Humanitarian OSM Team/HOT Microgrants/Community Impact Microgrants 2021/Proposal/Using OpenStreetMap Tools to Fight Gender Based Violence in Western Uganda

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Using OpenStreetMap Tools to Fight Gender Based Violence in Western Uganda
The Center For Life Change & Development (CLCD) will conduct a series of training for district social workers, Police, and the community to create awareness and fight Gender-based violence using OpenStreetMap tools. We also want to train and build a community of mappers based in Western Uganda.
budget (USD)$4998.7 USD
location(s)Bushenyi District, Western Uganda.
contact(s)• nuwashabadativah@gmail.com
organization (if applicable)• Center For Life Change & Development

Your project

This is an opportunity for you to tell us about your project. In this section we'd like to hear about your community, which local challenge your project addresses, what you plan to do and how, your sustainability plan, and how you plan to share your stories.

Describe the local challenge your project is addressing

In this section please describe in detail the challenge that your project addresses. We recommend your response be a minimum of 200 words and a maximum of 400 words.

During the COVID period, gender-based violence cases have been on the rise with over a 20% increase in cases reported according to the Ministry of Gender, Labour, and social development. Most of these cases have involved female adolescents. With these increasing numbers of cases identifying and follow-up cases by social care, workers have made a tough job even harder. The difficulty of navigating and locating places of victims in time as well as being able to make location follow-ups seamlessly has greatly reduced the efficiency of social workers. The Center For Life Change and Development (CLCD) which is a female-led community-based organization that is fighting post-covid-19 gender-based violence in western Uganda. Since 2017 CLCD has been working in Bushenyi district to support the district social workers, police, and local government with handling gender based violence cases. With close to 100 cases supported CLCD has tried to rehabilitate and bring justice and comfort to multiple GBV victims. In early 2020, the leadership team at CLCD approached MapUganda, the OSM community in Uganda for support in finding ways of how to collect data and use maps to navigate to different households to respond to callings of gender-based violence. MapUganda has for the past few months provided OSM training in remote mapping to some of the CLCD leaders and through this microgrant, the leaders would like to take the tools learned and train them social workers within Bushenyi district. These would include the district social development officer, gender officer, the GBV police officer in the use of, and OSMand to better navigate and locate case victims and also follow up cases seamlessly. This will allow for social care workers in the district to use open geospatial data to improve and be more effective in their work processes.

Describe your project

In this section, please provide specific details about your mapping objectives. This should include: how you will contribute to help solve the local challenge you are addressing, what you aim to achieve with funding, what volume of mapping you plan to complete and how, and the number individuals are you aiming to include in mapping activities. We recommend your response be a minimum of 200 words and a maximum of 400 words.

With funding from this Microgrant, CLCD plans to carry out, and OSMand training and mapping of critical social livelihood and care facilities. These include orphanages, judicial courts, locations of physiologists, health centres/clinics, remand homes as well as social livelihood activities set up under the government livelihood fund. Using the OSM training skills gained from MapUganda, the CLCD leaders plan to conduct a series of training and demonstration workshops with social care workers in Bushenyi district. This series of training will be used as an opportunity to introduce OSM to the district social care workers but also equip them with the skills and knowledge of how to use openly available smartphone navigation apps to assist locate, navigate and follow up to case victims within the district. The trainings will also help to build a community of OpenStreetMappers based in Western Uganda. Social workers from the police force, the district local government, and other regional NGOs supporting GBV will be invited to participate in the training. CLCD plans to request tech support from MapUganda and this will include the provision of smartphones that will be used for the training and demonstrations. After the training CLCD plans to work with social workers within the district to use their skills to map critical location and social livelihood and care facilities within the district. This will assist improve the map within Bushenyi district thus making it easier for the social workers to use the mobile navigational apps to find people within their jurisdiction.

