24 - Mateusz Konieczny | Mentioned in mailing list. UK based company using Mapbox/OSM Email sent 2019-12-23 (tastrax). Change on initial page but not others | |
Snapchat - app | no | no | User:Mateusz Konieczny - | 2019-12-23 | 2023-07-30 - User:Mateusz Konieczny | ||
Snapchat -map on the website (see details) | partial (on the first use popup appears with prominent "Powered by Mapbox" and "© Mapbox © OpenStreetMap © DigitalGlobe" below) | yes ( linked from popup) | User:Mateusz Konieczny - | 2019-12-23 | 2023-07-20 - Mateusz Konieczny | ||
Parkopedia | partial (attribution hidden behind mysterious button at small screens) | partial (attribution hidden behind mysterious button at small screens) | Discostu36 | 2023-07-18 (User:Mateusz Konieczny (via form - one is at )
also contacted on 2020-02-03 |
2024-12-17 - User:plamen | Only Mapbox Logo, no attribution to OSM. Contact via E-mail.
As of 2023 [6] full screen on PC is showing "© Mapbox © OpenStreetMap Improve this map", but if screen is smaller it gets hidden behind mystery (i) button. | | | no | no | skfd | 2024-09-12 - form, by Mateusz Konieczny
2023-06-17 - form, by Mateusz Konieczny |
2024-09-12 - Mateusz Konieczny | map in concrete company details | | and uses pure OSM data (+NE), using default map style, using OSMF tile servers and use which includes OSM data among many many data sources |
no (Attribution added in footer) | yes | Roptat (talk) 12:33, 1 April 2020 (UTC) | contacted via form Mateusz Konieczny (talk) 07:30, 18 July 2023 (UTC) | 2025-03-02 Havelock Vétérini | Attribution added in footer on the day of being contacted | Their contact page seems broken, I can't find an email address or a form that loads. They have a twitter account (I don't) so I'd be glad if someone could contact them there is directly using OSMF tile servers in violation of (at least due to missing attribution) |
MK'ay art | no | no | Anders Hedelund, Peter Leth | 2020-06-07 via Email to, 2020-06-08 via phone. | 2023-06-26 - Mateusz Konieczny | before 2023-06-26: mentions OSM at website | |
mobisaar-App | no | no | Nw520 | 2020-07-12 via Email to project directress | 2023-07-29 - asked original reporter as I get "app is not available for your device" - likely region-locked - Mateusz Konieczny
2023-07-29 - no attribution |
App displays Standard style and uses OSM-data for bus stop positions 2020-07-13 Request has been forwarded to developer DFKI; 2020-07-15 Received reply from DFKI | |
PKP Intercity, maps displayed inside trains (example) | no | no | 2020-07-30 - Mateusz Konieczny | 2024-08-29 email to using - basically reusing 2020 one
2020-07-30 - Mateusz Konieczny via phone to press office and email |
July 2024 - PKP Intercity train on which I travelled to SotM EU 2024 in Łódź had map without an attribution :( Mateusz Konieczny (talk) 13:47, 29 August 2024 (UTC) | No attribution or license information at all
seems fixed or at least improved per but indicates lack of attribution whatsoever (image direct link) - maybe it depends on a train... | | - for example here | no | no | 58zarali | 2023-06-26 - Mateusz Konieczny via | 2023-06-26 - Mateusz Konieczny | Advertising site | |
Transportr | no | no | scruss and dieterdreist | 2019-08-07 via Github issue 628 | 2023-07-17 (Fdroid version is completely broken, no map is displayed at all, Google Play version is missing attribution, asked on ) - Mateusz Konieczny | fixed in dev version #672 but not rolled out to public App Store yet (2020-08-25) | |
Passenger information screens in public transport vehicles in Gdańsk (ZTM Gdańsk) | no | no | Darellur (talk) 17:26, 26 August 2020 (UTC) | 202-09-01 Darellur (talk) | 2023-07-17 - contacted original reporter | ||
Mapping Green Dublin - COMMUNITY MAPPING (29 September 2020) | no | no | Donal Hunt (OSM Ireland) | 2020-09-29 | 2023-07-19 - Mateusz Konieczny | 2020-09-28 Discussed at OSM Ireland board meeting on 2020-09-28. Agreed to contact the project seeking attribution and copyright issues to be resolved. | |
NaSaarWas - App des Ministeriums für Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz
See also and |
no | no | User:fredao | 2023-03-01 ausfrührliches Schreiben BKG
2020-10-01 answered 2020-09-30 published 2020-09-17 - no response 2020-08-21 - no response |
2023-07-29 - app listed as gone when checked from Poland but still visible to other users | OSM data used - No OSM attribution. Ministerium weist darauf hin, dass in der App als Hintergrundkarte die TOPPlusOpen des BKG verwendet werde. | | | no (hidden attribution in bottom-left of map) | no (hidden attribution in bottom-left of map) | Shnoulle | 2020-09-28 | 2025-03-02 Havelock Vétérini | ON google talk Waiting for Data, please : confirm about map attribution. | | / | no | no | 2023-06-20 - Mateusz Konieczny | 2023-06-20 - Mateusz Konieczny | Attribution seems OK on main page, but not on each camping. When we click on "activate" to display of the map of a camping, there is no license or attribution. | ||
