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Description |
Amateur radio repeater ![]() |
Group: communications |
Used on these elements |
Status: in use |
Tools for this tag |
Use communication:amateur_radio:repeater=* to mark the location of a amateur radio repeater.
A amateur radio repeater is a automatic transceiver that receives a signal and transmits it on a different frequency. A repeater receives input, often on one or more fixed frequencies, then retransmits it on another fixed frequency.
Radio amateurs typically use repeaters on VHF and UHF bands in order to communicate within a region using hand-held radios. Multiple repeaters may be linked together to give wider coverage over an area by other radios (typically on a different band) or via Internet Protocol (e.g. IRLP, Echolink, AllStarLink). Linking of repeaters may be continual or turned off an on as needed.
Repeaters are typically associated with a communication tower but sometimes may use a tall building or geographical feature for the necessary height.
The callsign of the repeater, e.g: ZU9DCM, ZS4ZK, ...
- man_made=tower or man_made=communications_tower (mandatory)
- name=*
- communication:amateur_radio:callsign=* amateur radio call sign assigned to the object
- communication:amateur_radio:repeater:frequency_out=* repeater's transmitting frequency (Hz)
- communication:amateur_radio:repeater:modulation=* repeater's modulation type (designation as WARC 79)
- tower:type=*
- communication:amateur_radio:repeater:power=* Transmitter power (W)
- communication:amateur_radio:repeater:shift=* Shift for the repeater's receiver frequency (Hz)
- communication:amateur_radio:repeater:toneburst=* Repeater's activation tone (Hz)
- communication:amateur_radio:repeater:ctcss=* Continuous Tone-Coded Squelch System (Hz)
- communication:amateur_radio:repeater:dcs=* Digital-Coded Squelch System (3-digit octal number)
Additional tags
- operator=* Callsign of the operator that manage the repeater
Details on values
The "modulation" value has to selected according to WARC 79 agreement. Esp. common amateur radio WFM repeater modulation is "20K0F3E", NFM is "11K2F3E".
The "shift" value has to be algebraically added to the "frequency_out" value to have the repeater's incoming frequency. It could be negative.
The "toneburst" value is the tone frequency to be sent for a few seconds at start of a conversation to activate a repeater. Common value is 1750.
The "ctcss" value needs to be given including a single decimal place.