Lynchburg VA Area Import

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Lynchburg VA Area Address Import is a proposed one-time import of Virginia Address Points, covering the Lynchburg Metropolitan Statistical Area, excluding Lynchburg City as address data is mostly complete, and excluding Appomattox County for purposes of scale.


To improve the area around Lynchburg and surrounding counties by filling missing address data for the purpose of navigation. Previous imports of this dataset have been carried out in neighboring counties such as the Rockbridge County, Virginia Address Import and this import will follow similar standards for data processing for cohesion in the geographical area.



Proposal started: 2024-09-12

Data formatting complete: 2024-09-20

Import beginning goal: 2024-10-01

Import completion goal: 2024-12-01

Import Data

Virginia Address Points:
Type of license: Public Domain

The quality of this dataset in the counties of interest is high, and no significant modifications to the data will be necessary aside from field conversion to OSM standards. This includes converting road names out of uppercase, and expanding abbreviations.

Import Type

One Time Import for the first three counties, with possible second round for Appomattox County and other adjacent counties.


The data is split in 400 batches of approximately 2-5 square mile clusters, generated with QGIS k-means clustering. The batches have a mean size of 217 addresses and a median size of 115 addresses, although the maximum batch size is 1,783 address points due to the density near Lynchburg city.

Batch Changeset ID Batch Changeset ID Batch Changeset ID Batch Changeset ID Batch Changeset ID Batch Changeset ID Batch Changeset ID Batch Changeset ID
0 157098081 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
1 157098399 51 101 151 201 251 301 351
2 157100409 52 102 152 202 252 302 352
3 157100506 53 103 153 203 253 303 353
4 157101551 54 157145692 104 154 204 254 304 354
5 157101625 55 105 155 205 255 305 355
6 157102391 56 106 156 206 256 306 356
7 157141044 57 107 157 207 257 307 357
8 157141167 58 108 158 208 258 308 358
9 157141368 59 109 159 209 259 309 359
10 157141533 60 110 160 210 260 310 360
11 157141700 61 111 161 211 261 157145505 311 361
12 157141815 62 112 162 212 262 312 362
13 157142315 63 113 163 213 263 313 363
14 157142458 64 114 164 214 264 314 364
15 157142581 65 115 165 215 265 315 365
16 157142657 66 116 166 216 266 316 366
17 157142846 67 117 167 217 267 317 367
18 157142932 68 118 168 218 268 318 368
19 157143024 69 119 169 219 269 319 369
20 157143379 70 120 170 220 270 320 370
21 71 121 171 221 271 321 371
22 72 122 172 222 272 322 372
23 73 123 173 223 273 323 373
24 74 124 174 224 274 324 374
25 75 125 175 225 275 325 375
26 76 126 176 226 276 326 376
27 77 127 177 227 277 327 377
28 78 128 178 228 157145312 278 328 378
29 79 129 179 229 279 329 379
30 80 130 180 230 280 330 380
31 81 131 181 231 281 331 381
32 82 132 182 157100851 232 282 332 382
33 83 133 183 233 283 333 383
34 84 134 184 234 284 334 384
35 85 135 185 235 285 335 385
36 86 136 186 236 286 336 386
37 87 137 187 237 287 337 387
38 88 138 188 238 288 338 388
39 89 139 189 239 289 339 389
40 90 140 190 240 290 340 390
41 91 141 191 241 291 341 391
42 92 142 192 242 292 342 392
43 93 143 193 243 293 343 393
44 94 144 194 244 294 344 394
45 95 145 195 245 295 345 395
46 96 146 196 246 296 346 396
47 97 147 197 247 297 347 397
48 98 148 198 248 298 348 398
49 99 149 199 249 299 349 399

Data Preparation

The processed batches can be found at this Google Drive folder, including a map of each batch's ID and approximate size.

Tagging Plans

Tag Example Data
addr:housenumber 14
addr:street Riverview Lane
addr:city Concord
addr:state VA
addr:postcode 24430
addr:unit Contains unit identifier
Key:addr:unit:label Contains unit designator

A dedicated user account, shared between verified contributors to the import, will be used to carry out this import. Lynchburg MSA Address Import

Data formatting

The latest .txt file of the VGIN dataset was downloaded 2024-09-11 from [[1]]. This file was processed with an already-existing python script by @tekim created for the Rockbridge import. The script used can be found in this Dropbox data folder hosted by user @pmfox. The counties of interest were extracted as .csv files, which were then converted to .geojson and processed using QGIS to split the data into manageable batches.

Data Merge Workflow

Plugin requirements: BuildingsTools, Conflation, Colored Streets map style, MapWithAI for QA validation

Each batch will be processed as follows:

  1. Open the relevant batch_id_###.geojson file using JOSM.
  2. Open the Virginia Imagery Service - Most Recent imagery layer.
  3. Select all points, and remove the batch_id field.
  4. Onto a new layer, download from OSM to use as the merge layer.
  5. Select all "addr:housenumber" on the downloaded layer, then open the Conflation plugin and FREEZE the Subject layer.
  6. Select all address nodes on the import layer, then open the Conflation plugin and FREEZE the Reference layer.
  7. Resolve matches and conflicts on a case-by-case basis. Add a fixme tag when unsure.
  8. Select all entries in the "Reference only" tab and press Conflate.
  9. Using the Colored Streets map style in JOSM, visually verify addresses are the same color and name as their associated street. If there is a discrepancy between the street and the address, check for typos and cross reference with official VGIN sources, as many roads in this area have not been updated since the TIGER import and are incorrect. Update the street name as necessary. Road geometry and TIGER tag cleanup is out of the scope of this import.
  10. For apartment buildings, this dataset frequently separates every unit into its own address. Merge these nodes into a single node for the building, with the Key:addr:flats field containing all unit numbers (can be expressed as a range or series of ranges according to the wiki page).
  11. On the downloaded layer, select buildings and address nodes in a small working area and use the Merge Address Points function of BuildingsTools. Do not select all on the layer, as this process requires manual verification- occasionally address nodes are misaligned to building footprints and require an adjustment before merging. If multiple addresses exist in one building footprint, leave the addresses as nodes.
  12. Use JOSM's validator with MapWithAI installed at time of upload and resolve any errors or warnings related to addresses.
  13. Upload using the dedicated import account with the changeset comment "Lynchburg VA area address import - batch ###" and place the resulting changeset link in the table above for coordination.



JOSM and MapWithAI's QA functionality will be used to validate each changeset.

See also