AllTrails Android App | Hidden by default, Mapbox has prominent logo | Hidden by default, Mapbox has prominent logo | Mario Frasca, Mateusz Konieczny | 2024-05-07 to their support mail by Mateusz Konieczny was latest attempt
Eartlier attempts: October. 2020 (support email, their reference: 125657), January 2021 with email, |
2024-05-07 |
2024-05-07: OSM attribution hidden by default, Mapbox has prominent logo | | (page 3 - archived publication) | no | no | mfdz | 2020-11-02 | 2023-07-07 - Mateusz Konieczny | Pdf/Print publication shows regional cycle highway on OSM background map. Attributed is only the district regarding the displayed cycleway data, no OSM attribution regarding background map. | | | no - attribution hidden by default | no - attribution hidden by default | tastrax | 2020-11-06 | 2025-03-02 Havelock Vétérini | Noted on the website - behind I button. Email sent to on 2020-11-15 as there are no contact links on the interface (or the main page...that I can see - | | (Apple app only) | ? | ? | tastrax | 2020-12-02 | 2023-07-25 - original reporter contacted - Mateusz Konieczny | Android app uses GoogleMaps and IOS uses Apple maps which are based also on OSM, and shown typically without attributing OSM properly (2023-01) | | | yes | no | 2020-01-14 - User:Mateusz Konieczny | 2024-09-12 - User:Mateusz Konieczny. Earlier attempts were on 2020-01-14, repeated at 2023-06-17
2023-07-28 - wrote to LWG (Mateusz Konieczny) |
2024-09-12 - Mateusz Konieczny | Lacking proper attribution/ email | |
In-seat computer displays on the Prospector train service in Western Australia | no | no | Sam Wilson 06:26, 26 March 2021 (UTC) | 2021-03-26 - Emailed info![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Contacted original reporter, there is a chance of check in 2023 - if that will fail maybe asking talk-au mailing list may make sense (see ) | Photos of map use: navigation screen, live location view, static town view. | |
Geomaps (bad certificate but domain works)
See especially |
no | no | Donal Hunt (OSM Ireland) | 2024-09-12 - contact page at was used by Mateusz Konieczny
Also, was used earlier at 2023-07-17 by Mateusz Konieczny Inital attempt made on 2020-04-16 |
2024-09-12 - Mateusz Konieczny | 2020-04-16 Emailed contact address on the website requesting they correct the attribution on their website / products. | |
Woopcase | no | no | Donal Hunt (OSM Ireland) | 2020-04-16 | 2025-03-02 Havelock Vétérini | 2020-04-16 Emailed contact address on the website requesting they correct the attribution on their website / products. | | - Cyclers Android app | no (typical attribution hidden behind i symbol, prominent Mapbox attribution) | no | Mateusz Konieczny (talk) 15 June 2021 | 2023-12-04 (email) | 2023-12-04 - Mateusz Konieczny | /Cyclers - review on Google Play, email to specififed on Google Play
/Cyclers 2 - on 2021-09-09 after they fixed blocking access to attribution by logged out users - and nothing else was fixed | | - see for example | no | no | nw520 2021-07-10 |
2023-06-17 - Mateusz Konieczny send standard email 2021-07-01 - earlier attemprt - note there is with |
2025-03-02 Havelock Vétérini | Contacted local chapter ("Landesverband") which reported the issue to the federal chapter; Mapbox via Leaflef only attributing Leaflet | | Multiple apps using OSM maps, see for example | no | no | tastrax 2021-07-26 | 2021-07-26 - Mateusz Konieczny | 2023-07-29 - Mateusz Konieczny | Standard template letter via contact form | | | no | no | trapicki 2021-07-30 | 2024-09-04 - resend gives as contact, Mateusz Konieczny send standard email at 2023-06-20 |
2025-03-02 Havelock Vétérini | 2021-07-30: Noted to | |
Printed "Grand Tour des Refuges" map on a tourism board (and other boards, probably) distributed by Explore Cervino. | no | no | phaerrax, 2021-08-02 | I contacted the company by email. | 2023-07-25 OSM note was opened to recheck whether problem still exists - Mateusz Konieczny | The printed map is a local atlas in which specific trails are marked. No mentions of OSM are given. See for note asking to recheck situation | |
Autobahn GmbH West: A 620 - Verkehrs- und sicherheitstechnische Optimierung des Kreisverkehrs St. Arnual (Saarbrücken, Saarland) | no | no | Nw520, 2021-08-28 | 2023-06-29: Mateusz Konieczny to
presse.west@ 2021-08-28 |
2023-06-29 - Mateusz Konieczny | 2021-10-29 Received reply with explanation why attribution is missing and promise to properly attribute OSM in the future. | | | no | no | tastrax | 2021-10-28 | 2023-06-26 - shows blank page - but there is also | contacted via webform | |