Describe your sustainability plan

In this section please describe how your activities will continue post-funding. If you are applying for funding to purchase equipment, explain who will store/use the equipment you purchase, and if you have long term sustainability plans for your community's development. We recommend your response be a minimum of 200 words and a maximum of 400 words.

CLCD plans to work with the district social workers that are fully stationed at the district and also work with human rights and GBV advocacy groups across the district of Bushenyi to sensitize and train the communities on how to handle gender-based violences and to make sure that the skills are acquired by the community members for instance, after helping a family to learn how to address domestic violence it is easier for the family members to sustain it since peace and love in families are a core element in the family system. The cordial interaction process supported between Rights holders and Duty bearers will remain even after this intervention. The targeted beneficiaries in communities will continue to utilize the skills and knowledge acquired, to live in societies harmoniously and this community will continue holding mapping events to map the western part of Uganda and the entire country. CLCD plans to strengthen existing relationships with the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development, Ministry of education and sports, Uganda Police, Bushenyi District Local Government, and MapUganda to promote a gender-friendly and equal rights environment. Regular evaluation or checks and balances will be done to ensure no deviations from the preset goals and objectives by monitoring cases at different intervals of time. CLCD plans to roll its community awareness campaigns through church leaders so that even when the project ends, the church leaders can still pass the information and reach out to the targeted communities. The program will be extended to other districts of western Uganda and the same devices acquired through the project will be properly kept so that they can be used as we expand and roll out to other districts since. We plan to acquire a laptop, projector, and mobile phones to use not only in Bushenyi district but also in other districts. The projector and Laptop are some of the devices which when utilized well can last for some time. As we roll to other districts, we shall be able to re-use our phones and plan to recruit community members that already own smartphones.

What are your community defined project goals, and how do you define project success?

Please explain you project goals. This can include: setting goals such as "we will train X number of new mappers", "we will register as a legal entity", or "the data will be used by X", and why these goals are important to your community such as "we intend to be legally registered so that we can receive more grant funding in the future", "we intend to engage X number of women in mapping activities so that we can empower local women" or "we want to build a partnership with X so that our data will be used and trusted". We recommend your response be a minimum of 200 words and a maximum of 400 words.

CLCD is geared towards reducing Gender-Based Violence cases within Western Uganda. Success under this project will be achieved when at least 30 community/district social workers are effectively using openly available GPS navigation apps to locate, navigate and follow up cases and victims of Gender-Based Violence in Bushenyi district. We also want the district social care workers, members of the police, and the community to get introduced to OpenStreetMap editing and collect the data so that we can have a database of the location of health centers, remand homes, orphanage homes among others. We are focusing on generating maps that depict the administrative boundaries of the areas where we are currently operating, the existing transport infrastructure, health centers, and police stations. We also want to build a community of dedicated mappers based in the western part of Uganda since the Western Part of Uganda is less mapped on OpenStreetMap. This will be done by conducting series of training on OpenStreetMap editing. As CLCD a young community-based organization, we want to build and develope a website where we can share our activities, programs, and communications that reach a bigger audience.

What are your community's long term goals?

Please give describe your community's vision. This can include: where you see your community in five years time, how you want your data to be used, future partnerships you'd like to establish, or how you would like your community to grow (or not!). We recommend your response be a minimum of 200 words and a maximum of 400 words.

Our major goal is to ensure Zero domestic violence in families through the improved ability of the family members to choose the right ways of handling misunderstandings rather than violence. CLCD will organize programs on radio stations about the alternative ways of handling misunderstandings rather than violence. in case one is affected, CLCD will put one counselor in every subcounty who will always be in a position to help the families out and make possible referrals. Also, a Free toll number will be provided to call In case there is a need CLCD intends to carry out community sensitizations on awareness about domestic violence, This will be intended to tackle the stereotypes in communities about the rights of human, to reduce gender-based violence, fighting for the rights of women and children who are the most affected group. CLCD plans to equip all social workers within the district and region with the skills and tools to be able to use location applications to effectively perform their duties. CLCD also plans to work closely with MapUganda to introduce OSM/ ICT pieces of training to some of the remand homes to assist improve access to ICT equipment to the most vulnerable in society. With time, we want to have a more resilient community that can be able to integrate open data into social human relations, a community of OpenStreetMapepers and a fully mapped western Uganda and Uganda and large.

