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Suaicheantas OpenStreetMap Pride Rainbow.

Tha RainbOSM na bhuidheann de dhaoine Leasbach, Gèidh, Dà-sheòrsach, Tar-ghnèitheach, Cuèir, Eadar-sheòrsach, agus Neo-sheòrsach ann an OpenStreetMap.

@RainbOSM Cunntas twitter ann am Beurla

Cunntas Mastodon ann am Beurla

See also

The following text is a translation of the original article in English, reviewed for rev2310157. Insert all new information or information which are specific to your place before this notice.
Please avoid changing radically this text without translation also updating the original article, and notify the international community or ask for help on this site. Orthographic, grammatical, lexical or stylistic corrections are welcome.