BikeComputer app by Robert Oehler | no | no | Mateusz Konieczny | 2021-06-26, 2021-11-01 | 2023-07-29 - Mateusz Konieczny | contacted via email, see /BikeComputer. Received reply that it is in beta branch and will be released in November 2021. | | | no | no | Mateusz Konieczny | 2021-06-26, 2021-11-01 | 2023-07-29 Mateusz Konieczny | contacted via email, see /Backcountry | | - see example map | no | no | iriman (talk) | 2023-07-20 - Contacted via Mateusz Konieczny (talk) also has a contact form |
2025-03-02 Havelock Vétérini | Only a link to leaflet
Confirmed to be OSM data as some badly mapped building passages in SE from Kraków Old City are also there ( ) | | | no | yes | JeroenHoek (talk) | 2022-01-23 | 2025-03-02 Havelock Vétérini | Attribution on front page added in footer in February 2022. | Attribution on the website self is now correct after contact with the site. The poster prints that you can generate and buy still seem to lack any attribution, despite being literal OpenStreetMap renderings at a city scale. Question regarding this posed to legal (at) pending. |
no | no | ||||||
Metromile customer dashboard | Andrew (talk) | 2022-02-01 Inquired via customer support, told to expect a response in a few days. -- Andrew (talk) | 2024-06-15 Metromile has not responded and has not ceased violation | The Metromile website displays customer data on a Mapbox map over tiles that are derived from OpenStreetMap data, but no attribution is visible. | |||
Karta GPS for Android | hidden in settings menu - stacked lines icon -> settings -> scroll down to info section -> legal info -> legal info subsection | hidden in settings menu | Push-f | 2022-08-11, sent an email to
2023-07-29 - sent via (failed to find an email contact info) - Mateusz Konieczny 2023-05-09 - send to email found on Google Play app info, received support id 144684 - Mateusz Konieczny |
2024-05-09 | ||
DuckDuckGo (Apple) Maps | hidden on legal page | hidden on legal page | Push-f | 2022-10-01, sent an email to
Mateusz Konieczny: 2023-06-29, sent an email to |
2025-03-02 Havelock Vétérini | ||
Brno Public Transport Authority (Dopravní podnik města Brna) (info display in trams, see comment collumn) | no | no | martin-kokos on 2022-10-16
Jakub Jelen on 2021-12-20 |
2022-10-16 Kudlac sent email to
2022-11-11 Kudlac acknowledged and confirmed it is being worked on. 2022-12-30 Kudlac to, general response, poor promise 2023-07-02 Kudlac to, acknowledge, work in progress, promised deadline end of August 2024-02-25 Kudlac to, trams and buses are fixed, trolleybuses are still in progress 2024-09-05 Kudlac to, trams, buses and trolleybuses still missing attribution |
2024-09-05 | Info displays in trams EVO2, buses and trolleybuses show a map of the current location on custom tiles based on OSM Data. Dispatcher system RIS II is using tiles according to public screenshots. | | - for example | yes on website, not on map intended to be printable | no | Wilmer Osario, 2022-11-21 | 2025-03-02 Havelock Vétérini | Produces printables city maps using OSM data, without indicating any attribution. Under the OSM based maps without attribution on the map, it says "You may download, print or use the above map for educational, personal and non-commercial purposes. Attribution is required. For any website, blog, scientific research or e-book, you must place a hyperlink (to this page) with an attribution next to the image used." | || See this specific example, hopefully link will stay stable and working | no | no | M-hue 2022-11-24 | 2023-06-24 - Mateusz Konieczny via | 2025-03-02 Havelock Vétérini | Online map visualizing parking lots and garages that can be booked on that site. No attribution on slippy map (or on the terms&conditions page, or anywhere I could find really).
Note that has last activity in 2020. is linked from their website, which connects to via privacy policy link - bottom has their legal department link | |
Mensajeros Urbanos application - | no | no | ![]() |
2023-01-05 Via its webpage with the ticket number 584209. | 2023-07-26 - contacted original reporter (my phone is incompatible, cannot check easily myself) - Mateusz Konieczny | || | no | no | hrhino 2023-02-27 | 2023-02-27 | 2023-06-17 is using Google maps - is it using OSM maps anywhere? See also | || - for example at | no | no | Eliasp (2023-02-27) | 2023-02-27 (via mail to energieatlas//@// from my personal address mail//@//, 2023-06-24 Mateusz Konieczny to, repeated 2024-09-12 | 2024-09-12 | The maps "Solarpotenzial auf Dachflächen" and "PV-Potenziale auf Gebietsebene" use OSM data on the high zoom levels where I could clearly recognize OSM specific features that I personally mapped in multiple areas.