List the tools you intend to use during your project and why

Please describe which tools you plan to use to collect, update, clean, or store you data and why. For example: "we plan to use HOT's Tasking Manager to coordinate volunteers" or "we will upload our data to X platform because..." We recommend your response be a minimum of 200 words and a maximum of 400 words.

During this project, we intend to use a number of tools that include;, locate, navigate, find, and follow up cases and victims easily, cheaply, and effectively. With the basic training that we had received from MapUganda in early 2020, we identified this mobile application to be so effective in locating the households that are being faced with Gender-based violences and help other stakeholders like the police and health workers to be able to navigate to handle the GBV cases. OSMand: This is an android based mobile application that is used to visualize OpenStreetMap data in offline mode, used for navigation, planning trips, and to make track of the trips. Open Data Kit. This is a mobile-based open-source tool that will be used to collect field data about details and locations of orphanages, judicial courts, locations of physiologists, health centres/clinics, and remand homes. Mobile smartphones. All the above-mentioned applications will be running on Android smartphones that are equipped with a Global Positioning System for location and navigation purposes. ID Editor. This is a web-based OpenStreetMap editing tool that can be used to contribute to OpenStreetMap. JOSM. Java OpenStreetMap Editor is a desktop tool that is used to edit and validate OpenStreetMap data. During the training workshops, all members will be trained in the use of ID Editor and JOSM to contribute to OpenStreetMap.

Explain how you plan to share your stories

Please give examples of how you will use share your stories with others. This can include: how you will publicise your news, where you will collect media content, how you will use social media channels, and if you will reach out beyond your immediate network to share your stories. We recommend your response be a minimum of 200 words and a maximum of 400 words.

The progress and success of our project will be shared through a number of platforms that include but not limited to the following;

  • Social media. We shall be sharing training session updates through our social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook.
  • We shall engage MapUganda GIS unit to create an online location map and a dashboard that will be used to share the data that is non-classified.
  • Reports to the district and radio stations in Bushenyi.
  • We shall create a blog post that will be published on our social media as well as the Website that we shall have developed.


Successful applications will demonstrate one or more partnerships with a local data user. Priority will be given to applications for which the data has been requested by a partnering organization, or where the partner organization has expressed interest in collecting the data for a specific use or intervention. Example partners include local non-government organizations (NGOs), community-based organizations (CBOs), local governments, companies, universities, schools, and other academic institutions.

We are partnering with both government and non government bodies to collaborate and build a community that is free from gender based violence. There bodies include;

  • Bushenyi District Local Government
  • Ministry of Education (Guidance and Counseling Unit)
  • Uganda Police - Bushenyi police station
  • Bushenyi District HIV/AIDS Network Forum
  • Reproductive health Uganda - Bushenyi Branch
  • MapUganda (OpenStreetMap Uganda Community)

Describe who will use your data

It is important that the data you generate during the project is useful, and that it will be used to advance humanitarian and/or development challenges locally. In this section, please include: if the data you will be collecting has been requested by a partnering organisation, if there is an established formal relationship with the partnering organisation, if there is an existing MoU between you and the partnering organisation, and how long have you been working with the partnering organisation. If your organisation or community is going to be the data user, please describe how you will use the data, and how it ties in with your organisation's work. We recommend your response be a minimum of 200 words and a maximum of 400 words.

