Fairfax County, Virginia/Parks

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The Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA) operates 22,500 acres in 416 parks. The Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority (NVRPA) operates a number of large parks in the county, in addition to many smaller parks operated by towns, civic organizations, etc. The county has boundaries and names for both FCPA and non-FCPA parks.


Park boundaries were conflated with OSM between January and March 2012 by User:Joshdoe.

District User Finished Notes
Braddock User:Joshdoe 2012-01-02 Both FCPA and non-FCPA parks
Dranesville User:Joshdoe 2012-03-04 Both FCPA and non-FCPA parks
Hunter Mill User:Joshdoe 2012-01-31 Both FCPA and non-FCPA parks, except for most Reston Association parks due to complexity of merging with existing data
Lee User:Joshdoe 2012-02-04 FCPA parks (no non-FCPA parks)
Mount Vernon User:Joshdoe 2012-01-23 Both FCPA and non-FCPA parks
Providence User:Joshdoe 2012-01-26 Both FCPA and non-FCPA parks
Springfield User:Joshdoe 2012-01-06 Both FCPA and non-FCPA parks
Sully User:Joshdoe 2012-01-10 Both FCPA and non-FCPA parks

ogr2osm translation

ogr2osm was used to convert the county park data to OSM. The translation script used is shown below:

import string

def translateAttributes(attrs):
    if not attrs: return

    tags = {}
    fixme = []

    tags['operator'] = 'Fairfax County Park Authority'
    tags['leisure'] = 'park'

    # Assemble the name (not everyone should have ' Park', check each one
    # (Especially golf courses, and 'site's
    if attrs['PARK_NAME']:
        tags['name'] = string.capwords(attrs['PARK_NAME']) + ' Park'
        fixme.append('park missing name')

    if attrs['PREG']:
        tags['fcpa:preg'] = attrs['PREG']

    if attrs['TMP_NAME']:
        fixme.append('has temp name "%s"' % attrs['TMP_NAME'])

    if fixme:
        tags['fixme'] = '; '.join(fixme)

    return tags