2023-01-01: Response from LUBW. They'll investigate and will fix it, but point out, that their source for maps is | |
Android apps developed by OnSpotStory Europe AB: Botaniska (compare backround map with [OSM]) and Läckö Kinnekulle | no | no | Markus Anderssonius(2023-05-29) | 2023-05-29 via email. Quick response by the company that will look into the issue. | 2023-06-29 | || on deployed sites such as | no | no | kwiatek_123 | 2023-06-27 via email | 2023-06-27 | No reply to email. | | (fixed!) (fixed!) (fixed!) | no | no | arichnad |
2024-06-24 |
| | | no (there is something barely readable) | no (there is something barely readable) | Mateusz Konieczny | 2023-10-18 - ( was indirectly linked) Mateusz Konieczny (talk) 14:01, 18 October 2023 (UTC)
2023-07-20 - ( was indirectly linked) Mateusz Konieczny (talk) |
2023-10-18 - Mateusz Konieczny | || | there is attribution website but requires scrolling, nothing on poster, nothing restricting use of posters to private context not requiring attribution | there is attribution website but requires scrolling, nothing on poster, nothing restricting use of posters to private context not requiring attribution | Mateusz Konieczny (OSMF got email from someone complaining about that website, added as part of processing that: feel free to add entries to this page on your own) | 2023-07-10 (from personal email after OSMF was contacted about this issue, feel free to send at least initial email on your own, see template) | 2023-06-29 - Mateusz Konieczny | || | missing on small screens | missing on small screens | JCLG | 2023-07-09 | 2025-03-02 Havelock Vétérini | They've been contacted previously, and duly added an attribution or switched to HERE, but now they're using OSM data again without attribution | | | ? | ? | JCLG | 2023-07-21: is it even OSM? - Mateusz Konieczny
2025-03-03 After looking at browser network tools, some data is loaded from, so there must be OSM data. It also loads data from Google Maps though ( - Havelock Vétérini |
map of area around - not sure it OSM
Mateusz Konieczny (talk) 10:26, 21 July 2023 (UTC) | || | no | no | Mateusz Konieczny | 2023-07-17 - Mateusz Konieczny | a really old post, published about decade ago | || (example: | no (attributes OSM data to itself) | no | 2023-07-19 - mötteli | 2023-07-19 - used specified in footer but it is not accepting an email, email bounced Mateusz Konieczny (talk) | 2023-07-19 - Mateusz Konieczny | Does not provide any sort of webshop. Sales only per e-mail. | |
A lot of pages in the French Wikipedia | no | no | 2023-07-20 - Wilmer Osario | 2023-07-20 - Mateusz Konieczny (talk)
forwarded to [7] |
2023-07-26 - Mateusz Konieczny | Some mappers of Venezuela have detected that many articles-pages in the French Wikipedia, referring to that country, have been using a kind of "bot" that extracts information from the OpenStreetMap data and indexes them to build articles with them. Without giving any reference to OSM. It happens especially in articles about the administrative divisions of that country, such as these: Where towns or neighborhoods of a city, are listed that we can detect come from OSM data because they have certain words that only appear in OSM. From edits and history it appears to be human-edited not made by an automated bot. | | - website, see for an example | partial - hidden attribution | partial - hidden attribution |
2023-07-26 - Mateusz Konieczny 2021-11-03 - zdila |
2024-11-22 - Mateusz Konieczny | 2023-07-26 - Mateusz Konieczny | | | - Android app | no - hidden attribution | no - hidden attribution | 2023-07-26 - Mateusz Konieczny | 2024-05-06 via (yeah, I know - still, it was easiest place to send a message) | 2023-07-26 - Mateusz Konieczny | || at specific pages, see say | yes | yes | 2023-07-31 - Mateusz Konieczny |
2023-07-31 - via -- Mateusz Konieczny - Mateusz Konieczny on 2024-05-07 |
2024-12-09 - Mateusz Konieczny | uses OSMF tile servers | | | no | no | kwiatek_123 | 2023-08-11 via email | 2023-08-11 | || | partial (attribution hidden by default at small screens) | no | habi | 2023-08-15, via email to | 2023-11-19 - Mateusz Konieczny | Uses Mapbox. Mapbox attribution partially out of viewport on desktop, no attribution visible on mobile. | |
Traccar application admin interface | no | no | laznik | 2024-09-12 - to Mateusz Konieczny (talk) | 2024-09-12 | | |
Open Systems International Public Outage Portals (examples: 1, 2) | appears inapplicable anymore | appears inapplicable anymore | citrula on 2023-09-02 | 2023-09-02, via email to - Citrula
2023-09-14 received response from general counsel who says they are investigating internally. I provided a screenshot of the current version of the outage map, since they had a screenshot of a different version with attribution. - Citrula |
2023-09-02 | They host their own tileservers | |
MyRadar Android app ( | Partial - hidden behind small button in corner | Partial - hidden behind small button in corner | citrula on 2023-09-11 | 2023-09-11 via email to - Citrula | 2023-09-11 | Attribution is hidden behind a small button in the corner. | | | partial (attribution hidden by default on mobile and in windows resized to small ones) | partial (attribution hidden by default on mobile and in windows resized to small ones) | Dimitar155 (talk) 11:49, 7 February 2022 (UTC) | 2021-09-18 - Kudlac | 2023-09-12 - Mateusz Konieczny | Piskvor 2022-11-04 (not fully fixed) | |
All map views at - see for an example | partial (attribution hidden by default on mobile and in windows resized to small ones). Was Standard Mapbox attribution. habi told them by email that they should expand the attribution by default. | partial (attribution hidden by default on mobile and in windows resized to small ones). Was Standard Mapbox attribution. habi told them by email that they should expand the attribution by default. | jmarchon on 2023-07-21 | 2023-08-15 - Another email sent by habi to relevant addresses linked in the Impressum of
Initially on 2022-08-05, no answer received. Another email sent on 2023-07-21. |
2023-08-29 - habi | sometimes between 2023-08-15 and 2023-08-25 (not fully fixed, attribution still hidden by default on small screens) | |
Jet Lag: The Game game show | jmarchon on 2023-09-14 | By jmarchon on 2023-09-14 | 2025-01-15 - NathanHadley | OSM used in all episodes, they refuse to properly attribute it.
