Scanaerial is a package with python code to scan aerial pictures.
- JOSM (current version)
- Ext_tools plug-in for JOSM
- Python & needed libraries (run to find out if a library is missing)
- Current Scanaerial-Script
The script was ported to python3 and python2 is not supported anymore, windows instruction is now outdated
- Unzip the archive and put it in a directory you like (e.g. C:\scanaerial\);
- Install Python, version 2.7 recommended (in our example installed to C:\python27\) :
- python-2.7.10.msi for Win32 (works for Win64, too)
- Install needed Python libraries:
- Python Imaging Library (PIL/Pillow)
- Python Projection Library (PyProj) (related issue):
- use this command to install it:
C:\python27\Scripts\pip.exe install pyproj==1.9.6
- use this command to install it:
- Install ext_tools Plugin in JOSM (more information on JOSM/Plugins#Installation) & Restart JOSM
- In JOSM press F12 and go to Ext_Tools configuration
- Add a new tool by clicking the button saying so. Give the tool a good name (scanaerial would be an idea) and paste this as commandline:
C:\python27\python.exe C:\scanaerial\ {lat} {lon} {TZoom}
If there is a space in the name of the directory (e.g. C:\scan aerial\) use this:
C:\python27\python.exe "C:\SCANAE~1\" {lat} {lon} {TZoom}
To always use Config-File setting fixedzoomlevel
, use it without {TZoom}:
C:\python27\python.exe C:\scanaerial\ {lat} {lon}
It will create a new menu item in the tools menu.
See also JOSM/Plugins/Scanaerial/Windows
- Unzip the contents of the downloaded archive to the JOSM Plugin directory. Put it to: ~/.josm/plugins/ext_tools/scanaerial
- Install Python + needed libraries:
- Fedora:
yum install pyproj python-pillow
- Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install python-pyproj python-pil
- Fedora:
- Install Ext_tools-Plugin in JOSM (more information on JOSM/Plugins#Installation) & Restart JOSM
- In JOSM press F12 and go to Ext_tools configuration
- Add a new tool by clicking the button saying so. Give the tool a good name (scanaerial would be an idea) and paste this as command line:
/home/<username>/.josm/plugins/ext_tools/scanaerial/ {lat} {lon} {TZoom}
It will create a new menu item in the tools menu. (NB: Syntax may change soon. Due to a bug in Ext_tools you can not write “~” instead of “home”).
Using Scanaerial
- To invoke scanaerial press Ctrl+K or select the new menu item. Now point the cursor on the area you want to trace and left-click.
- For best result you may finetune the values in scanaerial.cfg
Multiple configurations
It is possible to configure Scanaerial to work with several distinct config files. To do so create a separate tool with distinct names for each configuration. The name of the configuration file is passed as the fourth argument to
Example commandline:
/home/<username>/.josm/plugins/ext_tools/scanaerial/ {lat} {lon} {TZoom} myconfig1.cfg
Finetuning Config-File
Key | Default value | Function |
fixedzoomlevel | 11 | use this zoomlevel, if Ext_tools did not tell via TZoom |
server_api | bing | access method of map server: wms, tms or bing |
server_name | Bing | name of the map server (only for the tag string) |
server_url | | half-link for WMS, JOSM-like address for TMS |
empty_tile_bytes | 1033 | size of empty tile (in bytes) for current map server |
empty_tile_checksum | -332268601 | checksum of empty tile file (algorithm: CRC32) |
projection | EPSG:3857 | projection that is used on the map server |
tile_sizex | 256 | leave it to 256 unless you know what you do |
tile_sizey | 256 | leave it to 256 unless you know what you do |
douglas_peucker_epsilon | 0.60 | maximum roughness for smoothening the line |
deactivate_simplifying | 0 | deactivate Douglas-Peucker algorithm (only for debugging) |
colour_str | 30 | colour sensitivity (depends on contrast of images) |
maxfilter_setting | 3 | median filter size (noise reduction strength) |
size_limit | 400 | maximum size of produced object |
Available servers
Fun stuff
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[[Category:Scanaerial User]]
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