ES:Importación Límites Ayuntamiento de Fornes (Granada)

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On 2nd October 2018, Fornes became a new council (municipio) of Granada province, in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia, Spain. It was segregated from Arenas del Rey, a council to which it belonged.

Importación límites Ayuntamiento de Fornes is an import of the limits of Fornes published in the BOE, with nodes in plain text (just 19 nodes) and covering the limits between Fornes and its former council of Arenas del Rey in Granada province, Spain. The import is currently (as of 13-February-2019) at the planning stage.


This simple import will add this council (admin_level=8) to the map. To do that, we will simply add the limits between Fornes and Arenas del Rey to the map, and modify the neighbour councils relations of Arenas del Rey (West) and Jayena (East).


This import will be discused within the OSM-es comunity via talk-es, and then in the imports list, before proceeding to do the import. As it is very simple, we don't think it will take more than 2-3 weeks to be ready.

Import Data


The source of the data is in the Boletín Oficial del Estado.

Data source site: (ANEXO 1)
Data license:
Type of license: According to Spanish law, all public official communications are Public Domain
OSM attribution: In spite of being public domain, a link to the source will be added to the changeset tags
ODbL Compliance verified: yes

OSM Data Files

fornesWithInfo.osm (Limits between Fornes and Arenas del Rey, with info of each node)

Import Type

This is a very simple import. It will be a one-time import.

JOSM will be used to perform the import.

Data Preparation

Data Reduction & Simplification

The data to be imported is just 1 way of only 13 nodes. In fact, one of those 13 nodes is already in OSM.

No simplification of these tiny data was needed nor advisable.

Tagging Plans

The way is an administrative limit between 2 councils, and it will be tagged as follows:

Changeset Tags

These will be the tags of the changeset:

Data Transformation

Data was simply converted from plain text to a csv file, and then imported into JOSM with open data plugin. All nodes were conected into one way following the order of their info: PA 01, PA 02 up to PA 19, as published in the BOE source document. Tags were added to the way.

Data Transformation Results

fornes.osm (Only the limits between Fornes and Arenas del Rey)

Data Merge Workflow

Team Approach

This will be a solo import. The boundary way will be merged with OSM data, Fornes relation created with the usual tags for Spanish councils, and Arenas del Rey and Jayena relations will be modified accordingly.


Although already explained, this is the detailed workflow:

  • We open the administrative new way in JOSM, and we merge it with existing data.
  • We join both ends to the existing administrative ways: to the north with the way separating Arenas del Rey and Jayena, that we will split in two, and to the south with the node that is the union of Arenas del Rey, Alhama de Granada and Jayena councils.
  • We create the relation of Fornes, with the following tags:
  • We add Fornes town node as member of the relation and with role admin_centre
  • We modify Arenas del Rey relation set of members. Jayena relation set of members will be automatically arranged when we split in 2 the way that makes the limits with Arenas del Rey.
  • We upload with an import dedicated account (to be decided which).
  • If anything goes wrong, JOSM reverter will be used.


Already explained. See Workflow.


Already explained.

See also

The email to the Imports mailing list was sent on YYYY-MM-DD and can be found in the archives of the mailing list at [1].