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"This project aims to design and build a computational platform for collaborative historical research. The principal goal is to develop state-of-the-art software tools, such as a web portal and Geographical Information System (GIS) plugins, that allow humanities researchers to create, organize, store, integrate, process and publish urban history data sets.

To test and validate the proposed platform, we will perform a use case using digital historical cartographic data sets of the city of São Paulo covering the period of its urban and industrial modernization (1870-1940). We will organize these data sets in a spatiotemporal database. The platform will provide access to this database and allow interaction among researchers, who will be able to contribute to the database events that can be spatially and temporally represented. In doing so, scholars will be able to produce maps and visualizations of their own research and at the same time contribute to the data within the system. This project will enrich understanding of the history of São Paulo during the above-mentioned period in addition to offering an innovative model of research for the digital humanities that fosters collaborative work and free knowledge flow." [1]

For more information, see [1].

How to map

Put a node node or draw a area area, on map where the historical data happened.

How to tag

There are two main categories of historical data:

Historic Buildings

  • historic=<object's type, e.g. building>
  • historic:building=<building's category, e.g. circus>
  • +name=<building's name, e.g. "Percy's Circus">
  • +start_date=<start date of the object, e.g. "1910-01-02">
  • +end_date=<end date of the object, e.g. "1912-06-09"> (optional)
  • +description=<object's description> (optional)

Historic Streets

  • historic=<object's type, e.g. highway>
  • historic:highway=<highway's category, e.g. residential>
  • +name=<highway's name, e.g. "Rua Pio X">
  • +start_date=<start date of the object, e.g. "1900-12-08">
  • +end_date=<end date of the object, e.g. "1917-05-13"> (optional)
  • +description=<object's description> (optional)

Format of dates

The format of the dates are ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD. Examples:

  • 1930-07-19
  • 1900-05
  • 1940

About the Objects

Related OpenStreeMap Projects


  • [1], Pauliceia's Project