The 8th season only had a link to OpenStreetMap in the YouTube description, but not on the paid streaming platform Nebula. Ever since season 9, the link is also missing from the YouTube description. | ||| | no | no | kwiatek_123 | 2023-09-29 via email | 2023-09-29 via email | || | partial (clickable maps linking back to OSM and ODbL) | partial (clickable maps linking back to OSM and ODbL) | 2023-10-05 - Zarl | 2023-10-05 via email to contact address as found on website 2023-10-21 my second attempt to reach person including another address available on the page |
2023-10-24 via email (first answer received from the Verein,they "still need to look at the issue", updated page shows at least some attribution) | || | no | no | habi | 2025-02-11 - Equate | Initially mentioned by 'Logus2 (VN)' in OSM Discord
Zero attribution, they replaced it with their own. Yet they claim to respect others' intellectual property in their Maps Terms of Use... (Clause iv, Section 8) | ||
A Better Route Planner mobile app | jmarchon on 2023-10-18 | 2023-10-18 to
Answer received, they say they will fix it. |
2023-11-27 | ||||
Geoportal des Landes Baden-Württemberg ( | no | no | mcliquid on 2023-10-21 | 2023-10-21 to Geoportal-Raumordnung(at) | 2023-10-21 | ||
Internet Brands / TherapySites
Example map hosted by them can be found here: |
no | no | User:TJHorner on 2023-11-2 | 2023-11-2 via contact email | This company hosts websites for clients through various brands like TherapySites and attribute themselves as the source of the data. I have checked against some of my micromapping contributions and they match OSM. | ||
Ironman Spectator App | no | no | Osmedit on 2023-11-14 | 2023-11-14 | App for tracking athletes during Ironman races leverages OSM data but does not attribute OSM | ||
TCS NYC Marathon App |
no | no | Osmedit on 2023-11-14 | 2023-11-14 | App for tracking runners during the NYC marathon leverages OSM data but does not attribute OSM | || | barely visible | barely visible | Osmedit on 2023-11-14 | 2023-11-30 - Mateusz Konieczny (talk) | 2024-05-06 | Electric grid map cited Mapbox but did not attribute OSM. Attribution apparent as of 2024-05-04 | | mobile app - Android | jmarchon on 2023-11-16 | 2023-11-16 via contact form on website
Reply received, but not fixed yet as of 2023-11-27 They say it should be fixed through Mapbox as they use the default attribution from the Mapbox SDK. |
2023-12-08 | |||| mobile app - Apple | jmarchon on 2023-11-16 | 2023-11-16 via contact form on website
Reply received, but not fixed yet as of 2023-11-27 They say it should be fixed through Mapbox as they use the default attribution from the Mapbox SDK. |
2023-12-08 | |||| website | partial - hidden by default | partial - hidden by default | jmarchon on 2023-11-27 | 2023-11-27 by contact form on website | 2023-11-27 | Website shows an "i" button which, when clicked, shows attribution. | | mobile apps | no | no | jmarchon on 2023-11-27 | 2023-11-27 by contact form on website | 2023-11-27 | || | no (mapbox is credited though) | no (mapbox is credited though) | Mateusz Konieczny (talk) 07:48, 1 December 2023 (UTC) | 2024-11-25 Mateusz Konieczny (talk) 19:22, 25 November 2024 (UTC) | has no good contact methods - use ? | || | no | no | Daniel F. (talk) 09:56, 11 December 2023 (UTC) | 2023-12-11 via contact form, response received | 2024-04-04 | Requires sign-up to access map. | | | Zyphlar on 2023-12-28 | By jmarchon on 2024-01-08
Contacted Mapbox as suggested by (Yes, I am aware how likely it is to have a positive effect) Mateusz Konieczny (talk) 18:47, 27 November 2024 (UTC) |
2024-11-27 (Mateusz Konieczny) | OSM used on all individual parking lot pages and at | ||| | jmarchon on 2024-01-08 | 2024-01-08 via contact form on website
Response received, discussion in progress as of 2024-01-24 2024-01-23 via Mapbox (ticket no. 152252) |
