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Public-images-osm logo.svg network:type
To specify the type of network Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: routes
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysshould not be used on areasmay be used on relations
Documented values: 1
Useful combination
Status: in use

The key network:type=* can to used to specify the type of network, especially when the key network=* is used for other purposes. The key is used in particular in the tag network:type=node_network.

This tag network:type=node_network is used on recreational route relations, node network relations and junction nodes to indicate they are part of a node network. A node network is a recreational route network consisting of labeled junctions interconnected by node-to-node routes. Node networks for cycling and hiking are common in The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. In some other countries they are emerging. Node networks for horse riding, paddling (canoe) and small motorboats are appearing.

In the case of node networks the key network=* is used to describe the geographical scale and the mode of transport, e.g. network=rcn describes a regional cycling network. Therefore network:type=* is used to distinguish node network connection routes from regular routes.

In Germany the features of numbered or named node networks overlap with a quite similar system of signposting of designated and exactly defined routes between unnamed nodes, which is in part still in development. This could be seen as an underlying network with more nodes and routes than the numbered nodes and additional routes which are not covered by the numbered or named node network. Partly they belong to other longer routes over several nodes, but other nodes still have basic connections. To describe this underlying network and especially these not otherwise defined routes a tag network:type=basic_network was proposed, but the proposal is inactive.


Key Value Element Comment Photo
network:type node_network noderelation A network consisting of numbered junction nodes connected by node-to-node routes.
network:type basic_network relation Inactive proposal: Routes of a uniformly marked network, that are not part of the numbered or named node network; or possibly all routes of the underlying network which form numbered node network routes, theme routes, roundtrips etc.. Usage for cycling routes in Germany: Tag is used for the system of guideposts with a legal status as traffic signs (where special rules for combination with other traffic signs are defined and applied).

Other values for the key network:type may be added when other network systems arise.

See also