What we intend to will benefit the communities but most importantly the data that we shall have gathered or that will be gathered even after the funding ends will be used by;

  • District local government. Under this, the data will be used by probations and community development officers to mobilize and sensitize the communities about Gender-Based Violence and handling and referring GBV cases to other stakeholders.
  • Police (Family care unit). The data will help the family care unit to reach the locations of the homes that are affected by violences.
  • Health workers. These teams will use the data to reach out and handle the affected individuals that were physically harmed and referred by other stakeholders.
  • Psychologists/Counsellors. These teams will use the data to sensitize the community about the causes and the effects of Gender-Based Violences as well as handling Psychological issues that arise due to Gender-Based Violences. They'll also use the locational data to make referrals to other stakeholders.

Social worker. They will use the data to register and manage gender based violence cases and make referrals.

Describe any other partnerships you plan to mobilise or establish for the purpose of the project

In this section, please describe any additional partners you might be working with. If there are no additional partners (beyond the data user) this must be stated here. We recommend your response be a minimum of 200 words and a maximum of 400 words.

Besides the partners mentioned above, we want to also partner with Bushenyi District HIV/AIDS Network forum. This is one of the CBOs in Bushenyi that are also handling Gender-Based Violences and HIV/AIDS awareness in Bushenyi District. We plan to strengthen the partnership with this CBO so as not to duplicate efforts.


Successful applications will include a developed strategy for the inclusion of women, girls, and marginalised groups in mapping activities. This includes the number of women, girls or marginalised groups you plan to engage, and the way in which you plan to interact with them.

How will you ensure that your project activities are inclusive?

Please describe how you will engage women and girls, or other marginalised communities in your mapping activities. Please include the number of women, girls or marginalised groups you plan to work with and how, and at which point in your activities you plan to engage them. We recommend your response be a minimum of 200 words and a maximum of 400 words.

Our project activities are all-around inclusive because we are working with district women groups and GBV advocacy champions (female para social workers) to handle cases of females who are affected by domestic violence but cannot be able to reach the intervening offices. These women are called the voice of the voiceless and are at the parish level. We, therefore, want to recruit and train at least one para, social worker, at the village level. Sensitization campaigns will be offered to even those social workers and community members that may not be able to make it physically to the workshop venues and this will be done through the use of radio talk shows, printed fryers, and the church. This will enable us to reach the target groups including people with disabilities and other marginalized groups.


Successful applications will show how communities intend to grow community engagement. This includes a practical approach on how many new mappers you aim to recruit and how they will be involved in community activities. Priority will be given to communities that also include a plan for ongoing engagement beyond the grant period. If this is not relevant to your project, please explain why.

Explain how you plan to expand your mapping community

In this section, please include: your approach to recruiting new mappers, how will you engage new mappers, how many new members you plan to recruit, and how will you retain community members throughout the duration of project and beyond. We recommend your response be a minimum of 200 words and a maximum of 400 words.

We are Planning to roll out to expand our operations to other neighboring districts that include Mitooma, Sheema, and Buhweju and we shall work out a plan to collaborate with MapUganda and Youth Mappers to support a wider training as we expand to recruit and train social care workers in others other districts. This will increase the number of individuals trained in OpenStreetMap, and it will contribute to the number of communities that are aware of Gender-Based violence and how to fight it. We hope to use this funding as an avenue for leaving no stone unturned in this area of operation so that we can get room to expand to other districts.


Priority will be given to applications that collaborate with other OSM communities in the region. This can be country specific or regional and can include collaboration with Youth Mappers Chapters, or members of the HOT community to help with training, validation (as examples). For support in sourcing collaborators, email

Describe other OSM communities you are already working with

This may include Youth Mappers chapters, or members of OSMF (as examples). If you are not already collaborating with an OSM community, please state this and explain how you plan to work with other communities in your project in the following question.

We are so far collaborating with the OpenStreetMapUganda Community that has over time provided us with support on and OpenStreetMap training.

