Mechanical Edits/Mateusz Konieczny/handle landuse in central Africa, mostly East Congo

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The initially planned revert concerned landuse mapped in area that had some major quality issues and was interpreted as an import.


This is not an import, but mapping using aerial imagery. Please don't follow any revert action on any affected changesets. Potential issues are being discussed with involved users. (Edvac)

Reason for suspecting import

Overpass Turbo data queries for old data state, reveal that geometries appeared together.

Historical data:


  • Notify relevant people
    • I've been notified, please get in touch so we can solve any problem. UNIS is not an import. --Michael Montani (talk) 08:50, 3 February 2021 (UTC)
      • Responded, hopefully issues will be solved and there will be no need for mass revert Mateusz Konieczny (talk) 09:34, 3 February 2021 (UTC)
  • Prevent this from happening in future


  • Source of data is not clearly specified and ts license in unknown
  • Created objects such as supermassive multipolygons with 933 ways, and over 68 000 nodes building them. Editing this works only in some editors, requires good network connection and beefy device due to its extreme size. (this is getting fixed :) )
    • This makes such data worse that no data at all as it heavily discourages editing, especially from people using mobile devices or having worse computer or lower quality of Internet connections
    • Relations are such large that analyzing this edits is complicated and hard to do
    • Trying to open that area in iD was futile on an older computer
    • Unite Maps Initiative/UN Mappers is not mentioning UNIS whatever that is (and that documentation at wiki must include "links where the community can access any non-standard tools or data sources used")
    • Fake data such as strip of farmland to forest around edited area (fixed!)
    • Farmland mapped in places without farmland, supermassive size of multipolygon makes hard to fix it. Maybe delete this jumbofarmland?

Additionally at least following OEG rules were violated

  • Missing documentation of "plans for a “post-event clean up” to validate edits, especially if the activity introduces new contributors to OpenStreetMap"
  • missing "after the activity has completed, or at least once a month for ongoing efforts, a description of the results"
  • "Changeset comments should include the unique hashtag described on the wiki page under Organised Editing/Activities/Name of the Activity (as described in the Process section), and link to that page." (see for example that is missing that link)


Following is necessary to do to avoid mass scale revert of this landuse mapping. If not done or impossible to do, then mass removal will happen:

  • Provide source of this edit (what is hiding behind "UNIS"?) - see
  • Verify whatever its license matches what is ODBL compatible and document what you discovered
  • Verify whatever data matches on the ground situation or at least aerial imagery
  • Split landuse in multipolygons constructed with no more than 50 ways to make this area editable (happening right now, thanks)
    • areas must not be disjointed without a good reason (named areas etc)
  • Avoid multipolygons where possible
  • Fix valid complaints detected by JOSM and Osmose caused by this import



Pending notifications: