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Proposal status: Abandoned (inactive)
Proposed by: Myfanwy
Tagging: attribution=<name of the organisation from where the data originates

Rendered as: N/A
Draft started:
Proposed on: 2008-03-19
RFC start: 2008-03-19

Proposed value

Intent: some organisations who donate data insist that they are given persistent attribution as the origin


  • <tag k="attribution" v="name of the organisation where the data originated"/>
  • <tag k="uri" v="<address where more can be read about this org/the data (may be on the wiki, or external)>"/>

Applies to

areas, nodes and ways

Proposed Rendering

this will not render??


comments are welcome

For attribution URL, we don't want to get confused with URL describing the object itself? So attribution:URL= or similar for getting license data? Ojw 21:58, 19 March 2008 (UTC)