Describe other OSM communities you plan to approach, or establish relationships with, for the purpose of the project

We recommend your response be a minimum of 200 words and a maximum of 400 words.. We, therefore, plan to approach and engage the YouthMappers to help out in training a bigger number of social workers, police and the communities on how to contribute and map out the social amenities in their areas.

Project plan and budget

Priority will be given to applications that collaborate with other OSM communities in the region. This can be country specific or regional and can include collaboration with Youth Mappers Chapters, or members of the HOT community to help with training, validation (as examples). For support in sourcing collaborators, email

Budget breakdown

Give your budget breakdown here. If you would like to present your budget in a tabular format, you can use this tool to convert your spreadsheet into a wikitable and paste the code below here

Itemized Breakdown:
What do you plan to spend the money on? Unit being purchased Expected cost (in US Dollars) Total cost for budget item Why is it needed? (please give as much detail as possible)
1 Wifi Routers 2 units $54.2 USD per month $108.40 To be used to provide internet connectivity during the training and workshops.
2 Internet Bundles Monthly bundles for 4 Months $27.1 USD per month $54.20 To be used to provide internet access during the training and workshops and the entire project
3 Transport Facilitation 30 people for 4 workshops $162.6 USD per workshop $650.50 To facilitate transport for workshop participants to and from the workshop venue
4 Lunch facilitation 30 people for 4 workshops $81.3 USD per workshop $325.30 To facilitate lunch for workshop participants to and from the workshop venue
5 CLCD officers Lunch and Transport facilitation 5 people for 4 workshops $67.7 USD per workshop $271.10 To facilitate lunch and transport for CLCD officers during the workshops
6 Venue fees 4 workshops $81.3 USD per workshop $325.30 This is where the workshops will be conducted from.
7 Purchasing of Mobile Phones 10 Mobile phones $135.5 USD per Phone $1,355.30 These are the mobile devices where the intended applications will be installed and used.
8 Projector 1 unit $135.5 USD $135.50 To be used repeatedly in all our programs
9 Laptop PC 1 unit $542.1 USD $542.10 To be used repeatedly in all our programs
10 Radio talk shows 4 Radio talk shows $135.5 USD per Talk show $542.10 To reach out to a larger target group that cannot convene for trainings and sensitizations
11 Website deloping 1 $350 USD $350.00 To be used to reach to a greater audience, communication and publishing our work.
12 Printing administrative maps 20 maps $13.5 USD per map $271.10 To be used to identify the existing infrastructure and amenities
13 Hand sanitizers 2 units $13.5 USD per unit $27.10 Sanitizing all the workshop participants and materials against Covid-19
14 Face Masks 50 units $0.8 USD per mask $40.70 All participants and CLCD officers will be give rewashable face masks to protect themselves against Covid-19
Total $4,998.70

Project plan

Give your project plan here. If you would like to present your project plan in a tabular format, you can use this tool to convert your spreadsheet into a wikitable and paste the code below here

Activity Month
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6
w1 w2 w3 w4 w1 w2 w3 w4 w1 w2 w3 w4 w1 w2 w3 w4 w1 w2 w3 w4 w1 w2 w3 w4
Phase 1 Project Preperation
Activity 1. Stakeholder Engagement Meetings
Activity 2. Identifying program steering committee
Activity 3. Purchasing and preparing project equipments
Phase 2 Workshops and Trainings
Activity 1. Introduction to OpenStreetMap and Editing.
Activity 2. Training OpenStreetMap tools JOSM and Tasking Manager
Activity 3. Training on mobile data collection tools.
Activity 4. Training on Mobile Navigation tools.
Activity 5. Mid-term Report Writing
Phase 3 Community Senstization
Activity 1. Community Training Workshops
Activity 2. Radio Talk Shows and church campaigns
Activity 3. Community Sensitization by printed Media
Activity 4. Social Media Campaigns
Activity 5. Developing website
Phase 4 Project Completeion
Activity 1. Performance Monitoring
Activity 2. Final Reporting
Activity 3. Writing Blogpost


By submitting this form to Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, you certify the information contained in this application is correct, and that if you are awarded a grant, you will use it only for the purposes described above. You will provide written documentation and receipts for all of your expenses to Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team to demonstrate this. You understand that the decisions made by the HOT Microgrants committee are final.