2024-01-23 | Using Mapbox Streets | ||| | partial - attribution hidden by default. Find it via the 3 dots and then scroll down to the bottom of the side panel that opens up. On their main page they prominently attribute, which uses OSM data "(Outdoor maps provided by". | jmarchon on 2024-01-11 | 2024-01-11 to | 2024-01-11 | Attribution is shown when viewing on a computer, but it is tiny and has too little contrast to really be read. When viewing on mobile, the website hides attribution at the bottom of the sidebar which requires an interaction to show. | || Android app | jmarchon on 2024-01-11 | 2024-01-11 to | 2024-01-11 | Attribution is hidden at the bottom of the sidebar which requires an interaction to show. | ||| Apple app | jmarchon on 2024-01-11 | 2024-01-11 to | 2024-01-11 | Attribution is hidden at the bottom of the sidebar which requires an interaction to show. | ||| | bottom left corner | not linked, not mentioned | 2024-01-19 - User:Mateusz Konieczny | 2024-01-19 via | 2024-05-06 | Attribution is hidden at the bottom of the sidebar which requires an interaction to show. | |
Hotel am Jungfernstieg (Stade), Flyer | no | no | User:Kmpoppe on 2024-02-05 | 2024-02-04 via contact Form | 2024-02-04 | Attribution isn't used on the printed product at all. | | | no | no | User:AngocA | 2024-02-13 | 2024-02-13 | Contacted by Instagram, Twitter and a form in their website. | |
Hertz Bildeling (Account required) | no | no | eisa01 - see also | 2024-04-01 Email to support | Attribution is not shown. | ||
Green Mountain Transit map | no | no | Osmedit on 2024-04-06 | 2024-05-04 | Attribution is not shown. | || Camp Kargita | partial only on larger screens | partial only on larger screens | Klsghqa | 2024-04-16 Email | 2024-06-10 | 2024-04-22 | Attribution is not shown. - Fixed after notification email, attribution is now shown. | Camping Uglian from | partial only on larger screens | partial only on larger screens | Klsghqa | 2024-04-16 Email | 2024-06-10 | 2024-04-22 | Attribution is not shown. - Fixed after notification email, attribution is now shown on large screen. |,8.60229492#/ | no | no | Mateusz Konieczny | 2024-10-17 - Mateusz Konieczny - I tried chat, it had a dumb bot unable to help and lying that it understood query, contacted via FB profile | 2024-10-17 | || | no | no | Osmedit on 2024-05-04 | 2024-05-20 - Mateusz Konieczny (form at bottom of ) | 2024-05-20 | Attribution is not shown. | | | no | no | Laznik | 2024-09-12 - but to as there was no contact info on website itself - got automated response directing to Mateusz Konieczny | 2024-09-12 Mateusz Konieczny | ||
NYRR Racing app on iOS | no | no | Osmedit on 2024-05-17 | 2024-05-17 | Attribution is not shown. | ||
You need to enter a ZIP code (e.g. 10001). |
partial attribution visible outside viewport, but this looks like a bad design | no - claims that license is "CC-BY-SA" | Mateusz Konieczny on 2024-05-20 |
2024-05-20 | uses OSMF tile servers | |
Bimba Android App | yes | yes | kudlav on 2024-05-22 | 2024-05-22 | 2024-06-01 | 2024-05-22 | |
Green Acres | No - hidden under Who are we?/Useful links. Not shown on map. | No - hidden in Who are we?/Useful links screen | TopoNick on 2024-05-26 | 2024-05-26 via contact form. No confirmation email received, therefore no tracking number. Also contacted MapTiler via email to let them know. Ticket #12118. | 2025-01-26 - HLFan | May also be violating MapTiler terms. | |
Blue Ride Signature | no | no | TopoNick on 2024-05-26 | 2024-11-27 - Mateusz Konieczny
2024-05-26 Email |
2024-11-27 - Mateusz Konieczny | uses OSMF tile server | | when booking a trip. | no | no | jrcarlsen on 2024-05-31 |
2024-05-31 | ||
West Coast Motors (bus company) | no | no | SuborbitalPigeon on 2024-06-09 | 2024-06-09 via | 2024-06-09 | || | no | no | User:Roadrenner on 2024-06-15 | not yet contacted, may be usable | 2024-06-15 | || | partial hidden by default | partial hidden by default | User:Roadrenner on 2024-06-15 | not yet contacted | 2024-06-15 | Attribution barely visible when you cick the (C) button | | | yes | yes | User:RealMetzor on 2024-06-16 | 2024-06-16 via info@ | 2025-02-20 User:Chris2map | 2025-02-20 | Attribution: Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox |
Rastede Kita | no | no | User:Schramme on 2024-06-17 | 2024-06-17 via info@ | 2024-06-17 | || | no | no | User:Filip769 on 2024-06-29 | not yet contacted | 2024-06-29 | Tiles by are used after clicking on "Turistická". | | | no | no | User:Filip769 on 2024-06-29 | not yet contacted | 2024-06-29 | || | no | no | User:Filip769 on 2024-06-29 | 2025-01-29 via Mateusz Konieczny (on 5 II or later their access to OpenStreetMap Foundation servers can be terminated via ). Attempt was made via | 2025-02-20 - Mateusz Konieczny |
