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Public-images-osm logo.svg snowmobile
Map icons by Scott de Jonge - snowmobile.svg
defining access rights for snowmobile to use way or amenity Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: restrictions
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesmay be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)should not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Useful combination
See also
Status: in use

snowmobile=* is used to describe the legal access for snowmobiles.


value Description
no No access for snowmobiles
designated A preferred or designated route for a snowmobiles
yes Granted access.
permissive Open to general snowmobile traffic by owners permission. Might include a fee.
private Only with permission of the owner on an individual basis

Guidance for tags usage

A table below defines how snowmobile tag should be used with other useful tags describing the route. However, different laws in different countries cause different tagging.

Route tagging


  • Off-road traffic by snowmobiles is generally forbidden and allowed only by land-owners permission. Traffic on public roads is forbidden except for some special cases.
  • There are designated routes for general snowmobile traffic (snowmobile=designated). These routes are included in landuse planning and traffic on these routes is legally equal to highway traffic (but snowmobiles only).
  • Some landowners have granted public access on snowmobiles on some routes or parts of their land either directly, via municipality or via local snowmobile club or another operator (snowmobile=permissive). There might be a fee one has to pay (toll=snowmobile).
  • Routes that require individual permission from landowner or permission is bound to membership to a club with strict policy who is accepted as member (snowmobile=private).
  • Snowmobile traffic on ice covered waterways is generally legal and free (snowmobile=yes + ice_road=yes).
snowmobile toll ice_road operator website Description
designated - - "optional" "optional" A preferred or designated route for a snowmobiles
permissive - - "optional" "optional" A route without any fee
permissive snowmobile - "required" "required" A route with fee specified by operator
private - - "optional" "optional" Private, no public access
yes - yes "optional" "optional" Ice route
yes - - "optional" "optional" undefined granted access
no - - - - No access for snowmobile


  • Off-road traffic by snowmobiles is generally allowed when the ground is covered by snow. Traffic on public roads is forbidden except for some special cases.
  • There are designated routes for general snowmobile traffic (snowmobile=designated). These are almost always marked by red crosses. These routes are included in landuse planning and traffic on these routes is legally equal to highway traffic (but snowmobiles only). Trails is often maintained by local snowmobile clubs, and paying membership fees is often preferred, but not mandatory, for using the trails.
  • Unofficial snowmobile routes should be marked as snowmobile=yes.
  • Snowmobile traffic on ice covered waterways is generally legal (snowmobile=yes or snowmobile=designated + ice_road=yes).

snowmobile toll ice_road grade operator website Description
designated - - "optional" "optional" "optional" A preferred or designated route for a snowmobiles
designated - yes "optional" "optional" "optional" A preferred or designated route for a snowmobiles, on ice
permissive - - "optional" "optional" "optional" A route without any fee
permissive snowmobile - "optional" "required" "required" A route with fee speficied by operator
private - - "optional" "optional" "optional" Private, no public access.
yes - yes "optional" "optional" "optional" Ice route
yes - - "optional" "optional" "optional" undefined granted access
no - - - - - No access for snowmobile, can be used on ways or areas.

Guidance for grades

Grade is used to define quality of trail. if trail not set, it renders like grade=3

snowmobile grade Description
designated 1 not used
designated 2 poor trail, no grooming, seldom used
designated 3 ordinary trail
designated 4 good trail, often groomed or regional route
designated 5 wery good trail, at least 2 snowmobiles wide, often groomed, regional or national route
yes 1 possible, unnofficial trail, seldom used, "untrailed" or not for newbies
yes 2 small unnofficial trail, or easy accessed unused trail
yes 3 ordinary unnofficial trail, or official trail running om public road.
yes 4 good unnofficial trail, or official trail running om public road.
yes 5 wery good unnofficial trail, or official trail running om public road.
permissive 1 not used
permissive 2 poor trail, no grooming, seldom used
permissive 3 ordinary trail
permissive 4 good trail, often groomed or regional route
permissive 5 wery good trail, at least 2 snowmobiles wide, often groomed, regional or national route

POI Tagging

A table below defines how snowmobile=yes tag should be used with other useful tags describing point of interest.

snowmobile amenity tourism Description
yes fuel A fuel station with legal access to snowmobiles
yes shelter A shelter. Legal access to snowmobiles
yes lean_to A shelter with open wall for recreation. Usually with fireplace in front of it. Legal access with snowmobile
yes picnic_site A locality suitable for outdoors eating. Legal access with snowmobile
yes wilderness_hut A wilderness hut. Legal access with snowmobile


Standard openstreetmap maps do not show snowmobile routes. There are special maps:

Mapping snowmobile shops