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Public-images-osm logo.svg centralkey
GuentherZ 2015-02-14 (1) Wien06 MariahilferStrasse Begegnungszone Fussgaengerampel mit EuroKey.JPG
A toilet (or similar) can be opened by a central key. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: properties
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Status: in usePage for proposal

The tag centralkey=* is used, if a toilet (or similar) can be opened by a central key, that is distributed only to a limited group of persons.

Note that in such case access=private or access=customers is likely also applicable.

This is proposed tag see the proposal at: Proposed features/Centralkey

Use centralkey=eurokey for the key used in Europe, distributed by CBF.

centralkey=mlak for the key used in Australia, from Master Locksmiths Association

centralkey=nks for the UK-"National Key Scheme" of RADAR

centralkey=crt_watermate in use for facilities that require a Canal and River Trust key to operate

Rendered on

[ dead link ]

Data imports

See DE:Kommunikation on progress of data import.

Data in the book "Der Locus" is manually maintained and so, besides some duplicate entries, is rather old. The oldest entries found by me are some from before german reunion, which point to some not more existing toilets. Most toilets listed are not eurokey-compatible and that which are, are mostly from the e.g. old and new Wall AG-lists, so better ask there direct for a complete list. I manually imported some for Berlin from a old 2005 Wall AG ist. But recently found a new one ( All city toilets come with centralkey=eurokey by default. Other sources are websites of local administrations, which sometimes also have newer and more complete lists. --Fabi2 17:35, 18 February 2011 (UTC)

Data donation from CBF is planned. --Lulu-Ann 09:00, 24 October 2011 (BST)Lulu-Ann


The RADAR-key and the EURO-Key (german: "Euro-Schlüssel"). The Euro-Key which was first formerly used in Germany, is now also very popular in Austria, Switzerland, but also Italy and Czech Republic. In Germany most toilets at motorways and e.g. the "city toilets" by Wall AG use the Eurokey-System by default.

See also