note that they explicitly rejected adding attribution | | | gahro_nahvah on 2024-07-15 | 2024-07-15 (+1 800-451-6889) | 2024-07-15 | Interactive map is in access=customers section of website | ||| | no | no | User:HuggeK on 2024-07-19 | 2024-07-19 via | 2024-07-19 | || | no | no | User:Cquest on 2024-07-24 | 2024-09-12 - email found at | 2024-09-12 | Attribution barely visible on the bottom right corner | |
Any store page on DoorDash, for example: (switch to pickup tab) | Gmaps | Gmaps | User:TJHorner on 2024-07-24 | 2024-07-24 - User:TJHorner via Mapbox support form | 2024-10-17 - Mateusz Konieczny (talk) 06:30, 17 October 2024 (UTC) | Uses Mapbox with attribution control removed
Google maps as of 2024-10-17 | |
Any map page on Traws Cymru, for example: | yes | yes | User:Russ McD on 2024-08-12 | 2024-09-12 contacted them at Mateusz Konieczny (talk) 13:26, 12 September 2024 (UTC)
earlier User:Richard on 15 Aug 2024 via |
2024-10-17 - Mateusz Konieczny (talk) 06:30, 17 October 2024 (UTC) | has attribution as of 2024-10-17 | |
3D maps by Diös, for example: | no | no | User:Venefilyn on 2024-08-16 | 2024-08-16 - User:Venefilyn via,
2024-09-09 via,, |
2024-09-09 | A lot of very specific streets and buildings are a clear indicator of OpenStreetMap data. No generic contact email found | | | no | no | User:une_abeille on 2024-08-18 | 2024-10-17 User:une_abeille via contact form | 2024-10-17 | note that Cloudlare blocks some people - "Sorry, you have been blocked" from Polish IP | |
TK Ärzteführer | no | no | Scy83 (talk) on 2024-08-20 | 2024-08-20 Scy83 (talk) via e-mail listed in the Impressum: | 2024-11-04 | service for finding doctors; uses Leaflet slippy map on the detail page for each doctor's office, no attribution there, but area overview slippy maps are OK; mentioning OSM in the privacy policy | |
Czech railways Moravia train set | no | no | martin-kokos (talk) on 2024-08-22 | 2024-08-23 via contact form | 2024-08-14 | Map on displays inside S3 trains (Moravia train model) | |
OpenWeather Geocoding API | no | no | TrickyFoxy | 2024-08-22 via contact form 2024-09-30 received a response that the mail was sent to the developers, but there is still no fix | From the response languages returned by the geocoder, it can be understood that the data is taken from OpenStreetMap | ||
Australian Unity - Herston Quarter (some PDF files) | no | no | Chtfn (talk) 07:41, 2 March 2022 (UTC) (user aka stragu) | 2021-09-23, using the website's contact page email address. Sent another email on 2021-10-14. No response as of 2022-03-02. | 2023-07-24 | PDF files detailing construction updates sometimes include OSM data without copyright information. Examples: March 2020, May 2020
2024-09-21: checked website, could not find any images or PDFs based on OSM data anymore, although URLs to PDFs still work. | |
Blue Ridge Signature Rentals: | site went offline (is it dead business or a temporary outage?) | site went offline (is it dead business or a temporary outage?) | 2024-10-10; Jack from #osm-license-violation channel on OpenStreetMap Slack on 2024-05-07 | 2024-10-24 (email preceding block in ), 2024-05-07 | 2024-10-10 | The attribution is deliberately hidden in the leaflet widget. | |
vOffice GmbH (e.g. | no | no | Sisores on 2024-10-21 | 2024-06-17, 2024-06-17
They responded and said that they will take care of it within 6-8 weeks due to the high amount of customer websites they take care of |
2024-10-21 | The company is providing services for customers, there are several websites that lack proper attribution. | |
Zürcher Verkehrsverbund (ZVV) | no | no | Robot8A (talk) 12:15, 25 October 2024 (UTC) | 2025-01-26 - HLFan | |||
Kilkenny County Council | partial (in TOC) | partial (in TOC) | B-unicycling (talk) 11:06, 31 October 2024 (UTC) | 2024-10-17
2024-10-31 2024-11-22 |
2024-11-22 | The County Council has used OSM based maps in several of their publications (for example here) without any attribution and have yet to respond to any communication.
