Proposal:Surcharges and Discounts

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Surcharges and Discounts
Proposal status: Proposed (under way)
Proposed by: Aharvey
Tagging: charge:method=*
Applies to: node, way, area, relation
Definition: An extension to the existing charge=* tagging schema to add surcharges and discounts as either a percentage or fixed amount applicable based on payment method or time interval.

Draft started: 2024-09-17
RFC start: 2024-09-17


Venues such as cafes, restaurants, shops which accept payments may impose surcharges and/or discounts which only apply conditionally based on the method of payment and/or time of day, day of week, etc. For example a credit card surcharge, a Sunday surcharge, or a cash discount. In cases where these vary from venue to venue it would be useful to map this data in OSM.

Per Good practice#Don't map local legislation if not bound to specific objects this should only be mapped in jurisdictions where these values may vary by venue. If a jurisdiction for example legislates venues may not charge a surcharge based on payment methods, then don't use this tagging, or if there is a legislated fixed amount and venues cannot vary this amount, then don't map the specific amount.


The existing charge=* and charge:conditional=* tagging schemes support mapping specific charge amounts like an entry fee or toll, but don't support variations applied based on a percentage or fixed amount surcharge or discount based on payment method or time interval.

payment:method=* defines if a certain payment method is accepted or not, but not the exact surcharge or discount applied to each payment method.

This proposal is closely related to both of these and works in extension of both.


To tag a payment method surcharge or discount use charge:method=yes/no/percentage/amount with syntax:

charge:<method> = <surcharge-or-discount>

To tag a time interval surcharge or discount use charge:conditional=yes/no/percentage/amount @ condition with syntax:

charge:conditional = <surcharge-or-discount> @ <condition>[;<surcharge-or-discount> @ <condition>]


This field should be a payment method per payment:*=*

Surcharge or discount

This field may be:

  • yes for a surcharge is applied but the specific amount has not or cannot been specified
  • no for a surcharge does not apply
  • X% for a X% surcharge applies, for example 5%
  • -X% for a X% discount applies, for example -5%
  • +<amount> <currency code> per charge=* for a fixed amount/flat rate surcharge, for example +0.30 AUD for a 30c surcharge. The leading + is important to distinguish the value as a surcharge rather than the exact amount of the charge.
  • -<amount> <currency code> per charge=* for a fixed amount/flat rate discount, for example -5 AUD for a $5 discount. The leading - is important to distinguish the value as a discount rather than the exact amount of the charge.


This field follows the syntax from Conditional restrictions#Condition which in this case will usually only need the standard opening_hours=* syntax.


Suggested tagging for credit card surcharges, cash discounts, Sunday surcharges, public holiday surcharges.

Scenario Tags Tags based on Kovposch's feedback
Credit Card Surcharge

specific amount not specified

charge:credit_cards=yes payment:credit_cards:fee=yes
Credit Card Surcharge

1.5% credit card surcharge

(applied to all accepted cards)

charge:credit_cards=1.5% payment:credit_cards:surcharge=1.5%
No Credit Card Surcharge charge:credit_cards=no payment:credit_cards:fee=no
Cash Discount

5% discount applied to price when paying by cash.

charge:cash=-5% payment:cash:discount=5%
Sunday Surcharge

10% surcharge applied on Sundays

charge:conditional=10% @ (Su) payment:surcharge:conditional=10% @ Su
Public Holiday Surcharge

10% surcharge applied on Public Holidays

charge:conditional=10% @ (PH) payment:surcharge:conditional=10% @ PH
Sunday and Public Holiday Surcharges

15% surcharge applied on Public Holidays

10% surcharge applied on Sundays

charge:conditional=10% @ (Su); 15% @ (PH) payment:surcharge:conditional=10% @ Su; 15% @ PH
Weekend and Public Holiday Surcharges

10% surcharge applied on Weekends and Public Holidays

charge:conditional=10% @ (Sa-Su,PH) payment:surcharge:conditional=10% @ Sa-Su,PH
No Sunday Surcharge charge:conditional=0% @ (Su) payment:surcharge:conditional=no @ Su
Cash payments not accepted payment:cash=no
AMEX not accepted payment:american_express=no
Credit Card Surcharges vary by card

1.5% VISA / MasterCard


Flat rate credit card surcharge

30c credit card surcharge

charge:credit_cards=+0.30 AUD payment:credit_cards:fee=yes + payment:credit_cards:charge=0.30 AUD
Credit Card Surcharge

No surcharge on EFTPOS

payment:credit_cards:fee=yes + payment:eftpos:fee=no


Not suggested to include on rendering, however place directories and apps may list this information on the listing.

Features/Pages affected

If approved the proposal content here would be merged into the existing pages at Key:charge, Key:charge:conditional and Key:payment:*.

External discussions

See also

  • happy_hours=* to tag specific recurring times when discounts may apply to products purchased


Please comment on the discussion page.