Nuwashaba Dativah


Your community members are encouraged to endorse your project request here!

HOT staff, voting members and board members are welcome to endorse, and give feedback to all proposals. However, those who are taking part in the selection process will not be endorsing or giving feedback due to conflict of interest.

Instructions for Endorsement

- Log in to the wiki if you are not already logged in.
- Scroll down to Endorsements and click 'Edit source'. 
- Add your reason for the endorsement followed by four tilde signs --~~~~ 
Note: The ~~~~ automatically inserts your name and the current date.

Below is an example an endorsement.

  • I fully endorse this project - strong idea and detailed project plan --Kateregga1 (talk) 14:51, 7 December 2021 (UTC)

Community endorsements

  • As an Activist and Humanitarian who has volunteered with other organizations like Tanzania Development Trust which are fighting against Gender based violence and I have mapped various projects on HOT Tasking Manager which are in fight against Gender based violence I endorse this project because I believe that this project will benefit communities in Western Uganda in the fight against Gender based violence and the country Uganda generally.Ssekitoleko2 (talk) 13:35, 4 February 2021 (UTC)
  • Western Uganda is not well mapped on OpenStreetMap and has reported a number of Gender-Based Violence cases and I believe an awareness project on open data and OpenStreetMap will create a great impact on peoples social ways of living, create a relationship with the medical workers as well as the police. I, therefore, endorse this project -- Ngumenawesamson (talk)
  • This project will be of very good use to the women and community at large not only in Western Uganda but in the whole of Uganda as well.Through its sensitization, harmony and peace among many families will be restored therefore I highly endorse this project Tracy Ritah (talk)
  • I believe this project will be able to use the openstreetmap data to support the fight against genda based violence therefore endorse it whole heartedly!Micheal Kaluba (talk)
  • I strongly believe that this project will benefit the community of western Uganda and therefore endorse it to support the fight against gender based violence against Marvinjohnz (talk) 05:41, 3 February 2021 (UTC)
  • As an Activist and Humanitarian who has volunteered with other organizations like Tanzania Development Trust which are fighting against Gender based violence and I have mapped various projects on HOT Tasking Manager which are in fight of Gender based violence I endorse this project because I believe this project will benefit communities in Western Uganda and the country generally.
  • Navigation is still a major problem during data collection, and this this project could help with that. Therefore i endorse it.Rehema Mpungu (talk) 11:49, 6 February 2021 (UTC)
  • Fighting Gender based violence is a way of empowering the weaker gender suffering from this vice and i believe this project has a lot of solutions to offer. I thereby strongly endorse endorse it.Ogwangjulius (talk) 12:14, 6 February 2021 (UTC)
  • This project is providing free and accessible data to help curb Gender Based Violence which is a serious problem in western Uganda as it is in the rest of the country. I strongly believe that the result from this will have a great impact on the livelihoods of the communities and so I endorse this project .Judithkamugisha (talk) 12:43, 6 February 2021 (UTC)
  • Following what uganda went through during the locust invasion and the land slides, its very evident that such projects as this need quick endorsement something i have come here to do .I endorse the project.Thanks Ayesiga (talk) 14:41, 10 February 2021 (UTC)
  • following the troubles the country went through during the land slides and locust invassion, i feii its very right to endorse this project.Thanks Ayesiga (talk) 14:54, 10 February 2021 (UTC)
  • We fully endorse this project! A very strong proposal, wide impact, and relevant goal! More power!! - Your friendsfrom the Philippines, MapBeks
  • Project Endorsed for OSM growth in Uganda. User: Wava Stella (talk)
  • I endorse this project, in agreement with the above mentioned reasons.