2024-10-17 No response to first email after two weeks. 2024-10-31 Second email with reminder and link to this page. Reply the same day promising to reply in more detail early the next week. 2024-11-04 Email from Caitríona O'Sullivan, Executive Planner, promising that attribution will be added to map in pdf drafted by O’Mahony Pike by next week and "Table of contents page in that document will be amended to state “Map data from OpenStreetMap”". 2024-11-08 "Map data from OpenStreetMap" added in the TOC beneath a map that is not based on OSM. Still no attribution on the actual map that is based on OSM. 2024-11-22 "Map data from OpenStreetMap" replaced with "Some map data from OpenStreetMap (, and also from CYAL50345408 © National Mapping Division of Tailte Éireann" in the TOC, no attribution on the maps document pages 9, 18, 21, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33 themselves, but it was suggested they do that in in future documents for cases where newspapers and other distributors screenshot the maps without consulting the TOC and thus re-sharing without attribution. | |
Mobile app | no | no | TrickyFoxy | 2024-12-13 Mateusz Konieczny | The application uses maps based on OSM data, but rendered in the Yandex.Maps style | ||
Kudy z nudy CzechTourism place detail | no | no | Kudlac (talk) 2024-11-07 | 2024-11-25 Mateusz Konieczny (talk) 19:53, 25 November 2024 (UTC) | tiny image may qualify as tiny enough - is popup using controlled by them or by Mateusz Konieczny (talk) 19:53, 25 November 2024 (UTC) | || - AIDA Cruises | no | no | Fabi2 (talk) 15:57, 7 November 2024 (UTC) | 2024-11-07 e-mail sent to from imprint | 2024-11-07 | all leaflet slippy maps used to display the positions of their ships | |
Mobile app | no | no | TrickyFoxy | 2024-12-13 Mateusz Konieczny | The application uses maps based on OSM data, but rendered in the Yandex.Maps style | || Wikimedia maps with OSM data without attribution in all his videos. For example here or here . Also monetises his videos illegally. | no | no | Paul Rosnig | 2024-10-18 | 2024-11-23 | Already contacted, but continues to use (OSM) data contrary to copyright law. | |
Pokemon GO - Android app | no - hidden attribution | no - hidden attribution | Kudlac (talk) on 2024-11-29 | Hidden in the middle of Settings → About → Licenses | |||
National Built Heritage Service (Ireland) | no | no | User:b-unicycling (User talk:b-unicycling) on 2024-12-16 | 2024-11-11
2024-12-16 |
2025-02-24 | Published four trail maps of Irish towns (Dunboyne, Navan, Cappoquin, Waterford - last checked Feb 24 2025) with map data based on OSM without attribution. Upon being contacted and asked to fix it, they replied that they would look into it. After one month of not hearing from them, they were again contacted. The reply was that they were looking into changing the base map to the state body's mapping service (which means they prefer to drag it out AND pay license fees). No changes in the already published documents as of 24 Feb 2025, and no reply to email from Dec 16 2024. New reminder sent Feb 24 2025. Reply from them Feb 25 saying that they "are working with our graphic designers to resolve this issue and will be in touch to let you know when the maps have been updated". | | - scroll to the bottom | no | no | Mateusz Konieczny (talk) 07:08, 17 December 2024 (UTC) | 2025-03-08 - email making it eligible for in a week
2025-02-18 - Mateusz Konieczny send short email in Polish |
2024-12-17 - Mateusz Konieczny | has contact page | | - maps of launch sites | no | no | HLFan (talk) 21:12, 13 January 2025 (UTC) | 2025-01-13 - HLFan | Also violating the CARTO Basemap T&C, so maybe also contact | || | no | no | Something B (talk) 17:43, 24 February 2025 (UTC) | not contacted | 2025-02-24 | || | no | no | Rhodez (talk) 23:05, 11 February 2025 (UTC) | 2025-02-11 - sent an email to | 2025-02-11 - Rhodez | Uses OSM data (hgv, max height tags, etc). Not sure what tiles they are using. | | | no | no | tastrax | 2025-01-14 sent email to | 2025-02-13 tastrax | Uses Mapbox with ANY reference to OSM | | | no | no | Osmidal 2025-02-26 | 2025-02-26 - sent an email to kontakt (at) ndga (dot) de | 2025-02-26 - Osmidal | On page 14 in the commercial auction catalogue, uses a map from OSM (OSM-DE rendering style) without any attribution. | | | no - and is blocked from OSMF tile servers (for technical reasons it is not 100% reliable, especially on modified browsers) | no - and is blocked from OSMF tile servers (for technical reasons it is not 100% reliable, especially on modified browsers) | NathanHadley 2025-02-28 | 2025-02-10 - email to
2025-02-25 - notification of block |
2025-02-28 - NathanHadley | || Estyn (all maps on website - example) | no | no | Ceirios 2025-02-28 | 2025-02-28 | Contact page here:
use of OSMF tile servers, making them eligible to if notified and it will be ignored | || | no | no | Mateusz Konieczny 2025-03-04 | 2025-03-04 - Mateusz Konieczny (talk)
were contacted already in December 2024 |
2025-03-04 | ||
Page | License ok | Authors ok | Added by | Dates contacted | Last checked | Date fixed | Comments |
List of usages where attribution has been fixed or case is obsoleted
To reduce loading times, this page was moved here.