Sample driving instructions/sl SI

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These are Slovenian translations of the texts in Sample driving instructions.

Note that /singular expressions are not strictly needed, as that case is also covered with a plurals formula (/plurals[1]). They are left in here only for compatibility reasons, but can/should be removed when plurals are working fine.


This section contains the basic english phrases. The bold names are identifying the phrase, so that it's translations can be found.

please keep the structure intact to allow automatic parsing of this wiki-page

destination_reached "Prispeli ste na cilj." You have reached your destination.

destination_reached_DISTANCE "Čez (distance) (unit) boste na cilju." In 50 meters you have reached your destination.

turn_around "Obrnite, čim bo to mogoče!" Please turn around when possible!

turn_around_DISTANCE "Čez (distance) (unit) se obrnite!" In 200 meters turn around!

turn_DIRECTION "Zavijte (direction)!" Please turn left!

turn_DIRECTION_SIGNPOST "Zvijte (direction) proti (destinations)!" Please turn left towards CityA, CityB, Motorway5!

turn_DIRECTION_NAME "Zavijte (direction) na (streetname)!" Please turn left into 5th Avenue!

turn_DIRECTION_DISTANCE "Čez (distance) (unit) zavijte (direction)!" In 2Km turn left!

turn_DIRECTION_DISTANCE_NAME "Čez (distance) (unit) zavijte (direction) na (streetname)!" In 2Km turn left into 5th Avenue!

turn_DIRECTION_DISTANCE_SIGNPOST "Čez (distance) (unit) zavijte (direction) proti (destinations)!" In 2Km turn left towards CityA, CityB, Motorway5!

take_EXIT "Zapeljite na (numbers)!" Please take the first exit!

take_SIGNPOST "Zapeljite na izvoz proti (destinations)!" Please take the exit towards CityA, CityB!

take_EXIT_SIGNPOST "Zapeljite na (numbers) proti (destinations)!" Please take the first exit towards CityA, CityB!

take_EXIT_KEEP_SIGNPOST "Zapeljite na (numbers), nato se držite (direction) proti (destinations)!" Please take the first exit, then keep left towards CityA!

take_KEEP_SIGNPOST "Zapeljite na izvoz, nato se držite (direction) proti (destinations)!" Please take the exit, then keep left towards CityA!

enter_roundabout "Zapeljite v krožišče!" Please enter the roundabout!

enter_roundabout_EXIT "Zapeljite v krožišče, nato pa na (numbers)!" Please enter the roundabout. Then take the second exit!

enter_roundabout_EXIT_DISTANCE "Čez (distance) (unit) zapeljite v krožišče, nato pa na (numbers)!" In 1.2 Km enter the roundabout. Then take the second exit!

over_roundabout_EXIT "V krožišču pojdite naravnost, (numbers)." Please cross the roundabout, third exit.

over_roundabout_EXIT_DISTANCE "V krožišču čet (distance) (unit) pojdite naravnost, (numbers)." In 1.2 Km cross the roundabout, third exit.

over_roundabout_DIRECTION_EXIT "V krožišču zavijte (direction), (numbers)." Please turn left in the roundabout, third exit.

over_roundabout_DIRECTION_EXIT_DISTANCE "V krožišču čet (distance) (unit) zavijte (direction), (numbers)." In 1.2 Km turn left in the roundabout, third exit.

follow_NAME "Nadaljujte po (name)!"

follow_NAME_DISTANCE "Nadaljujte po (name) še (distance) (unit)!"



direction/left "levo"

direction/right "desno"

direction/left/hard "ostro levo"

direction/right/hard "ostro desno"

direction/left/slight "rahlo levo"

direction/right/slight "rahlo desno"


numbers/first_exit "prvi izvoz"

numbers/second_exit "drugi izvoz"

numbers/third_exit "tretji izvoz"

numbers/fourth_exit "četrti izvoz"

numbers/fifths_exit "peti izvoz"


time/day/singular "dan"

time/day/plurals/formula "(n%100==1 ? 1 : n%100==2 ? 2 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 3 : 0)"

time/day/plurals[0] "dni"

time/day/plurals[1] "dan"

time/day/plurals[2] "dneva"

time/day/plurals[3] "dnevi"

time/hour/singular "ura"

time/hour/plurals/formula "(n%100==1 ? 1 : n%100==2 ? 2 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 3 : 0)"

time/hour/plurals[0] "ur"

time/hour/plurals[1] "ura"

time/hour/plurals[2] "uri"

time/hour/plurals[3] "ure"

time/minute/singular "minuta"

time/minute/plurals/formula "(n%100==1 ? 1 : n%100==2 ? 2 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 3 : 0)"

time/minute/plurals[0] "minut"

time/minute/plurals[1] "minuta"

time/minute/plurals[2] "minuti"

time/minute/plurals[3] "minute"

time/second/singular "sekunda"

time/second/plurals/formula "(n%100==1 ? 1 : n%100==2 ? 2 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 3 : 0)"

time/second/plurals[0] "sekund"

time/second/plurals[1] "sekunda"

time/second/plurals[2] "sekundi"

time/second/plurals[3] "sekunde"


units/kph "km/h"

units/mph "milj/h"

units/ms "m/s"

units/km "km"

units/m/singular "meter"

units/m/plurals/formula "(n%100==1 ? 1 : n%100==2 ? 2 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 3 : 0)"

units/m/plurals[0] "metrov"

units/m/plurals[1] "meter"

units/m/plurals[2] "metra"

units/m/plurals[3] "metri"

units/miles/singular "milja"

units/miles/plurals/formula "(n%100==1 ? 1 : n%100==2 ? 2 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 3 : 0)"

units/miles/plurals[0] "milj"

units/miles/plurals[1] "milja"

units/miles/plurals[2] "milji"

units/miles/plurals[3] "milje"


places/start "izhodišče"

places/destination/singular "cilj"

places/destination/plural "cilji"

places/home "dom"

places/poi "POI"

places/poi/trainstation "železniška postaja"

places/poi/toilet "stranišče"

places/poi/phone "telefon"

places/poi/gas "bencinski servis"

places/labels/city "mesto"

places/labels/street "ulica"

places/labels/housenumer/long "hišna številka"

places/labels/housenumer/short "št."

places/labels/zipcode "pošta"


metric/fastest "najhitrejša pot"

metric/shortest "najkrajša pot"

metric/fuelefficient "najučinkovitejša pot"

common labels

labels/search "iskanje"

labels/vehicle "vozilo"

labels/fullscreen "Čez cel zaslon"

labels/exit "izhod"

labels/comport "kom. vrata"

labels/baudrate "baud rate"

labels/time "čas"

labels/destination_time "ETA"

labels/route_me "poišči pot"

labels/help "pomoč"

labels/settings "settings"

labels/preferences "nastavitve"

labels/abort "prekliči"

labels/ok "potrdi"

labels/map "zemljevid"

labels/open_map "naloži zemljevid"

labels/import_map "uvozi zemljevid"

labels/download "sprejem"

labels/download_map "sprejem zemljevida"

labels/map/autorotate "samodejno obrni zemljevid"

labels/map/autocenterGPS "samodejno centriraj zemljevid"

labels/map/centerGPSonce "centriraj na GPS"

labels/map/showGPStrail "prikaži sled

Translation of routing applications

These pages are collecting translations for Slovenščina.

Please contact the developers of the following applications if you have missing or improved translations for the linked documents that go beyond what we have here on these pages.

Routing applications: